=== zbenjamin is now known as Guest71430 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === semeion is now known as mnemonic === StathisA_ is now known as StathisA [04:53] Hi everyone. I have been debugging a wifi problem I have had for the past several days. Would anyone here be able to help me out and determine what the root cause of the problem is? [04:54] I have a post about my adventure on AskUbuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1330803/usb-device-0cf39271-qualcomm-atheros-communications-ar9271-802-11n-drops-wi [04:55] The summary so far is that the nonce wpa_supplicant uses during the 4-way handshake is different from what the router uses, but the nonce is different in only 2 bit positions. [08:06] fresh install offline of ubuntu server with static ip of GW [08:06] plugged onto a netgear switch port 4 [08:06] netgear is uplinked to a fw [08:06] if I plug a laptop with static ip address onto port 4 of netgear switch, then I am able to ping its gw [08:06] BUT my ubuntu says it can't reach its default gateway when plugged onto the same port 4 of netgear switch [08:06] within ubuntu I can ping itself and on the switch port 4 I can see it is up so cable is good [08:06] but why the hell can't i ping my gw from ubuntu? [08:07] uhhh [08:24] alguien que hable espanol ? tengo una pregunta porfa [08:26] !es [08:26] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [08:34] Trying `do-release-upgrade -d` from 20.10 to the current development version resulted in being unable to boot my iMac. (Tried using boot-repair and also grub-update manually without success.) Have others had problems with EFI booting? [08:44] sorry about that ThothCastel === jim7j1ajh is now known as jimt === denningsrogue68 is now known as denningsrogue6 === Whookam is now known as Thin_icE [08:59] hey. [09:00] i understand it is because of spam, but requiring users to register their nick before being able to join this channel is quite a hurdle when looking for help, especially when using the installer and you dont have your nickserv password at hand. [09:01] whatever, heres my question. how to quicklz set the kezboard lazout? [09:02] :) [09:02] theres this menu at the right top but theres onlz english variants. [09:03] whz not include the most common languages in there? [09:03] or even a menu entrz @choose kezboard lazout@ [09:03] SkitsVicious: gotto settings>region & languages [09:03] add your language [09:04] no waz to do it from the console? [09:04] without restarting mz x session? [09:05] ofc i can find out how to do it in a gui. but this is linux rightl... xD [09:05] SkitsVicious: https://superuser.com/a/973296/291544 [09:06] awesome! [09:06] setxkbmap de [09:06] that did it, kbd-utils is installed already with the live env. [09:06] thanks. [09:07] here's my actual question: when i do df -h, none of my m.2 disks are listed. what do i have to insmod or so to make linux see them? [09:11] hmm... apparently ~1020 of 1060 are people in here are looking for help, rather than answering questions to newbs xD [09:11] SkitsVicious: u need to mount them... no modules should be required to load. and u wanna use modprobe for loading modules... not insmod [09:12] oh df only shows mounted fs? [09:12] stupipd me. of course it does. [09:12] then... how do i list disks in system? [09:12] SkitsVicious: yes... and here are a lot of ppl wanting to help. but not everbody is actively listening at all times [09:12] like "lsblkdev" or something [09:13] TheBigK02, sure sir, i wasn't complaining at all, just wondering ;) [09:13] SkitsVicious: lsblk is a start... but im not sure if that lists only mounted as well [09:13] perfect [09:13] no that does it, thanks. [09:13] SkitsVicious: no problem :) [09:14] hmm [09:15] apt-get install cfdisk says unable to locate package - i guess i have to choose a mirror first and do an apt-get update? [09:15] !info cfdisk [09:15] Package cfdisk does not exist in focal [09:15] SkitsVicious: its apt install fdisk [09:16] that includes cfdisk [09:16] util-linux is already the newest version (2.36-3ubuntu1). [09:16] ah [09:16] thx [09:16] if ur looking for specific binaries apt-file is a good way ... or http://packages.ubuntu.com [09:19] i want to render a disk virtually "Raw" for windows, but no wipe or so is required. will a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mydisk bs=1 for a few seconds do the trick? [09:19] SkitsVicious: shred is a good util ... that should be installed [09:20] i really only want to clear out all boot record kind of information from the disk [09:20] SkitsVicious: and u dont need to overwrite the whole disk for that purpose. just a few MB at the beginning [09:20] like i said "for a few seconds" [09:20] cfdisk can do the trick for u. doesnt it? [09:20] or fdisk for that matter [09:21] if u wanna use dd then u coudl do dd if=/dev/zero of=/urdisk bs=1M count=10 ... that should be sufficient [09:21] but be careful. then u rly shred ur partition table with that... wrong device... and ur screwed :) [09:24] yeah, thanks :) it's *never* a bad idea to make that remark whenever dd and a noob is involved xD [09:24] i'm done, thanks for your friendly support :) have a nice one. [09:24] SkitsVicious: i did that to a fileserver raid device... to try to write to a tape drive ... SCSI... long time ago [09:25] but that was ... the scariest things i did ever wrong [09:32] hi guys [10:00] Do you need to do something special to get more than 8 SATA devices on Ubuntu? I have 8 connected to my motherboard, and 1 connected via a PCIe adapter card. No matter what I do, a few minutes into boot I get the following kernel error messages on dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mWrzxPVwDs/ [10:00] This setup worked fine in Windows 10 for many months. I'm only encountering this when switching to