[07:56] [telegram] is there a bug a for manual partitioning crashing calamares [07:56] I'm not aware of one (or can't think of one) [07:57] [telegram] oh not crashing now [08:14] [telegram] so not sure reproducable [19:02] https://lubuntu.me/donate/ - huh, I just noticed this page looks slightly broken.. :3 [19:16] [telegram] krytarik: refresh your page completely [19:17] [telegram] was dealing with a "Too Many Plugins' response time problem on the site a few days ago a majority of plugins got prodded [19:17] Ah! [19:17] [telegram] i reactivated I think the proper plugin [19:17] And yeah, looks proper now. [19:17] [telegram] perfect [22:08] [telegram] krytarik: Check the other pages and let me know what's not working, because I disabled a ton of plugins, not sure what's broken from that. We had a tooooon of plugins that I weren't sure were in use (no way to easily tell heh) so :) [22:08] [telegram] at least it's a fast fix [22:30] Ok, I'll have a further look around. [22:31] [telegram] yep everything SHOULD be good tog [22:31] [telegram] good to go* [22:31] [telegram] the evil of the site responsiveness was WP-Statistics since the Dawn. You just don't store statistics in the DB, it makes everything evil. [22:31] [telegram] anyways [22:39] I'm not seeing anything else odd anyway.. :3 [22:48] [telegram] good good