
jameshamurray: if you've got a chance at some point, I'd appreciate some feedback on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/proposal-add-polkit-and-polkit-agent-interfaces-to-snapd/2387602:08
jameshI know the post is pretty long, but I think it covers most of the bases for what these interfaces need to do02:09
mupPR snapd#10160 opened: tests, overlord: extend unit tests, extend spread tests to cover full command line support <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10160>06:19
zygagood morning06:32
mborzeckizyga: hey06:32
zygamborzecki hey06:32
mborzeckiheh, unlucky me: ownload snap "core" (10958) from channel "stable" (received an unexpected http response code (503) when trying to download https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/download/99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776_10958.snap)06:32
pedronispstolowski: hi07:13
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:15
mvogood morning pstolowski, pedronis and mborzecki07:18
mborzeckimvo: hey, can I ask you to take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10156 ? :)07:19
mupPR #10156: boot, bootloader, bootloader/assets: support for full command line override from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10156>07:19
mvomborzecki: sure!07:19
mborzeckimvo: and this one: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148 maybe if you could start with this one first07:20
mupPR #10148: overlord/devicestate, overlord/snapstate: add task for updating kernel command lines from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148>07:20
mborzeckiquick errand, back in 3007:45
zygamvo good morning07:50
zygamvo I've sent a patch for snapd, probably needs more discussion and tweaks, wanted to know what you think: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1015807:51
mupPR #10158: packaging: build without dwarf debugging data <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10158>07:51
mvozyga: good morning!07:51
mvozyga: let me check07:51
zygamvo: separately, I have an idea o how to make pi recovery work for bad kernels without uboot in the loop07:52
mvozyga: iirc debuild/dh-golang will strip already07:52
zygamvo: not sure if you are interested in that product-wise (it's more of a demo platform)07:52
mvozyga: that's probably why ian sees no difference in the build snapd07:52
zygamvo: my installed snapd is larger than the one I build locally07:52
zygamvo: I realize stripping happens but perhaps it's not the same (toolchain immaturity?)07:52
mvozyga: the pi recovery would use piboot and the os-prefix?07:52
zygamvo: the native bootloader but not os-prefix07:53
mvozyga: oh, interessting, that's strange then. if you build using snapcraft/dpkg-buildpackage and not see stripped binaries that's something worth looking into of course :)07:53
zygamvo: I need to write it down, the essence is that the firmware supports boot-once logic07:53
zygamvo: and then another feature of the bootloader that can allow you to have a fallback to what worked07:54
mvozyga: waveform had some ideas about fallback for pi using piboot (the native bootloader), not sure the details written somewhere that is accessible for you07:54
zygamvo: and lastly a feature of the partition table07:54
zygamvo: all in all, no uboot needed07:54
zygamvo: I would love to exchange ideas07:54
mvozyga: that partition table bit is new07:54
mvozyga: interessting! yeah, totally in favour of this :)07:54
zygamvo: it would be incompatible with current formatting07:55
zygamvo: it would require a gadget with different partition layout and some small amount of code to handle this on snapd side07:55
zygamvo: os-prefix is very useful but there's only one you can set07:55
zygamvo: and while there is recovery kernel, you cannot trigger anything to go into that if you have a non-empty kernel that is busted07:56
zygawaveform: ^^07:56
zygamvo: on the sizes, what is the size of snapd you get now?07:57
zygamvo: my local system has a 27MB binary07:57
zygamvo: the one I have built is 23MB07:58
zygamvo: with snap{,d,ctl,-repair,-bootstrap} combined it should add up quickly07:59
zygaI probably missed a binary or two by now07:59
mvozyga: yeah, I have 27 as well08:06
zygamvo: so I suspect either 1) strip is not the same as the flag I pass08:07
zygamvo: or 2) strip is not really done08:07
mvozyga: yeah, something is off and 5mb per binary is nothing to sneeze at08:07
zygamvo: yeah, totally08:07
zygamvo: I'll go work on my day job now, let me know if you figure something out08:07
mvozyga: yeah, thanks for this! will try to find time, we are at the end of cycle scramble right now08:09
zygamvo: oh right08:10
zygamvo: good luck!08:10
mvozyga: thank you!08:10
mborzeckidamn, that took long09:23
mvopedronis_: any concerns if I merge 10110 (the dsp PR) without your review? has two +1 (from security and from me)09:41