ubuntu. [10:02] i'm trying to reboot using systemctl kexec, but it's doing a full reboot instead. [10:03] eg. kexec -l /boot/vmlinuz --initrd=/boot/initrd.img --reuse-cmdline; systemctl kexec === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [10:12] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/xb2rLAC2/ [11:05] why does booting the ubuntu installation iso skew my system clock? [11:05] i didn't even start the installation, all i did was use the live environment. [11:06] SkitsVicious, it does? that's weird... [11:06] yes. [11:06] should i try to reproduce it? [11:07] like, are you (i guess there are devs in here) interested in fixing this bug? [11:07] !bugs | SkitsVicious [11:07] SkitsVicious: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [11:08] yeah sure. [11:08] have a nice one. [11:32] hi all, I am trying to lock down my 20.04 lts box... I set PasswordAuthentication to no, and restarted the ssh service. now, when I ssh from another computer to the server, ssh me@myserver.com, it asks for a password, and if I enter the password for that account it still logs me in. but it is also on the computer where I have the pub key setup it uses the key. so is this supposed to happen? [11:32] I thought that no password prompt would show, or take a password login anymore. [11:36] nevermind. I just rebooted the server and it is working like it should. wierd that restarting the service didn't make the new changes take === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [12:00] My iMac booting problem after `do-release-upgrade -d` seems to have been secureboot. purging GRUB2 and reinstalling using boot-repair with secureboot disabled now allows me to boot again. Not sure how that got turned on during do-release-upgrade [12:05] hmmm yeah jimt secureboot worries me a lot, it's on this HP that runs ubuntu. [12:06] well it's off, but.. at least I've got a proper bios screen where I can switch it off tho, macs are tricky [12:07] i dont think secureboot is something to worry about. u just need to be aware of it :) [12:09] Is it supported on any Macs? Is my 2012-ish iMac just too old? [12:11] afaik secure boot is something that was pretty early implemented into macs... but may be its propitary ... === facetus_malum4 is now known as facetus_malum [12:18] Hi folks [12:18] hi BluesKaj [12:19] hi nicoz === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [12:28] Hello all, I'm trying to print multiple copies on an Ubuntu system. When the paper roll has ended, the jobs from the printer queue is automatically getting removed. Is this because of default cups configuration ? Any help is highly appreciated. [12:34] Basic kernel config question. Why does /boot/config-5.8.0-50-generic set CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y? I see that /usr/src/linux-headers-5.8.0-50-generic/.config does *not* set CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO. [12:57] My query may be answered by a (hopefully still relevant) wiki page, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild. "We compile our kernels with debug symbols to create the debug packages. In our build process, we strip the debug symbols from the modules in the main package." [13:24] My new monitor Asus VP249QGR 23.8 supports 144hz refresh rate but I don't see that in xrandr. a) how can I be sure which resolution I am at b) how can I make it 144 etc? [14:10] https://termbin.com/dy5e [14:10] mind is dp-0 [14:16] I cannot access an external USB disk [14:17] "This location could not be displayed" [14:18] the disk is acessible trough /media/my-user/disk [14:18] however, for /media/my-user only root has access === MalkbabY_ is now known as MalkbabY [14:26] zen_coder: I'm guessing the fs on the usb disk supports permissions, and my-user does not have permission. [14:40] morning! When I use 'su ' my command prompt reverts to just a $ and autocompletes dont work, color is misssing, etc. I tried copying my .bashrc to that users home folder but that doesnt seem to work. What am I missing? [14:40] ExcessiveAggro: Try "sudo -u -i" for a nicer experience. [14:41] ExcessiveAggro: "su - " might also help. [14:41] Either way, on Ubuntu, pretty sure the recommendation is sudo. [14:42] I tried those and they still result in a single $ and none of the autocompletes and colors work [14:42] Does that user have a home with skeleton? [14:42] unless i was trying to get to ROOT... but I'mn trying to just get to a non root user [14:42] How was it created/ [14:42] Guessing you've likely just got no bashrc/profile etc. in there then. [14:42] good question -= let me see what i used to create it [14:43] ExcessiveAggro: See what's in their home. (Which user is it? Not a built in system user?) [14:43] You can look at /etc/skel (use ls -a, the files are .'d and hidden) to see what you can copy over into the new user directory. [14:44] ExcessiveAggro: Guessing you might have used useradd? In future, use adduser. Stupid, I know. [14:44] might have - trying to find the guide i used [14:44] If it's not quicker to delete user and recreate, copying contents of /etc/skel will likely fix that immediate issue. [14:44] whats the best way to completely remove the user? [14:45] and their home? [14:45] yeah, in debian and ubuntu yu should always use adduser to create users, since that sets distro defaults while useradd does not [14:45] like dash instead of bash [14:45] (default groups, skeleton templates, config files etc) [14:46] on it - one sec [14:46] If you ever forget in the future, `man useradd` gives a little warning at the top. [14:48] that worked! [14:48] thanks i removed the user, re-added, all is well [14:49] the userdel command will delete a user https://xkcd.com/215/ [14:49] yep i used the -r also to get rid of the home dir [14:56] Heya, i have several "web-apps" i am running