
IrcsomeBotCyberprunk was added by: Cyberprunk00:54
IrcsomeBot<Cyberprunk> segw00:55
IrcsomeBot<Cyberprunk> SeGW00:55
=== chris_ is now known as madGambol
xuanHello, I would like to empty some space in boot folder, but can't suceed. Someone can help me please?11:09
=== emanuel is now known as emanuel_
BluesKajHi folks12:32
Frogger-Has a RC been released for 21.04 yet?14:50
alkisgAre there RCs now? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/hirsute-hippo-release-schedule/1853914:53
alkisgHmm yeah April 15 there... I don't see it online though, just the beta...14:54
Frogger-Thus my question.14:54
audreyHowdy, just wanted to say I had a very smooth installation of Kubuntu LTS yesterday and mostly pleased with it. Seems much improved from the old KDE4 days when I last tried this DE. Wanted to thank everyone for another success story. :-)14:56
audreyI did experience one glitch when trying to install some third-party window themes - many of them appeared «garbled» - as in, the buttons would overlap the edge of the window border, and there was no clear way to fix it.15:00
audreyI did not have this issue w/KDE Neon so it sounds like maybe a problem with the version of KDE that ships with 20.04 LTS.15:01
MichaHAfter upgrading Kubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 my desktop settings (background picture, icon sizes and arrangements and ...) get lost on re-boot. How to fix this?15:48
IrcsomeBot<Uchihanoureii> Change size of everything in display settings15:53
IrcsomeBot<Uchihanoureii> Desktop background can dissappear if you update system and file which you selected as background image was damaged or deleted15:54
MichaH@Uchihanoureii: Thank you. I did the upgrade yesterday, today the background and the icon sizes were set, icons arranged. Everything fine!15:56
MichaHAfter that re-booted: Standard Background, standard sizes, arrangement alphabetically15:57
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=== kubuntu is now known as Guest62336
MichaHAny idea?16:08
krytarikYeah, file permissions come to mind..16:12
IrcsomeBotMoad Ahammad was added by: Moad Ahammad16:15
IrcsomeBot<Moad Ahammad> 2UAL16:16
IrcsomeBot<Moad Ahammad> 2UAE16:16
MichaH@krytarik: Permissions for which files?16:18
IrcsomeBot<Moad Ahammad> . ICEauthority16:19
krytarikMichaH: I'd have to do a web search on where exactly Plasma saves its settings too, yeah.16:22
MichaH@krytarik: Thanks, I'll stay ...16:27
marshwallowrunning kubuntu 20.04 in vmware18:29
marshwallowchanged resolution, but keeps changing back to original18:29
marshwallowwhat can I do so that it stops happening?18:29
Maikmarshwallow: i don't have experience with vmware but you could search the web for a solution if no one answers. You're not the first one with such issues so there must be something out there. :)18:46
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest46937
mparillomarshwallow: I am running the current development version as a VMWare Guest (Win10 Host), and "it just works" I admit the resolution starts at default and I immediately go full screen.19:13
mparilloOne thing that is interesting is that if I go full screen, and re-boot the guest, I need to make it a normal window again, and return to full screen because otherwise the guest looks like it does not fill the full screen.19:14
mparilloOn Arch, I have had to try https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VMware/Install_Arch_Linux_as_a_guest#Window_resolution_autofit_problems but I never had to do that on Kubuntu.19:16
Roeyhello how do I split an mp3 album mp3 into smaller mp3s, according to a list of time stamps and track names?19:26
MaikRoey: not really a Kubuntu support question imho but you can split audio files with Audacity19:28
marshwallowmparillo: thank you! the archlinux wiki link actually helped. it's a terrible, janky hack, but it did the trick. I'm no longer trapped in a 800x600 window.19:40
mparilloI am glad it it did. I know I have used it on Arch; I know I don't need it for the current development release of Kubuntu.19:40
Guest46937Hey there19:48
Guest46937Could I please get help with streaming a video in a loop to a youtube livestream?19:49
RoeyMaik: thanks19:55
lethuGuest46937, try OBS19:56
lethuGuest46937, OBS = Open Broadaster Software19:56
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
MaikRoey: also don't cross post please :)19:59
Roeyfuck off20:00
Roeyand Audacity doesn't exactly split it the way I'm looking to, according to a list of time stamps.20:01
Roeyso I'm still looking20:01
MaikRoey: mind the language, the CoC and guidline aplly here too20:02
Roeysorry, that was a knee-jerk reaction on my part.20:02
Roeyanyway, so I'm still looking at this point20:02
Maikmaybe ask on a linux audio forum20:04
Roeythnak you, I will20:04
Maiknp, yw20:04
=== me is now known as Guest40584
=== Guest40584 is now known as LubuntuItaly
LubuntuItalyCiao, c è qualcuno che parla italiano?20:31
marshwallowi think this is an english channel, but idk20:37
krytarikIt is, but I was more thrown off by the deliberate "Lubuntu" in the nick.. on a Kubuntu channel. >_>20:40
Guest46937lethu no that's impossible21:04
IrcsomeBot<sapocancionero> Hello, I'm usiing Kubuntu 20:0421:13
IrcsomeBot<sapocancionero> I am having issues with my compter's blueooth adapter so I decided to use an external on21:14
IrcsomeBot<sapocancionero> However, It is very difficult to make the external adapter work.  I was wonder if I could change the difault bluetooth dapater and how.  Thank you21:14
IrcsomeBot<sapocancionero> bye the way, I'm a starter with Kubuntu and I need a clear & understanding answer.  Thanks!21:15
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have never tried multiple BT devices on the same machine. You  might be able to "blacklist" the BT device that is not behaving well.21:27
IrcsomeBot<sapocancionero> And How do I do that?21:32

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