[03:18] [telegram] Is there any method that describe the lubuntu version that we installed in our laptop is downloaded from which website official or other.kindly reply.is there any method to recognize the version that I have installed in my laptop is from official website (re @teward001: sorry I wasn't around. You're fairly accurate, but you should probably just state that "lubuntu.net is not affiliated with Canonical, or the LUbuntu Team, and is not an of [03:22] there is no web site encoded on the media, so nothing to say if it was from a Canonical site (ubuntu.com), official mirror (as per https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors) or other site.. All Ubuntu, Canonical & Lubuntu sites only refer to official sites (not lubuntu.net) [03:22] @Saba ^ [03:25] there are a number of blog articles (on lubuntu.me) that refer to lubuntu.net outside of Lubuntu/Ubuntu control === jwoffenden is now known as striking7 === Maik is now known as ModeCouse92 === ModeCouse92 is now known as Maik [22:14] [telegram] <ㅤ> How can I change grub location tk to pc hard it seems it was install on flash disk because lubuntu won't run without the flash [23:54] @ unknown on telegram (name doesn't show here sorry).. boot your system, then use `sudo grub-install /dev/???` to install to the wanted drive (eg. sda for my system but your system may use a different name; note it's the device 'sda' for me and not a partition (sda1 wouldn't help)