from a *.desktop file with exec=chromium --new-window --app=https://... and i would prefer my gnome desktop to handle those as seperate applications - and not group them together with all my other browsers - how can i achieve that ? [15:02] is it true that no matter what i do, I cannot get 144hz on HDMI? despite https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xrandr#Adding_undetected_resolutions ? [15:13] Intelo: You'll probably need to to send links to what you've tested on Ubuntu, errors etc, what you've done, what packges you've installed [15:15] Intelo: Plus what version of Ubuntu [15:16] from the link you gave, archlinux wouldn't be supported as we don't don't the differences between that and Ubuntu [15:17] I have several "web-apps" i am running from a *.desktop file with exec=chromium --new-window --app=https://... and i would prefer my gnome desktop to handle those as seperate applications - and not group them together with all my other browsers - how can i achieve that ? [15:20] DJones: no tests, no errors, 20 lts [15:20] !yy.mm | Intelo [15:20] Intelo: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [15:21] Intelo: Hopefully somebody can help you with a but nmore info === dweeber_ is now known as dweeber [15:22] thyriaen, with a --class in the Exec line or a StartupWMClass directive , sy i don't remember the details [15:22] 20.04.2 LTS [15:23] ioria, really helpfull thanks - ill look into it [15:23] ok [15:23] ioria, most times the stuff i am missing is the point where this features "is managed" [15:24] so i don't know where to dig deeper [15:24] yeah [15:24] thyriaen: it's managed on the chromium side [15:26] leftyfb, when i give the icon= path of my desktop files it changes the icon of it but then it remains the chromium icon for the dock and indicators - are those "internal" ones aswell ( even though they are changed by icon themes ) ? or is that something i can change too ? === Fuchs_ is now known as Lausefuchs [15:28] Hi folks :) [15:42] Anyone know how to calibrate laptop monitor in Ubuntu 20.04.2? I'm on the gnome desktop === Whookam is now known as Thin_icE [15:52] Hi, what is the channel for the next Ubuntu? [15:53] ubuntu+1 | Deano59 [15:54] Deano59: Hirsute Hippo is the codename for Ubuntu 21.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu+1. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [15:58] ioria, thanks so much !!! i made everything work now <3 [16:04] hi folks. i'm helping a project containerize. their app is using an old version of R, which they can't/won't upgrade for whatever reason. i can get their app working in a container if i compile R. i'm wondering about the option of creating a deb package for it instead but i've never done that. [16:04] i'm wondering how feasible it would be to create a deb for it and whether i'd still end up with dependency problems if i tried to use the deb [16:07] jamiejackson, i have really no clue what i am talking about here cuz i have never done anything deb related. But from what i understand - that the deb package is just a binary of the program with a list of dependancies noted with in it - which is "pulled" from the system - so when the system already has a newer R installed - at least in my worldview that means that i won't downgrade R and it wont work [16:08] jamiejackson, from my understanding using snap, flatpack or appimage is what you are looking for in terms of having a complete application in a container [16:11] DJones: leftyfb When someone says "144hz will work if you have a new version of HDMI" what does that mean? HDMI version of monitor? HDMI cable version? HDMI port version of laptop/PC? [16:13] Intelo: https://www.cablematters.com/blog/HDMI/does-hdmi-support-144hz [16:24] ptah: do not PM me please [16:27] leftyfb: whats my hdmi version? https://termbin.com/zknk [16:41] oh hai [16:41] has anyone here used ddrescue a lot [16:41] I have The Precision™ M4700 & M6700 incorporates HDMI version 1.4. Features. 144hz is supported on 1.3 and above but I do not get 144hz resolution on Asus VP249QGR 23.8 . How can i debug? [16:41] ? I'm trying to figure out if output can be optioned to a minimum [16:42] right now i'm getting at least some 20 lines of text with it. [17:47] hello. just got a nvme and did a fresh install of 20.04 on it. But in grub menu, the win installation on one of the ssds won't list. how could one fix that? I can boot into the windows SSD if I choose so from bios [17:56] I'm new to Ubuntu and tying to figure how to install a package version available on 21.04 but not on 20.04? wlroots and sway for example [17:58] you can download deb file and install it using dpkg -i [17:58] mrkubax10: awesome thank you! [17:59] but I may not work sometimes when package depends on packages that are not available [17:59] ggnoredo: 21.04 isn't supported here as of yet. Only the stable releases mentioned in the topc are. [17:59] *it [18:00] i could have also misunderstood the question. if so sorry, mt bad [18:00] mt/my [18:01] yeah, he wants to install a 21.04 package on 20.04. basically there should be no difference (just do dpkg -i) but there may be a reason it is not available in 20.04 repos, like if it needs a dependency that is not available... [18:01] it's not recommended to install debs from a newer version onto 20.04 because it can cause breakage, missing dependencies and stuff [18:01] !latest [18:01] Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [18:02] Thank you all for the answers [18:02] yw [18:03] @ggnoredo is the package missing or you need a newer version than what's available in standard repo? [18:03] I need newer version [18:03] why? [18:04] there is an issue on wlroots/sway which breaks dropdown menu on Firefox [18:04] it's fixed on the version 20.04 hasn't got yet [18:04] may we ask what is the package? [18:04] report a bug on that ggnoredo [18:05] according to git issue, it's on wlroots package [18:05] i will do it now [18:05] ggnoredo: is it something that was installed from outside the ubuntu repo's? [18:06] no, everything is from official ppa on my pc at the moment [18:07] everything you add, from outside the official ubuntu repo's, including PPA'a is at own risk. [18:07] but he said that is from official repo [18:08] official repos is kinda also at your own risk:-)  but check if there is a ppa. then ponder if it seems like a reliable PPA... [18:09] now he mentions PPA mrkubax10 [18:09] repo's and PPA's are different things [18:11] so anyway, anybody dare to suggest some solution to windows not getting picked up into grub menu? [18:12] Can anyone help with line 3? