
jrwrendid hirsute launch? should I do-release-upgrade?15:05
jrwren`No new release found.15:05
cmaloneytry again16:30
cmaloneyBTW: Penguicon this weekend16:30
cmaloneybang bang bang goes me on the drum16:30
Scary_GuyAside from my normal hate of that event, during Covid seems irresponsible when we're currently the state with the most cases.17:30
cmaloneyPenguicon is virtual this year18:01
_stink_will tron guy be there18:05
jrwrenyes, and the camera will be panning and zooming over all the details in his tron outfit.18:07
Scary_GuyI met him once, was kind of a dick.18:37
Scary_GuyOne of my favorite movies too, despite being a Disney product18:37
cmaloneyTron guy will likely not be attending18:48
greg-gI can tell you that my experiences at Penguicon are definitely not covid-safe ;)18:59
greg-gGlad it's happening this year though (virtually)18:59
cmaloneySame here19:00

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