
RoadRunnerwant to install 20.04 on a sepparate partition of a multiboot system; sda3 partition created and formated as ext4; device for boot loader installation should be /dev/sda or /dev/sda3?00:25
RoadRunneralso (with either sda or sda3 selected) get "no root file system is defined" what am I missing?00:28
RoadRunnerthe goal is to have two diff booting partitions with home on a sepparate partition00:30
RoadRunnerWant to install 20.04 on a sepparate partition of a multiboot system (with home on a sepparate partition). sda3 partition created and formated as ext4. During instalation: device for boot loader installation should be /dev/sda or /dev/sda3? Also (with either sda or sda3 selected above) get "no root file system is defined" what am I missing?01:11
=== RoadRunner is now known as Arc1
=== pikapika_lunar_a is now known as pikapika
IhzarizkykWhat solutions of Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)?22:43

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