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RFScFqY8jZ/ [18:17] what is it that you want help with/ [18:17] your screen doesn't support 144 hz vertical. you can't force hardware. [18:18] one last question, should i apt remove sway before dpkg -i newer package or i can install on top of it like an update? [18:19] somejr: do you have os-prober installed? [18:20] os-prober, ntfs-3g, dosfstools [18:21] ggnoredo: no, but you should use apt install the .deb file. But also, you should use packages from repos or PPA's and not just downloaded filed [18:22] kevr: yes, it seems to be installed [18:23] somejr: is windows installed on another drive than your grub is? [18:23] in that case, you will need to chainload over specifically. [18:23] kevr: yes [18:23] yeah. [18:23] os-prober will only pick up oses that it can find on the same drive as your grub install, if you're using grub [18:23] ohhh [18:24] so you'll need to chainload over to windows efi stub on your other drive [18:25] chainload? doesnt ring a bell... is it a command or I need to mount the win partition or? [18:25] somejr: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/277373/is-it-possible-to-use-grub-to-run-an-efi-binary [18:26] see the chainloader answer. [18:27] kevr: how do you know my screen does not support 144z? [18:27] because i'm a magician [18:28] kevr: to recap for you: My new monitor Asus VP249QGR 23.8 supports 144hz refresh rate but I don't see that in xrandr. a) how can I be sure which resolution I am at b) how can I make it 144 etc? [18:29] kevr: The sample you linked contain a line "set root='(hd0,gpt1)'"... do you know it one could use a uuid instead? [18:29] there's a clear issue with linux understanding your monitor's EDID with X/xrandr [18:29] need to resolve that before anything's going to work out. [18:30] normally, it would pick up the monitors modes properly and display them to you, and allow you to switch between them [18:30] *if one... [18:30] xrandr/x seems to not understand the monitor's specs properly. [18:30] somejr: i believe you can use uuid. [18:31] UUID=, but i haven't tried it out myself. [18:31] so, don't trust me [18:32] Intelo: if X doesn't understand your monitor, you throwing commands at it with things it doesn't consider part of the monitor is not going to work out nicely. [18:32] X will complain because it does not believe your monitor can run at that mode. [18:32] is this really the easiest way to use a bluetooth headset for zoom? https://zambrovski.medium.com/using-bluetooth-headset-on-ubuntu-790ce6eecc2 [18:32] i have heard before of people just creating custom modes, but i'm not sure how well that works for refresh rates that x doesn't see [18:33] somejr: are you using hdmi? [18:33] if you have a display port cable, i would give that a shot and see if you get different results. [18:33] (if you haven't yet) [18:33] seems like you are using DP though; hence DP-0. === JanC_ is now known as JanC [18:37] File /etc/grub.d/40_custom prepared, update_grub performed, now booting, wish me luck! [18:41] Intelo: ^^ apologies, mistabbed [18:41] s/mistabbed/confused the person i was speaking to/ [18:41] I am trying to mount a partition that contains the root filesystem of another version of linux as I need to modify some files. But is is always mounting as read only. Ideas? [18:41] what's your fstab say [18:41] `/etc/fstab` [18:42] asking me? [18:42] is there an entry for the mounted device? [18:42] yeah [18:42] just a sec [18:43] and by partition, are you talking about an actual physical disk's partition? or is this something like a loop device for isos? [18:44] kevr: Actual filesystem partition. And what information did oyu want? the info for that us MASSIVE will take me forever to type. [18:45] Shadow_Wizard: use a pastebin service [18:45] kevr: okay, gimme a few [18:45] Shadow_Wizard: example: `echo test | nc termbin.com 9999` will upload 'test' as a paste to termbin.com [18:46] I will work on getting you screenshots.. [18:46] * kevr would prefer pastes [18:46] I will try.. [18:47] Shadow_Wizard: `cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999` should do it. [18:47] 9v9t [18:48] https://termbin.com/9v9t [18:48] thank you! [18:48] That wasn't as hard as I thought ;) [18:49] Shadow_Wizard: which /dev file are you trying to mount? [18:50] kevr: Sorry, I don't think I understand the question. [18:50] when you type in mount, there is a source device that you mount to a target location [18:50] what exactly is the source device in your case? [18:50] `mount ` [18:50] Oh, let me look. [18:50] ots /dev/sdb2 [18:51] can you hook me up with a paste of `ls -al /dev/disk/by-id | nc termbin.com 9999` [18:51] please? :) [18:52] tkzl7 [18:52] kevr: using hdmi v1.4 [18:52] Shadow_Wizard: in your /etc/fstab, there is an entry in there for the device you are trying to mount. [18:53] the bottom-most entry. [18:53] okay? [18:53] what about it? [18:53] if the device itself is fine, the options and setup there is most likely screwing things up. [18:53] if i were