[18:43] WiFi does not auto restart (when disconnected for a few seconds) and need to restart, any ideas to solve this problem? [18:43] on xubuntu 20.4 not on bodhi [18:43] WiFi does not auto restart (when disconnected for a few seconds) and need to restart, any ideas to solve this problem? [18:43] on xubuntu 20.4 [18:52] WiFi does not auto restart (when disconnected for a few seconds) and need to restart, [18:52] on xubuntu 20.4 [18:56] !patience | xu-irc95w [18:56] xu-irc95w: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [18:57] and there's no 20.4, it's 20.04, the work with yy/mm [18:57] the/they [18:58] xu-irc95w, i get a feeling that nobody understands what you're trying to say/do... [18:59] xubuntu 20.04 === Church- is now known as Church