
sakrecoer[b]sorry, i know this question is not specific to ubuntu studio, rather element. But i figure many users have installed element the same way i have.09:36
sakrecoer[b]any one else getting "The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG C2850B265AC085BD" when updating?09:37
sakrecoer[b]seems like apt-key is deprecated now, what is the procedure to refresh these keys?09:37
sakrecoer[b]oh well... i did it the ugly way and deleted the my version of the key and downloaded the version advertised on the website located at https://packages.riot.im/debian/09:41
Iamahuman4sakrecoer[b]: yeah, I've been running into apt-key being deprecated09:41
Iamahuman4I think they moved towards a GnuPG solution coz that offers harder and more sophisticated security09:42
sakrecoer[b]Iamahuman4: i had no idea before today. Must be new, because my machine runing 20.04 is not complaining about it09:42
Iamahuman4sakrecoer[b]: 20.10 got it (I think, not on it right now)09:42
Iamahuman4sakrecoer[b]: I'm sure it is a good move, but it does break a lot of the existing instructions on how to add software that is not in the repos09:43
Iamahuman4If you come by a solution how to do the migration, I'd appreciate if you throw me a link. I did give it a few trys on the search engine, but no real tutorials. This was like maybe 1-2 months ago09:45
sakrecoer[b]i had the same issue regarding finding docs about it. this helped me though: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/INSTALL.md#matrixorg-packages09:45
sakrecoer[b]Iamahuman4: ^09:46
sakrecoer[b]The Note under the box with the apt strings09:46
Iamahuman4Merci sakrecoer[b]09:46
sakrecoer[b]de rien Iamahuman4 ! :)09:46
sakrecoer[b]hmm... well... that's how i run into the issue actually...09:47
sakrecoer[b]so the **Note** is maybe not as helpful as i remembered. sorry...09:48
sakrecoer[b]Rather the apt strings are.09:48
sakrecoer[b]it seems instead of using apt-key, they add the `signed-by=/path/to/key" in the sources.list.d file09:49
sakrecoer[b]well... i guess this leaves us where we started in the quetion Iamahuman4 : if i find something more detailed i'll try remember share it with you. Hopefully if you find it first you will remember to share too :) <309:50
Iamahuman4sakrecoer[b]: this gives a lot of relevant hits https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=apt-key+deprecated+howto09:52
Iamahuman4so there are tutorials of varying quality on how to adjust to the situation09:52
sakrecoer[b]ah yeah! your websearch-fu is much more powerful than mine!! many thanks Iamahuman4 !! <309:53
Iamahuman4I'm soooooo happy with all the preinstalled software on US 20.10. I am going to do a clean install of 21.04 (in order to record all steps for further reference in my intrawiki) of mein KlingPad09:55
Iamahuman4Apres demain on fait la danse de nouveau Ubuntu de printemps :D :D09:58
Iamahuman4Nous esperons que le nouveau Ubuntu Studio sera aussi. Arrive-t-il apres demain?10:00
sakrecoer[b]I haven't looked in the progress! i'm sure it will come soon enough! <311:05
Sbur3Will 21.04 keep the same desktop environment?13:07
Sbur3I mean, keep Plasma or will it change again?13:08

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