
lotuspsychjegood morning01:57
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: I am about to leave to bed soon03:43
marcoagpintoI have been coding and working on LanguageTool03:43
marcoagpintoand cola!!!!!03:44
Maikguiverc: no problem06:07
lordievaderGood morning06:09
ducassegood morning06:16
TJ-at last, Starlink receiver is in its way (to the wrong address!!)20:31
sarnoldfinally, someone else will be free of the monopolies!20:32
TJ-not that; just free from being tied to > 2km of copper!20:37
TJ-irony though that Starlink have the delivery address wrong, corrected it late, and looks like they're sending me two receivers... I just have to persuade DHL to correct the 1st address :D20:37
TJ-So sat outside now configuring the network in preparation for it20:38
TJ-hmmm, does this sound correct when doing a simple package upgrade "After this operation, 5,108 kB of additional disk space will be used" ... surely no additional, since it'll be that less the space the current package versions are using20:40
sarnoldapt should be able to compare the installed size of the current package vs the new size of the new package in the lists and compute it that way20:46
sarnoldit might actually reprepsent five megabytes extra space used20:47
TJ-oh doh! I read it as 5,109 MiB  aka 5GB :)20:53
daftykinsTJ-: have you not bribed someone to hook up the farm to a decent service? :D20:53
TJ-running it on a space-limited headless device20:53
sarnoldTJ-: ah :) even five megabytes seems a bit larger than I'd expect most updates to do, but it certainly doesn't seem five gigabytes suspicious :)20:55
TJ-daftykins: I had hoped that when the UK minimum service requirement of at least 10Mbps came in 18 months ago that OpenReach would be forced to install a P2P wireless link... but instead they reduced the VDSL minimum SNR to less than 3db ... so it reports a sync rate > 10Mbps incoming but throughput is worse due to retransmits20:55
TJ-sarnold: yeah - this is an embedded device on 18.04 that hasn't been online in a year20:56
sarnoldTJ-: oh! so it'll be a hundred little updates instead20:56
TJ-and on VDSL now latency is all over the place due to the retransmits20:56
daftykinsTJ-: just got the VDSL2 turned on today at a client's new place, MSAN next door - line sync of 115 down, 55 up20:56
TJ-sarnold: 252 little upgrades20:56
TJ-daftykins: yeah; my only option was dig a fibre in to the farm... probably cost about £40k20:57
daftykinsyou know you want to ;) then you can earn it back by being a WISP to your neighbours!20:57
leftyfbdamn, I couldn't deal20:58
TJ-at the office with fibre we way £380~ per month for 100/100/7ms ... Starlink will give something like 150/30/16-30ms for £89 per month20:58
TJ-daftykins: did explore that but not enough neighbours20:59
daftykinsaww :(20:59
TJ-and unlike fibre Starlink can be moved21:00
daftykinsand those wild backhoes that roam the lands can't dig through it!21:00
daftykinsthink i'd still prefer it though :D21:00
TJ-I can mount Starlink on a trailer and take it to outdoor shows and so on, once they permit relocation/roaming21:02
TJ-right now they need to know which 'cell' the receiver is in for scheduling/load planning of the satellites21:02
jeremy31The orbit of those sats is about 50 miles higher than the ISS21:15
jeremy31Doppler must be figured into the receivers21:16
TJ-they used phased arrays for beam forming and steering too21:16
jeremy31At that altitude one sat would go from horizon to horizon in about 12 minutes21:18
TJ-there's some great animated real-time trackers21:18
jeremy31Yes, I used some when I was using amateur radio sats21:20
jeremy31I think the google play store had one where you could point your android device at the sky and see what sats were there21:21
TJ-yes, i used that a lot21:26
TJ-the best Starlink tracker in terms of visuals and info is https://starlink.sx/21:27
TJ-shows the ground station gateways and distances from the satellites which gives some indication of expected latencies21:27
daftykinsvery neat21:30
jeremy31It will definitely be many times less latency than existing sat service as latency must be at least half to 3/4 of a second21:31
TJ-for geo-synchronous, yeah. 550km vs 35,700km21:33
TJ-and once the newer satellites with laser links are operational latencies will drop further21:34
jeremy31Tin foil hat time21:38
jeremy31The lasers will fry your brains21:40
daftykinsif the 5G doesn't get you first!21:40
jeremy31I work with people that have nothing to worry about21:40
TJ-it may improve some!21:43
jeremy31There might be hope21:44

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