
himadrispandyaHi, I'm trying install mainline 5.9. kernel with a patch for scheduler on ubuntu 20.04 running on an amd ryzen (zen2 arch) hardware. I've installed and tested the same custom kernel on multiple intel machines running with debian and arch linux. But I'm running into build errors on this machine. I'm referring to this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild tutorial and getting error "cannot represent change09:42
himadrispandyaEarlier I was also getting error "cannot represent change to vmlinux-gdb.py". I got rid of it by deleting the vmlinux-gdb.py file.09:45
himadrispandyaIf I don't use deb-pkg, my kernel compiles without any error. I can also install it by doing modules_install followed by a make_install after turning the secure boot off. But then it fails to boot with errors like "Out of memory" & "vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)"09:50
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bittinHello anyone packing the kernel updates that released an hour ago?12:34
klebersbittin, hi. Which kernel updates are you referring to?12:41
bittinklebers: https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/ChangeLog-5.11.16 and https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/ChangeLog-5.10.3213:52
bittinah i see they are up now13:53
bittininstalling and trying now13:55
bittincould not compile the ZFS modules :(14:00
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