[03:44] !es | @nesinelllis [03:44] @nesinelllis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [05:51] Good morning [05:52] 'morning! [06:33] morning [08:24] I'm looking to talk to someone about taking part in testing [08:25] I have a few questions I would like to find answers [08:26] maybe this is a bad time I will try again on another occasion === ruimonteiro is now known as alf75 [09:11] @BobH, try in #ubuntu-quality === alf75 is now known as alf1975 [09:26] LTS is the more stable than the normal version [09:26] i prefere the stable one === ruimonteiro is now known as alf1975 [10:31] !isitout [10:31] Nawh, Ubuntu 21.04 is not out yet.. :3 [10:33] Oh, it's to be released today, hehe, I don't even notice non-lts releases anymore :D [10:43] @alkisg, yeah still some hours left [10:43] alkisg have a new machine so will be installing the most fresh Kubuntu today :) looking forward to see what's new in KDE5.21! [10:43] New KDE Gears today too [10:43] former KDE Apps [11:09] virus ? [11:09] ? 21.04 ? [11:09] https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ [11:10] where ? [11:59] still a couple of hours left [12:05] rayhanbd004 was added by: rayhanbd004 [12:08] Hi! When will be Kubuntu 21.04 released? [12:13] @viewer|14, later today [12:15] IrcsomeBot1 Great! Thank you very much! [12:22] Hi folks [12:26] Hi, any ETA about 21.04? [12:27] nope, haven't heard anything [12:35] later today === ruimonteiro is now known as alf1975 === c_ is now known as Guest88361 [13:50] Hi [13:50] error /boot/valinuz-5.10.0-051000-generic has invalid signature. errors you need to load the kernel first. … Press any key to continue.... [13:50] Anyone has encountered this [13:51] Even with 5.11.16-051116-generic [13:51] Same prob [13:53] I wanted to have the latest kernel [13:53] 😢😒 [13:55] @Abir_ben_soltane, Spamming like this won't help [13:55] wait until someone answers your question [14:32] Disable secure boot in uefi settings? === Guest5712 is now known as lex [15:37] Yeh [16:17] Hello. I have ubuntu 20.10 with kubuntu-desktop . How do I upgrade to 21.04 [16:27] same as described here i guess.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GroovyUpgrades/Kubuntu === dhruva_ is now known as test === test is now known as test010101 === mkv is now known as m4v [18:58] kaynix was added by: kaynix [19:03] anyone here ? [19:03] there is an typo in 21.04 release news [19:03] wrong version numbers [19:09] spotted and fixed. thanks === nadim is now known as Guest31309 [19:43] pepe - was added by: pepe - [19:44] I3I4 [19:45] V3X4 [19:46] ZFK4 === nadim_ is now known as acenad [19:51] Yup Mup was added by: Yup Mup === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [20:18] chrobv was added by: chrobv [20:18] DIS6 [20:24] Good evening guys === Unit193 changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 21.04: kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-21-04-hirsute-hippo-released | Kubuntu 20.04.1: kubuntu.org/20.04.1-released | forum.kde.org | kubuntuforums.net