
lordievaderGood morning06:12
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
coreycbjamespage: does this look ok to you? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pqf9JCsrRJ/13:43
jamespagecoreycb: you could just wildcard that13:50
jamespageI'd be +1 on that approach13:51
coreycbjamespage: ok I'll wildcard it, thanks13:53
jamespagecoreycb: I have a pacific point release for a CVE to upload to hirsute - want to wrap that in to my upload?14:24
coreycbjamespage: sure, that'd be great, thanks14:24
jamespageok just dealing with that now so will do14:25
jamespagecoreycb: I suspect me dumping a new ceph into hirsute and the insane amount of time some archs take to build is not going to happen pre-release14:58
jamespageso you might want to add that patch into the backport-o-matic for the UCA for now14:58
coreycbjamespage: ok, yeah .. I'll do that today14:59

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