you, comment that out and try to mount it somewhere [18:53] see if you get the same issue? [18:53] Wonderful. How do I fix it? [18:53] (the /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Mass_... line) [18:54] kevr: I suspect I will.. I have gotten it on other linux machines, but I will try. [18:54] can you write to it on anything? [18:55] Nope [18:55] Always told it is mounted as read only. [18:55] so how are you certain that drive can even be written to? [18:55] it could be erroneous, causing it to remount as ro. [18:55] which is a common thing that can happen. [18:56] kevr: I just wrote it using rufus. It is a linux for a rasberry pi. [18:56] so writing did work [18:56] using Rufus, on which operating system? [18:57] Wrote on windows.. But I think I may have found a way... I think its working... [18:57] actually... [18:57] how exactly did you burn the pi sd card? [18:58] verbose command? [18:58] oh, sorry. yeah.. windows. [18:58] hmm [18:58] No, I opened rufus. Shows it the image, told it what drige to use, and clicked start.. [18:58] But I seem to be writing it ot now [18:58] here's a bit of a tip for you [18:58] the raspberry pi image actually holds all the information for multiple partitions inside of it [18:59] to properly burn that, you need to write the entire thing to the whole block device [18:59] not a partition [18:59] like /dev/sdb, or /dev/mmcblk0 [18:59] it will copy over the partition data stored in the image. [18:59] Oh, yea. I did. But it creates a boot partition, and then a rootfs partition. I want to access the rootfs partition [18:59] but you have access to it [18:59] you just can't write to it [18:59] So, I found MY problem.. I was using nano as user, and not as root. When I used sudo nano it worked. [19:00] ...didn't mount tell you it was mounting as read-only? [19:01] i'd be surprised if you could write if it was mounted as read-only. [19:05] i fail to boot to windows (not that I want to boot into it, but sometimes I need to) [19:07] according to fdisk -l the windows disk has msdos partition table and contains 3 partitions (sda1 500M, sda2 222G, sda3 531M) [19:08] i hope to write a menuentry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom but what should I put there? [19:09] oh [19:09] that's a problem [19:09] which version of windows do you have installed? [19:11] somejr: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Chain_002dloading.html [19:11] make sure you use the proper hdN,N for your setup [19:11] the last answer on stackexchange was for a gpt-driven windows install. [19:11] It is windows 10 but unsure if it was originally 8.1 or even 7... (might have been upgraded) [19:11] which uses EFI [19:12] but your setup does not use EFI. [19:12] this one just shows chainloading to another partition, which should work fine for msdos format [19:13] somejr: there's also this: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/DOS_002fWindows.html#DOS_002fWindows [19:14] yeah, figured it is something like that. can you use search for specifying boot part with msdos? [19:15] the second to last link i posted to you is that example [19:15] https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Chain_002dloading.html [19:16] cheers, will test! [19:16] Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on how I can enable "screen sharing" aka vnc using Vino through the command line. I figured out how to set the nic for vnc to listen on, but can't figure out how to enable it using gsettings. [19:24] br34k: which ubuntu release are you running there? [19:25] So, I have been fighting with tutorials for a couple of hours now... And I still can't get this to connect to wifi. Anyone care to help? I basically need to edit the files on the PI to connect to wifi before putting the card in the PI. [19:26] br34k: and which desktop? the default gnome one? bugs 1871351 and 1775999 *may* be relevant [19:26] bug 1775999 in vino (Ubuntu) "Cannot set vino preferences in Lubuntu 18.04" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775999 [19:26] bug 1871351 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Review the vino/screen sharing situation" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1871351 [19:26] ubuntu 20.04.2, thanks [19:27] yes default gnome [19:28] to clarify, I can set screen sharing to be enabled though the settings GUI, that's fine. But I've deployed numerous ubuntu boxes and have the need to enable it through the CLI so I don't have to physically be there [19:31] br34k: can you run gsettings list-schemas | grep remote and see whether that gives you a "remote_settings" schema? [19:31] Basically what I need to know is what files need to be edited to get linux to automatically connect to wifi, and what to put in them. [19:33] I got this output: [19:33] org.gnome.rhythmbox.plugins.webremote [19:33] org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.remote-display [19:34] On Mac laptops there is this feature where you swipe in from the right edge with two fingers and it opens up a menu with a bunch of widgets. Is there anything like that for ubuntu? [19:34] btw ptah is sending spam messages [19:35] its not spam i need someone to help with this [19:35] What's weird is that I tried using gsettings monitor to both org.gnome.Vino and org.gnome.Vinagre and switched it through the GUI, no output appeared while monitoring [19:35] ptah: we told you to stop with that [19:36] br34k: hmm, that's not what i was thinking. you can try just starting /usr/lib/vino/vino-server [19:36] haijuno: in private messages? [19:36] Maik, yes [19:36] Something about editing a wikipedia link [19:37] haijuno: report it to the ops please [19:37] Ok [19:37] he's been on that since a week [19:37] <_Sym_> yeah same here [19:37] ok, i'll inform the ops [19:37] Yea, i got it to. [19:39] _Sym_: you