
lukasmNox60: there is some problem with your YAML... the MAC matched for wlan0 does not seem to exist (from your 2nd paste). The you're matching two different MACs for wlx7c8bca196c0e, which doesn't make a lot of sense.07:11
lukasmAlso, I'm not sure if the NetworkManager backend is able to handle two APs at the same time :-/ have you tried using the 'networkd' renderer?07:12
lukasmGuest89631: I think that's not currently possible.07:13
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
=== JanC is now known as Guest65907
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Samuel is now known as Guest95988
John72Hi Netplan Development Group.  I am in the process of transitioning from the openvswitch/ifupdown integration to openvswitch with netplan.  A few questions have come up that I hope you can help me with.   When an openvswitch parameter is not explicitly specified in the netplan.io reference, should the parameter be set directly with ovs-vsctl?21:19
John72For example, should ovs-vsctl be used when setting interface “tag” or “trunks”?   Will settings applied directly via ovs-vsctl (not otherwise known to netplan) persist in the OVS DB?   Thanks, John21:19

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