
Nox60I want to setup two access point on two dedicated wifi interface.16:03
Nox60I configured netplan, but only one interface runs as AP!16:04
Nox60Can anyone help me?16:04
Nox60Here is the netplan configurations: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zRfZm6m76r/16:05
Nox60Plus, something is weird! The Mac address of interfaces are swaped!16:07
Nox60The final result of netplan: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6S39SWC63W/16:08
=== Samuel is now known as Guest89631
Guest89631Is there a way to make an internal port with Open vSwitch? i.e. $ ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vlan1000 -- set Interface vlan1000 type=internal20:29

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