too? [19:39] <_Sym_> yes [19:39] Shadow_Wizard, haijuno, _Sym_: can you please *PM* me with the spam? [19:39] <_Sym_> i closed it [19:39] <_Sym_> something about editing a wiki [19:39] <_Sym_> for iran [19:39] Yeah I closed it and blocked him/her/it [19:40] yep, he posted that in various channels last week too [19:40] hello [19:41] hi jess [19:41] s/tatus [19:41] oops [19:41] hi Maik how are you doing [19:42] i'm ok thanks, but since this is a support channel i want to keep casual talke in discuss or offtopic :) [19:46] haijuno: about your question: i think multi-touch isn't actually enabled by default. so my guess is this does not exist. but i may be wrong. and you may be able to add it. [19:47] tomreyn, do you know of any good guides to customize gnome other than using the tweaks app? [19:48] haijuno: i guess gnome shell extensions are meant to provide the answer to this question. they also tend to break things. [19:49] Hmmm ok I'll check them out. Thanks tomreyn [19:49] I'm trying to start vnc using this method but it complains "cannot open display" : export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/lib/vino/vino-server [19:49] haijuno: good luck [19:50] br34k, what is :0? [19:51] https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/193939 [19:51] haijuno, ^^ [19:51] br34k, Oh didn't know about that. I thought maybe that was the issue [19:52] :) [19:53] br34k: w -hs | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u [19:53] ...should give you a lit of active displays [19:53] i get ":0" [19:54] and my lan ip address [19:54] then either you ssh server or client has X forwarding disabled, i guess [19:54] or both ;-) [19:54] I really didn't think it would be this difficult to start vino over ssh [19:54] tomreyn, I get the same result as br34k when I run that command [19:55] haijuno: thanks for letting me know. [19:57] IMO it makes the most sense to do it through gsettings considering the switch is within the settings gui, but i'm assuming that functionality wasn't written in?? [19:58] br34k: you'd need X11Forwarding yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (on system running the X server) and ssh -X server.that.runs.x [19:58] let me try from the actual machine [19:59] i do not know the answer to your latest question (still on 18.04 here) [20:00] turns out I have X11 forwarding enabled [20:00] pretty sure that's default [20:00] i think it is on servers, not clients [20:07] So I found someone on github that has a script which includes "gsettings set org.gnome.Vino enabled true" which I would expect to be exactly what i'm looking for. when I attempt that, I get the error: No such key “enabled” [20:08] gsettings list-keys org.gnome.Vino will list keys in a chema [20:09] *schema [20:09] xrandr --scale 0.7x0.7 is not so clear. Kind of blurry a 'bit'. I use awesome window manaer but this effect is at every desktop environment. I use 1920x1080 and want to zoom in to see bigger things. What re my best options? [20:09] that's helpful but i'm come to the conclusion that this functionality was indeed not written in. Where is the best place to enter a feature request for this? [20:11] did you check the bug reports i pointed to earlier? [20:12] bug 1871351 specifically [20:12] bug 1871351 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Review the vino/screen sharing situation" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1871351 [20:12] br34k: what is your actual use case? Why do you need to start this exact VNC server from the command line yourself as opposed to enabling it and letting it run normally? [20:14] because I have an image that has this settings baked in, but once i set a static ip address to the nic, it turns itself back off. it's not a problem to remember to re-enable it but my techs have deployed some units out and forgot to enable this. I would like to enable it via ssh as opposed to having to physically do it via the gui [20:15] br34k: personally, I find x11vnc to be a better VNC server [20:15] good to know [20:16] I chose vino simply because it had support in gnome settings (for my techs who are linux noobs :) ) [20:17] according to the bug report you linked, it was fixed? but I'm definitely not seeing it, fully updated and upgraded since that fix last year [20:18] i think you're misinterpreting the bug rerport, if that's 1871351 you're referring to [20:18] that links to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1871787 [20:19] Launchpad bug 1871787 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Screen sharing can not be enabled from the Gnome Control Center" [High,Fix released] [20:21] so i'm the one who misinterpreted it, sorry. [20:22] no worries. so maybe this will be in 21? [20:22] Hey all - having a hard time with video on a fairly new install of 20.04. Thinkpad W530 with integrated graphics. (Nvidia was causing even more problems.) Maybe someone has ideas? [20:23] hi, I cloned my old sdd with acronis to a new ssd and can't boot the new one. I used a live cd and tried to reinstall grub and this worked partiolly. But I think grub is stell refering to my old disk uuid [20:23] !info gnome-settings-daemon focal [20:23] gnome-settings-daemon (source: gnome-settings-daemon): daemon handling the GNOME session settings. In component main, is extra. Version 3.36.1-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 300 kB, installed size 1417 kB [20:23] bug report says fixed in 3.36.0-1ubuntu2 [20:24] I see the grub menu, select linux and afterwords a get shortly an error before a report is happening [20:24] I think I see there my old disk uuid [20:24] ^ br34k ubottu's and my last line were to you. [20:25] On the display issues: Half the time, on boot up & login if I start anything it doesn't appear. If I hit the Win key I can see a white outline of a black