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=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
pedronismvo: I think we were waiting for testing results? did we know if it works for its audience09:52
pedronis*do we09:52
pedronismvo: we should probably chat about it at the standup09:52
mvopedronis: sure, we can chat there. worst is is that we would revert, having it on edge seems useful but let me ping the users if it works09:55
pedronismvo: I think Ian made a branch but not sure09:55
mvopedronis: I don't see one but let me chase this then09:56
pedronismvo: anyway I asked a question there about the flavor name10:00
mupPR snapd#10161 opened: boot, gadget: move opening the snap container into the gadget helper <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10161>10:25
mborzeckiehh no luck with tests today:  E: The repository 'https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/azure-cli focal Release' no longer has a Release file.10:35
waveformzyga, sorry - just noticed the pings above! Do you know about the "tryboot" facility that got added to the pi's bootloader late last year?11:13
zygaabout the reboot2 thing?11:14
zygaor is there something else that allows that?11:14
zygaI know about a way to reboot and leave a note in the vc register to boot from another partition11:16
waveformsomething else: late last year the foundation added a "tryboot" facility which is an ephemeral fallback facility. It's used by running "sudo systemctl reboot tryboot" IIRC (requires a kernel patch and an up to date bootcode.bin/EEPROM); that sets a read'n'reset register which on the subsequent reboot causes the bootloader to load tryboot.txt instead of config.txt. If that boot fails, a subsequent boot will drop back to config.txt as usual11:16
* pstolowski lunch11:16
zygaoh that's interesting11:16
zygaso same partition11:16
waveformyeah, it's different to the watchdog register that permitted directing boot to another partition -- that predates the tryboot facility11:16
waveformyes, same partition11:16
zygaand separate conifg.txt?11:16
waveformcalled tryboot.txt11:16
zygais that documented? I only found the register documentation and config.txt/autoboot.txt references in noobsw11:17
waveformlet me see if I can find the relevant commits (that's the only documentation at the moment)11:17
zygaI was thinking of using a pair of boot partitions11:17
zygaand booting to the 2nd one for "try" boot with a one-time reboot2 trick11:17
zygathen if that worked, edit mbr in place to swap A/B boot partitions11:18
waveformyup -- provided you've got a "guaranteed bootable" kernel on the first partition that's certainly workable too11:18
zygaso the idea is that partition 1 and 2 are swapped "in place" by editing MBR11:18
zygaand the other partition is the safe one11:18
waveforminteresting -- I should note that the pi's bootloader now supports GPT too11:19
zygaso 1st partition is always good11:19
zygaeven though it may be the second partition on disk (but first in mbr)11:19
zygaoh that's great11:19
zygaI was worried about MBR11:19
waveformyeah, think that got added in ... eerm  ... December last year? I forget exactly11:19
zygaso systemctl reboot tryboot sets the same register?11:20
zygait takes a string, parses that to a number and dumps that into that four-letter register (forgot the name) that picks the partition11:20
zygais there a magic value that does "tryboot.txt"11:20
waveformgood question -- just looking for the kernel commits11:21
zygaI was also looking at the ubuntu kernel11:21
zygato see if I can read the register with reboot reason11:21
zygabut that module is not present somehow11:21
zygaso I used videocore RPC to read it11:21
waveformah, apparently it was november when they added the "full" version that supported all pi models (the initial tryboot implementation in october 2020 was pi4 only)11:24
pedronismborzecki: thanks for review jamesh PR11:24
waveformah, and here's the kernel change: https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/pull/393711:25
mupPR raspberrypi/linux#3937: Add support for 'tryboot' OS upgrade fallback mechanism on BCM2711 <Created by timg236> <Merged by pelwell> <https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/pull/3937>11:25
mborzeckipedronis: np, i see that jamesh linked to a test that does something close what i suggested11:25
pedronisyes, also my follow adds more coverage as well11:26
pedronisfrom various angles11:26
pedronisif you look at it11:26
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, the tests suites add expected access level now, which is nice11:27
zygawaveform nice, thank you11:27
waveformno prob :)11:27
zygawaveform so that's nice, is there a plan to move snapd to this mechanism?11:27
jameshmborzecki: yeah, thanks for the review!11:28
mborzeckijamesh: yw11:29
