
=== DrKK`` is now known as DrKK`
anotheryouhi, I *removed* xfce4-notifyd and now I finally see notifications (e.g. from slack). Do you know what does output these now? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/MYzVoidr/image.png11:39
anotheryouthe only thing missing is seeing which app the notifications come from :)11:43
diogenes_anotheryou, looks like dunst.11:48
wwmI need a hand. I have broken this new walmart evo that has allowed me to get a live usb installer to work to give me a memory based desktop but the usb is broken and I have unfortunitly wiped windows as the main os from the main hard drive I am trying to get linux as my main install. but like i said my installer is broke I have a iso but am having15:31
wwmissues getting it to boot so to say in the desktop inviroment so I can use the iso as the installer so it can give me a working os on my laptop. Can you help me if this all made sense?15:31
wwmI have accomplished mounting the iso but am at a loss at this point...15:32
gnrpwwm: Did not really make sense, but let's start slowly...^^15:39
gnrpwwm: So you got a computer (?) which has no OS installed at the moment?15:39
gnrpand you want to install xubuntu on it15:40
gnrpand you got a USB drive and right now you are booted from that USB drive into a xubuntu?15:40
wwmsorry i have been hving a rough go at this walmart evoo.. I have reseached how to install ubuntu completly instead ow windows on this machine many said it can not be done but I some how got to get a usb installer to load the try it out feature15:41
wwmBut I can not use the usb installer since i get error's. when the installer runs.15:41
wwmno I tried to install and it wipped the hdd and treid to install but crashed basically.15:41
wwmso as of right now I am in the try it out feature of the usb but as I said it is broke So I am limited to what I can actually accomplish with it.15:44
wwmI am a abibbid linux user and despise windows and want xubuntu as my main os.15:45
wwmcan you help?15:45
wwm@gnrp sorry about that. I tried to make as much sense as I can with this issue since I believe this is a first for this kind of laptop as I said before I have researched how to install linux on this laptop but no one has had luck and thought it was not possible.15:48
wwmbut I broke my windows on purpose and was able to get the usb live installer to load up. But when following the install process I get error's and it crashes and loads to the try it out feature of the usb. I have mounted an iso file in the try it out desktop but I want to run the img file as a cd so I can you the iso file as a cd img installer.15:49
wwmgnrp to your question yes and yes15:50
wwmyes 18.04 lts will be installed. and yes currently in the live usb feature from a xubuntu 18.04 usb installer15:55
gnrpwwm: Sorry, did something else in the meantime16:03
gnrpwwm: What are these errors youg et?16:03
gnrpand why are you using a 18.04?16:03
gnrpwwm: Do you have another usb drive at hand?16:04
gnrpif so, I would recommend you to download a 20.04 or even 20.10 iso and put it on that usb drive and then try installing from that16:05
wwmI would but have no way to create a new usb launcher.. I remeber ubuntu iso's use to have a installer launch capability back in the day I was trying to access that. I ussually stay away from the latest release it's always so buggy.16:06
wwmalso like i said i can not do to much in this live version of the usb I am currently using. I tried instaling unebootin but can not get it to run and install. from the downloaded link.16:09
gnrpwwm: You don't need unetbootin16:09
wwmplus the main os is wipped if i remove the usb I am currently logged into It will boot to bios over and over16:09
gnrpyou can just dd the iso on the USB drive16:09
wwmcan you walk me through that?16:10
gnrpso you have another USB drive at hand?16:10
* gnrp has to cook in a few minutes, though...16:10
wwmit's been a while since i have used linux. feel like i am a bit rusty.. ty i apprecaite it.16:10
gnrpah, you have no other USB drive at hand?16:10
wwmjust the one i am using and I only have two usb ports on this thing..16:11
gnrpoh. That's an issue anyway. I don't want to propose to you to overwrite your only working operating system on your flash drive16:11
wwmI do have a single sd card slot I could use to create a new bootable sd card that i can use with my sd to usb adapter.? will that work??16:11
gnrpwhen your computer can boot from SD card (you have to check the BIOS), yes16:12
wwmwell like i said it is broke any ways. lol16:12
gnrpwell, at least that one USB drive has a running system on it16:12