box, with an x to kill it. Sometimes if I log out and log in it will help, but now that I put in a couple of startup applications, that's no longer working. [20:25] Diagon: do you have more details? what doesn't work? bios up to date? [20:25] Diagon: ignore my first question [20:26] More: I can C-Alt-Fn3 to get to a console. Oddly, both F1 & F2 are taken by the display manager; though that sometimes appears with or without the login box. If with, but loggin in gives me a black screen with a cursor. Sometimes if I wait at the black screen, it'll give me back the Display manager. Toggling between them, sometimes I can get back to a login prompt on F1. [20:26] tomreyn, that is the package version, right? [20:27] br34k: both are package versions. the current package version in 'focal-updates' (20.04) is higher than the one given in the bug report. [20:27] this suggests it should be fixed in focal through updates [20:27] More: Sometimes when I have logged in and am able to run applications, I will get really bad jitter. I might be able to fix by logging out/in, but othertimes I have to reboot. I switched to wayland because it was even worse with X. [20:28] i'm seeing I have 3.36.1-0ubuntu1, so yeah it should have been fixed in this version [20:31] If this looks complicated, maybe there's a better place than IRC to ask? I don't think the stackexchange is the right place. [20:32] Diagon: did you check about the bios update, yet? [20:32] journalctl -b | grep DMI: would tell you what you have currently [20:33] hey hey i asked in linux but i'll try here too - i want to log stdout output of a program that shows a "progress" - ddrescue in my case. But you can think of "top", if you dont know ddrescue ... i suppose a tool needs to be written with a log function in mind, for this to even work right? [20:33] tomreyn - Oh ya. It's the newest. Lenovo BIOS - G5ETB2WW (2.72) - (06/11/2018) [20:33] otherwise my output file will looklike crap (it does now) [20:36] Diagon: check that you have enough ram, and that the ram allocation to vram is sufficient (in bios) [20:36] Oddly, after sitting here typing, C-Alt-F2 has reverted to a terminal and I'm able to log in to F1. Nothing is appearing on the dock, though. I have found if I try to do something within the first few minutes of login, it'sll freeze or jitter.... Ah, ok 3 minutes later I have something on the dock. [20:36] I have 32G RAM. [20:37] I'm using ubuntu lts, and their snap install of nextcloud. I'm new to both snap and nextcloud. I ran this to add our domain to the config: sudo snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=fqdn supposedly the trusted domain configuration is supposed to live in nextcloud's config.php file. However after this command, I don't see any change to the file, nor if I search the entire snap directory [20:37] structure do I find any file that contains our fqdn. But it does work, where does snap put this configuration? Thanks. [20:37] Nothing in BIOS about allocation of RAM. Not in any of these T/W520/530 models. [20:37] Diagon: see also the trouble shooting tips here (not ubuntu, but they have good documentation) https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_graphics [20:38] other than that, your logs are probably a good thing to iunvestigate [20:38] tomreyn - thanks. that's a bit of a read, but I'll tackle it. [20:39] journalctl -b will return all logs since latest boot. i915 is the intel graphics driver [20:39] Still haven't cleared up the difference between journalctl, /var/log/sys... and dmesg. Which one? [20:40] Ok, this time I have a terminal. I have found that if I can log in and get the display manager, and I wait maybe 5 minutes, it sometimes settles down.... [20:41] journalctl is systemd's log management system, a newer approach. /var/log/sys.. is managed by a system logging daemon such as rsyslog, if you still have it. the dmesg command just pulls the kernel logs (only, not user space) [20:41] :thumbs-up: checking journalctl ... [20:49] tomreyn - there are a *log* of errors in here. I'm going to have some trouble parsing this. Let me see if I can dig out some kind of initial error ... [20:49] sybariten: --log-events= and tail -f [20:51] Diagon: it's normal to have a lot of gnome and gtk related warnings and errors in there. if you have others, those can be worth investigating [20:54] tomreyn:yeah log-events is a slightly diffeerent output though _i think_ [20:55] but i'm not 100% sure [20:55] sybariten: whats your goal there, why are you trying to capture the output? [21:02] tomreyn:i want to see things like "too many read errors". Well actually maybe that one gets in the events.log [21:07] i would assume so, you could also try capturing the output using script, or asciinema, or similar [21:09] sybariten: certainly ddrescue also persists information on unreadable sectors in the map file. [21:10] Diagon: found anything interesting? [21:17] what is the best way of having per user encrypted home directories? I want to have a space people can use scp and read/write files that not even I as an admin would be able to read. [21:20] Entelin: in the end if you really wanted to, you could always read their files one way or another [21:21] well not if it was encrypted and I lacked the private key. It's just a mater of configuration. [21:21] I don't know the best way of doing it, but it's certainly possible [21:22] Entelin: root can usually do it all, if by accessing process memory. unless you make use of negative rings for 'protection', such as SGX [21:23] you could simply install a different binary that catches their keyphrase + decrypts and you have it now or something to that effect [21:23] yeah that's true [21:24] tomreyn - This is not looking hopeful. There's a lot of looping and failing. I've pulled out a couple of things in red