waveformI'm not sure -- I did pitch using that as the fallback mechanism back when it got added, but last I heard uboot was still required for some of the boot sequence so I'm not sure what the current status is11:30
zygawaveform I think uboot is only required to implement this feature in the first lpace11:35
ograyeah, it is only the scripts to try and fall back the boot that we use u-boot for11:48
ograthough as i understand, that feature is only supported on pi4 dues to using the EEPROM ... so we'd need a special pi4 image again11:50
mborzeckiogra: image, gadget and an eeprom update too, and then make snapd aware of this snowflake of a bootloader11:51
mupPR snapd#10162 opened: tests: new test static checker <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10162>12:50
mupPR snapd#10157 closed: o/snapstate: remove unused DeviceCtx argument of ensureInstallPreconditions <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10157>13:15
mborzeckigrrr - Ensure prerequisites for "swtpm-mvo" are available (cannot install snap base "core18": cannot query the store for updates: got unexpected HTTP status code 503 via POST to "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh")13:39
mborzeckiofc it failed in the test i really wanted to pass :/13:40
ijohnsonanybody know of a quick example of mocking a device context outside of snapstate/devicestate ?14:23
ijohnsonah it seems I forgot to unlunch myself14:23
* ijohnson found snapstatetest.TrivialDeviceContext14:26
mborzeckimeh https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148 nested 20.04 job seems to be stuck in queued 😕14:41
mupPR #10148: overlord/devicestate, overlord/snapstate: add task for updating kernel command lines from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148>14:41
ijohnsonpedronis: mvo I filed a PR with a spread test for the vitality issue we discussed this morning https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1016314:41
mupPR #10163: o/configstate/configcore/vitality: fix RequireMountedSnapdSnap bug <Bug> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10163>14:41
ijohnsonbboozzoo: which prs should I review for your kernel command line work ?14:45
mupPR snapd#10163 opened: o/configstate/configcore/vitality: fix RequireMountedSnapdSnap bug <Bug> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10163>14:45
mborzeckiijohnson: it'd be great if you looked at the last 3 commits in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1016014:45
mupPR #10160: tests, overlord: extend unit tests, extend spread tests to cover full command line support <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10160>14:45
mborzeckiijohnson: thanks!14:46
mborzeckimvo: can you land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148 ? the failure on 18.04 is unrelated to the PR14:47
mupPR #10148: overlord/devicestate, overlord/snapstate: add task for updating kernel command lines from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148>14:47
mvomborzecki: sure15:08
mupPR snapd#10148 closed: overlord/devicestate, overlord/snapstate: add task for updating kernel command lines from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10148>15:10
mborzeckimvo: thank you!15:13
mborzecki#10156 has been updated15:16
mupBug #10156: First user must be in the "disk" group by default. <base-config (Ubuntu):Invalid by cjwatson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/10156>15:16
mupPR #10156: boot, bootloader, bootloader/assets: support for full command line override from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10156>15:16
* cachio_ lunch15:54
mupPR snapd#10156 closed: boot, bootloader, bootloader/assets: support for full command line override from gadget <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10156>16:41
mborzeckinow for the last part16:41
mborzeckipedronis: mvo: i've updated #10160 that's the last part16:45
mupBug #10160: shares-admin should run as sudo <gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu):Invalid by seb128> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/10160>16:45
mupPR #10160: tests, overlord: extend unit tests, extend spread tests to cover full command line support <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10160>16:45
mborzeckiijohnson: please take a look at #10160 again if you can, i've pushed one more test that pedronis asked for today which basically simulates an unexpected reboot when updating command lines16:46
ijohnsonbboozzoo sure will do17:27
mupPR snapcraft#3499 closed: Update Docker image instructions <Created by abitrolly> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3499>18:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mupPR snapd#10164 opened: o/servicestate/servicemgr.go: add ensure loop for snap service units <Bug> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10164>22:06

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