
jphilipsbluesabre: the link to ubuntu release notes gives a blank page05:53
jphilipsoh it redirects after a few seconds to the discourse post. might be better to just link directly to it.05:54
jphilipsfix it06:01
jphilipsshould we mention the linux kernel version in the release notes?06:03
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 21.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.06:08
jphilipsUnit193: got a 403 forbidden page when i tried to grab the torrent https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/pending/xubuntu-21.04-core-amd64.iso.torrent08:20
Unit193That is intended.08:20
jphilipsyou don't want people to download the torrent?08:25
jphilipsbluesabre: started preparing the 21.04 post. please look over the highlights part and fill in the known issues - https://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=5140&action=edit08:38
jphilipswasn't able to figure out how to set the release entry for the posts - https://imgur.com/LAXz16T.png08:41
Unit193Not until I know if it's even remotely release ready.  Not even sure if the main ISOs are "complete" yet, and this one hasn't really seen testing.08:42
jphilipsoh okay08:42
Unit193jphilips: If you or whatever testng group (is there one anymore?) test that, I'd certainly like to hear about results or passes/fails.10:35
jphilipsUnit193: yes the Xubuntu Development group is still around with testers in it. Will ask them to test it and i'll test it as well tonight.10:36
Unit193Well I know Sean and I are still around. :D10:37
jphilipswas speaking about the telegram group :D10:38
jphilipsdid alot of new stuff get added since 20.04, as the core 20.04 ISO was around 800mb and 21.04 is 1Gb10:38
Unit193818M → 983M is a bit of a hit, they've always been growing.  It's rather annoying. :/10:40
Unit193Can grab the manifests, strip the versions, then diff to see.  I've done that to check why it's all crazy.10:40
jphilipsatleast one good thing is that whether its 20.04 or 21.04, Core is still 1/2 the size of desktop10:41
Unit193At this point it's not really about size, but more about not having to strip it down I think.10:42
Unit193adwaita-icon-theme-full will be part of the reason it's larger.10:53
Unit193A lot of the other stuff is just soname bumps and package splits.10:53
bluesabreNext release will probably be bigger as some gtk4 things begin to appear and while our gtk2 apps take their time in updating10:54
Unit193Urgh, gtk4...10:55
Unit193Aka, the release they deprecate everything else useful. :D10:56
Unit193The pool/ area is larger too, which takes a hit as that's not so compressed.10:57
jphilipsadwaita-icon-theme-full is a 6mb download, so not sure why that would be a reason for the nearly 200mb increase10:57
Unit193Download isn't the same as install, fwiw.10:57
jphilipsinstall is 22mb10:58
jphilipsbluesabre: had you forgotten to mention adwaita full in the release notes, or was that intentional?10:58
Unit193Yeah, that's one bump.  Something pulls in tcl, kinda wonder what.  That might be a little there too.10:58
Unit193If bluesabre wasn't paying attention, I'd remove ubuntu-advantage.* :P11:00
bluesabrejphilips: just forgot about it11:00
bluesabrejphilips: you add releases to posts from the Posts page, quick edit action, https://imgur.com/1t2NlhL11:01
Unit193libffi8ubuntu1 ouch, that's a *nasty* soname..11:01
bluesabreI don't even know what the ubuntu-advantage things are11:01
Unit193How large is fonts-teluguvijayam installed?11:02
Unit193> ayatana-indicator-application, crap.  Doesn't that conflict?11:02
bluesabreIt shouldn't. Both indicator-application packages have their own service that the indicators subscribe to11:03
Unit193indicator-application and the Xfce panel plugin.11:03
jphilipsbluesabre: thanks about the quick edit11:04
bluesabreUnit193: we replaced the panel plugin when we synced it from Debian, iirc11:07
Unit193xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin/xfce4-panel vs indicator-application/xfce4-indicator-plugin.11:07
Unit193Moot now anyway, so we're good.11:08
bluesabreAdded Adwaita and Ayatana to the release notes11:10
bluesabreIt looks like we did some things this time around :) https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/21.04/release-notes11:12
Unit193bluesabre: You did things, I sat here and made pot shots, like normal. :311:13
bluesabreIt's a good system11:13
bluesabreAdded the major issues to the release announcement.11:21
Unit193What issues?11:22
bluesabrehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/+bug/1917062 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/187064111:23
ubot3Launchpad bug 1917062 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Decryption passphrase prompt not displayed until escape is pressed (Xubuntu hirsute test case)" [High, Incomplete]11:23
ubot3Launchpad bug 1870641 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfsettingsd doesn't open on login, making the system look ugly" [Undecided, New]11:23
bluesabreIs the ESP one still a problem? I saw a lot of movement on it.11:23
bluesabreXubuntu marked ready11:24
bluesabreActually, since nobody tagged 1870641 for hirsute, I'll remove it11:25
Unit193Wait, you have ESP now?!11:26
Unit193The heck do I get that at?11:26
bluesabreWell, there's this (shady) PPA...11:27
Unit193Did anyone tell knome people like his wallpaper?11:47
bluesabreknome: people like your wallpaper11:47
bluesabreUnit193: yes11:48
bluesabreIt really is a nice looking wallpaper :)11:48
jphilipspeople always love knome's wallpapers :D12:30
jphilipsfind reactions on twitter - https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/138115505482505011412:30
jphilipsand facebook - https://www.facebook.com/xubuntuusers/posts/3729588907089989/12:31
jphilipsUnit193: test install went fine.12:35
Unit193BIOS or UEFI?12:43
jphilipspresume its BIOS. whatever vmware player starts up with.13:46
jphilipsbluesabre: should i set the post to go out at a particular time?16:43
albinardFor Unit193: downloaded the Xubuntu Core ISO for 04/22, wrote to USB, installed on HP p7-1010 in BIOS mode.  And IT"S ALIVE!  Configuring and testing now.17:50
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
krytarikjphilipz: You around to do the website release bits? :320:59
bluesabrekrytarik: I'm flipping all the switches now21:05
krytarikYeah, just noticed! XD21:05
krytarikAlso just noticed, we should probably remove the tags from the release post and just stick with the release instead..21:07
krytarikAlso beware in the autosave of the download page from earlier today, there is an extra "!" at the end of the release announcement link that as per usual probably won't be there after publishing the post.21:10
bluesabreInteresting enough, Wordpress had added that same ! to the slug for the release announcement. I removed that silliness.21:11
krytarikWow, wasn't sure that's even allowed.. >_<21:11
bluesabreI blame gutenburg :p21:12
krytarikLOL, fair bet I guess!21:12
bluesabrekrytarik: I think I've updated all the important bits, let me know if anything seems off21:16
krytarikYeah, looks good to me too - thanks!21:16
bluesabre!team | Congrats on another great release!21:17
ubot3Congrats on another great release!: bluesabre, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2 and Unit19321:17
bluesabreneed to update the team factoid... >.>21:17
bluesabreAnyway, I'm out! Have a great night everybody.21:18
remlineThank you all for your efforts!21:26
krytarikWow, the release announcements as of late seem to have a pattern of having a "published" time of way before the actual release and moving them from draft to published - wonder how though since there doesn't seem to be any other way to do this than by just hitting the publish button, and then I figure it should take the time of when one does this..21:39
krytarikbluesabre: Just updated the factoid (needs to sync over yet though)21:48
krytarikjphilipz: I'm slightly confused now though with which variant of your nick ('z' or 's' on the end) you want to be on said factoid, so please tell me if the 'z' pick wasn't right.. >_>21:54
Unit193Finally updated my site too.22:45

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