which maybe you have some insight on? [21:25] pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): couldn't open /etc/securetty: No such file or directory [21:25] gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file [21:25] !paste | Diagon [21:25] Diagon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:25] (a couple of times, unrelated): gnome-session-binary: Critical: we failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry.. [21:25] Also, later, not directly related: CRITICAL: gsm_client_peek_id: assertion 'GSM_IS_CLIENT (client)' failed [21:25] that's a failing X session [21:26] Understood ... [21:26] Should I just pastebin the whole journalctl -b output? [21:27] if you're fine with it, you could. or pipe it into termbin [21:27] journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 [21:27] it will likely be cut off === Maik is now known as ModeCouse92 === ModeCouse92 is now known as Maik [21:36] tomreyn: yeah... i suppose it does [21:37] tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vnKsNBKhX9 [21:38] I appreciate your having a look. [21:38] br34k: if you have more ubuntu questions, please post here. i ignore private messages (just receive a notice that some were received) by default. [21:38] If you need a cleaner bootup, I can try again. [21:39] any problems of linux with 1.4 DP? https://urun.n11.com/kablolar/paugge-vesa-sertifikali-2m-displayport-14-kablo-entdp1420-P270525533 [21:45] Diagon: your bios version is 4 releases behind according to https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/g5uj39uc.txt and https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/uk/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-w-series-laptops/thinkpad-w530/downloads/driver-list/component?name=BIOS%2FUEFI [21:46] tomreyn, I was just saying Thank you! [21:47] tomreyn - Hm. I was just updating everything back in January. Let me have a look.... [21:51] br34k: oh ok :) you're welcome. [21:52] Hi, I am using ubuntu 18.04 LTS ffmpeg version 3.4.8-0ubuntu0.2 [21:52] Diagon: i suspect this should not happen: gnome-session[3412]: gnome-session-binary[3412]: WARNING: Falling back to non-systemd startup procedure due to error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1 [21:52] and I can'tconvert aax to m4b [21:54] tomreyn - ok, what that might mean?... As for the BIOS issue ... I'm remembering that they weren't fixing anything, only signing and locking down the BIOS. I'm rechecking though... [21:55] Diagon: your gpu hung, until reinitialized (automatially): kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 7:0:00000000 [21:57] Diagon: since 20.04 LTS uses X by default (rather than Wayland), a log of that may be of more interest [21:57] Ok. === overclucker_ is now known as overclucker [21:57] I was getting the jitter, making it almost unusable. So I switched to wayland. [21:58] But I can reboot into that and see if I can get the journalctl -b output. [21:58] Still checking the BIOS release notes ... [21:59] Diagon: take yur time. i'm still reviewing the log, too. the first log message i quoted seems to suggest systemd issues, but maybe this is just the user sessions failing to initialize, not sure.. [22:01] tomreyn - I check the bioses from 2.73 to 2.76. There were not problem fixes. They're just blocking us from changing the embedded controller so we can't swap batteries - that kind of thing. 2.73 did have a cpu microcode update, but I think that's for spectre etc. [22:06] Diagon: line 2840 and following of the log at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vnKsNBKhX9/ look bad, lots of stack traces. maybe this was after initiating a reboot? [22:07] Diagon: you seem to have a somewhat modified installation there. It may be a good idea to try whether you can also reproduce this on an installer, or with a different user account on th existing installation. also make sure you don'T have broken gnome-shell extensions [22:07] That's journalctl -b, so it's only one reboot. But as I mentioned earlier, I logged in, changed to a cosole terminal changed back etc. [22:08] In Ubuntu 20.04: Is the systemd journal used in parallel or in place of a syslog daemon? [22:08] I didn't add anything regarding logs, so it must be part of 20.04 and running in parallel (?) [22:08] Diagon: i'll have a nap now, good luck there. keep asking here if you have more questions. [22:09] the only modification to the install is that I did btrfs raid in luks. [22:09] otherwise I didn't make any fundamental changes. [22:10] i see. ttyl. [22:10] tomreyn - thanks for your input. [22:10] (Just had a clean boot on X. will poke around more. TTYL) === daradydai is now known as tgosp [22:56] Greetings. In my ministry, & small business, i rely muchly on charity & such, & I love Ubuntu. I can't use Windows 10, so what ubuntu would work for me, in your evaluation? [23:05] Screwball: can you rephrase your question? [23:05] Mmhm. [23:07] What would you reccommend a retired veteran that likes war games to use in coping with addiction to nothing, but doing everything he can to make use of his time, that shall in no way invest himself in starting trouble online, that has to take meds, out of the variants of ubuntu/linux whom is used to Windows 10 but not the absolutely tragic marketing they did to it, he likes Kubuntu but wants a Linux Gaming [23:07] setup. Someone keeps interfereing in him. :| [23:08] rather in my ministry. [23:09] ah, sorry, I haven't really done gaming on ubuntu; I know valve's steam store exists and runs and there's even games in there targetting linux, but I've not played them myself [23:09] some people report success with windows games played through wine, but I've also not tried that [23:09] Thank you for absolutely both nothing, & all the awesome stuff. [23:10] Bye <- going to gaming channel