wwmI already managed to get it to boot from usb drive but it's to a broken installer. so even the live is llimited.16:13
gnrpAnyway, keep that system16:13
gnrpif you have a SD card, that is good16:13
gnrpso you download the 20.04 iso (and not the 18.04, which is apparently not working...)16:13
wwmplus I want to bry now and then.e able to set the os up to personal settings and not have to lose them every time i log out and in plus have to use the usb every time. when I have a external storage space i need to be able to access eve16:14
gnrpand then you execute the following command:   `sudo dd if=xubuntu- bs=4k of=$DEVICE`, where you ahve to replace $DEVICE by the raw device of the SD card16:14
wwmwell my internet is slow as shit so not sure if downloading a new iso file is going to work,.16:14
gnrpthen please run the installer on your live system and tell us the errors it reports16:15
wwmI am not sure if that will cause me to lose this window if i run the broken installer while here.16:16
gnrpwhy should it?16:16
gnrpthe installer is a separate application16:16
gnrpyou go on the desktop and then run it16:16
wwmtells me it's a cleaning the cd rom issue. but it's a usb. which makes feel it isi broken16:16
remlinewwm: How do you know the installer is broken?16:16
gnrpplease run the installer and tell us the exact issue. If you can copy/paste the error message, do so16:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
wwmok will try and get it for you16:16
gnrpotherwise make a screenshot, and upload it to the above-mentioned website16:17
wwmrunning it now when i get the erro i will post it,.16:18
* gnrp is afk for cooking, but I will check in from time to time16:20
gnrpanyway, somebody else might take over in helping if I'm not returning in time16:20
wwmThe installer encountered a error copying files to the hard disk16:20
wwmerror 516:20
wwminput output error16:21
gnrpwwm: Please make a screenshot16:21
gnrpwhat device did you install it on?16:22
gnrpI mean, which one did you choose?16:22
gnrpin genereal, this error is not good. It often hints at hardware problems or some hardware handling problems16:22
gnrpthat's also why I'd propose to try a more recent xubuntu version16:22
gnrpsticking to old versions is fine, but sticking not to the currente lts version does not really make sense to me16:23
wwmyeah.. screen shot is hard I AM NOT SURE IT WORKS ON HERE. and i also don't have access to accounts to upload and link you screenshots..16:23
gnrpah, ok16:23
gnrpyou press the PrtScr button to make a screenshot16:23
gnrphowever, I recommend you document better the actual error you are getting. And try a more recent version. There ar emore complicated ways, but they take more of an evening16:25
wwmso can i boot this iso as a live cd? from the live usb i am logged into I have 20hrs for new 20 version to download.16:25
gnrpI'll be back in about one and a half hours16:25
gnrpyou need some place to store the iso on16:25
wwmI have that sd card slot i can use16:26
gnrpyou can put it directly on the hard drive, then install xubuntu on th eusb drive, then boot the usb drive and transfer the data to the hard drive, but that is quite complicated if you don't know how to do it16:26
gnrpyes, if you have the SD card and you can boot from it, then that is fine16:26
gnrphowever, if you have an I/O error, it is likely the error will persist with a new version16:26
gnrpyou can also copy the USB drive to the SD card16:27
gnrpwith   `dd if=$DEV1 of=$DEV2 bs=4k`, where $DEV1 is your USB drive, $DEV2 is your SD card16:27
gnrpafk for now, sorr16:27
wwmwell like i said up top I have been fighting to get this laptop away from windows but research found out that microsoft has added new features to make it harder for users to wipe windows completly to customize there laptop to an os that is more functional..16:28
FfakhfdifufwHi, I cannot get into my ubuntu because it fails to resume from ram suspend each time I'm turning it on. Is there any way to stop it from doing that, discard the suspend data, and just boot normally?22:51
MaikFfakhfdifufw: please do not cross post23:05
Maikwhat do you run now, Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu?23:05
Maiki ask because you asked the same question in #kubuntu23:06
FfakhfdifufwIt's Kubuntu to be exact, but I figured it's similar so people might help me at some of the *ubuntu channels. I would go to #ubuntu except I can't because it needs registration and my nick is on the broken machine I can't get into23:07
Maikthen stick in #kubuntu23:08
Maikof no one can help you there you could ask in #ubuntu too23:08
Maikthis channel is specific for support with xubuntu :)23:08

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