agneli | hello | 10:55 |
agneli | i need lubuntu quantal sources :) | 10:59 |
agneli | | 10:59 |
agneli | I found this but there are no sources... | 10:59 |
agneli | any idea where I could find those, please? | 11:00 |
guiverc | the oldest Lubuntu that is currently supported is bionic; and that support ends this month. | 11:04 |
guiverc | package support I would still expect at old-releases | 11:05 |
agneli | i do not need support, I need that particular lubuntu version sources | 11:08 |
agneli | namey I have toshiba ac100 and I want to use nvidia binary drivers | 11:08 |
guiverc | what you're asking for I consider support | 11:08 |
agneli | I am asking where I could find source packages for lubuntu quantal (12.10) :) | 11:09 |
Maik | not available, the oldest in old-releases is 19.04 Disco Dingo | 11:09 |
lubot | [telegram] <aptghetto> This is the Lubuntu support channel, not the info desk of a software museum. | 11:09 |
guiverc | we don't support 12.10; the oldest supported release currently is 18.04/bionic as I said before | 11:09 |
agneli | OK, thank you for your great and polite help, have a nice day | 11:11 |
lubot | [telegram] <aptghetto> There is lubuntu-offtopic for non-support requests. | 11:12 |
guiverc | yeah, I'd likely have ignored it there... | 11:13 |
Maik | they're gone anyway | 11:13 |
* guiverc I hadn't noticed @aptghetto was on telegram & wouldn't have seen the departure... | 11:14 | |
bittin | Hello i found some nitpicky things when trying Lubuntu 21.04 RC2, Swedish translation is not complete and it choosed the Norweigan mirrors for packages even if i installed it in Swedish | 12:26 |
kc2bez[m] | The mirror selection is based on geoip location that is detected. | 12:29 |
kc2bez[m] | With regards to the translation issue, where did you notice that? In the installer? | 12:30 |
bittin | kc2bez[m]: yeah and elsewhere | 12:58 |
lubot | [telegram] <aptghetto> The mirror selection is currently hardcoded to no even for swedish geoip location. That is probably a bug. | 13:03 |
lubot | [telegram] <IT5N00N31T5N00N31T5N00N31T5N00N3> where and how can I manage startup apps? | 13:23 |
lubot | [telegram] <kc2bez> In the session settings. In the main menu, Preferences -> LXQt settings -> session settings (re @IT5N00N31T5N00N31T5N00N31T5N00N3: where and how can I manage startup apps?) | 13:28 |
lubot | [telegram] <IT5N00N31T5N00N31T5N00N31T5N00N3> Thank you 🙏, I guess I L❤️VE LUBUNTU. Special THANKS to who programmed and helped to made this distrobution. I'd needed to a SSD to run microsoft windows faster (I wasn't able to work easily with it. It also used a significant amount of resources) and I just had been able to watch this process. (re @kc2bez: In the session settings. In the main menu, Preferences -> LXQt settings -> session settings) | 13:44 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Hello every one, I have a question?. I am work using Lubuntu, but for some reasons got stuck by using of Hard Disk.. LED of Hard disk stuck .. and i cannot operate system | 22:32 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Some one have idea about it? | 22:32 |
guiverc | I would boot a *live* system (eg. Lubuntu install media) & check the health of the drive ( though GUI tools can do it too, eg. KDE Partition Manager included on modern Lubuntu) | 22:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> That's a pretty good idea. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> I would boot a *live* system (eg. Lubuntu install media) & check the health of the drive ( though GUI tools can do it too, eg. KDE Partition Manager included on modern Lubuntu)) | 22:35 |
guiverc | @aleoreina ^ | 22:35 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> So, Do you recommend to use SWAP in SSD? because i am suing SWAP in No SSD | 22:35 |
guiverc | likely varies on the drive; Yes I have swap on my systems with SSD but I believe I've altered swappiness so it's less likely to use swap... | 22:36 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Oh, Pretty nice, I like a lot Lubuntu, Due you change this from LXDE to LXQT. it is same family? | 22:38 |
guiverc | LXDE is depreciated.. the LXDE devs joined with RazorQt creating the new LXQt team so Lubuntu is LXQt and has been since 18.10; all support for LXDE drops this month (when 18.04 reaches EOL) | 22:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> That's pretty nice. Ok, I will try to use this, i have other question if you kindly can you help me. | 22:39 |
guiverc | 18.04 meaning Lubuntu & like *flavors* of 18.04; 'main' repository including Ubuntu desktop, server have 5 years, 'universe' or flavor 18.04 had 3 years (except studio which wasn't LTS) | 22:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> I would like to use some plugins to monitor Bitcoin, but i don't find plugins who do it .. | 22:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> So i am planing to use a API and create a Widget for LXQT Panel, it is possible? | 22:40 |
guiverc | I know nothing about bitcoin sorry | 22:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Some easy way? | 22:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Just i would like to know how create plugins for LXQT Panel (Widgets) | 22:41 |
guiverc | I'm not capable of giving good answers to that sorry @Eleoreina; which doesn't mean others can't.. | 22:41 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Oh okey, Because i am dev, so, may be i could create some widget in lxqt panel, That's why i am asking you | 22:42 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> but Thank sir for you help. | 22:42 |
remline | aleoreina, one way I have seen it done is to use curl with | 22:46 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> Yeah, I know that is easy step, I can parse using batch or using python.. BUt i would like to add some icon tray in live in lxqt panel | 22:47 |
lubot | [telegram] <aleoreina> GNOME have some thing like that, That's part LXQT are missing, Should be scalable to create plugins more easy using just Python. .. Some one here knows if lxqt is based on python also? | 22:48 |
guiverc | @aleoreina, if you want an example to look at, the lubuntu update notifier is python I believe, small & where I'd look (note: I don't use python but neither does LXQt I believe) | 22:56 |
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