
lotuspsychjegood morning02:51
ducassegood morning06:18
[VMGuy23]Walex: 1min startup? u sure?09:30
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
rfmcranberry, you can set a pipe in a mail alias or ~/.forward file to have all mail delivered to that command.  Used for running all mail through procmail for sorting/filtering.   "| command".18:07
rfmcranberry, I guess you could get the deliver-to-a-net endpoint with "! nc host port"18:09
cranberryhi rfm18:09
cranberryI can put bash like scripting in ~/.forward?18:09
cranberryis that file read by the MUA or MTA ?18:09
cranberrybecause if that'S the case, that's exactly what I'm looking for - as you stated I would just need the email piped into "| nc host port"18:10
rfmcranberry, it's not full script language, just uses the same pipe symbol.  the command has to be literal, it's not globbed, substituted, etc18:10
rfmcranberry, of course the command could be a shell script.18:11
cranberryah, I see. that is super handy to know! do you use a specific mail agent with it? or is it an universal thing? I tried searching but could not really find anything18:11
rfmcranberry, certainly sendmail and postfix do it.  it used to be very popular for running all incoming mail through "procmail" for sorting and filtering....18:13
cranberryI see - Awesome, I will try that. Thank you very much!!18:13
rfmcranberry, also the "vacation" autoreply command...18:13
cranberryoh, I did not know that was a thing on *nix18:14
rfmcranberry, I finally found where this is documented in a ubuntu manpage (assuming postfix which is the usual MTA on ubuntu):  "man aliases", which mainly documents /etc/aliases but mentions that the right-hand-side can go in ~/.forward files...19:19
cranberryrfm: nice! I searched for ".forward" and "~/.forward" but only found news articles - lol19:21
cranberrythank you very much!19:21
[VMGuy23]Is there any Wine alternatives that might work better? VM is not the way because my PC is not that great20:50
Maikafaik not20:51
[VMGuy23]Wine barely works, and thats annoying20:51
Maikthere's nothing else20:53
Maikwhat are your system specs?20:53
Maikif VM doesn't work well either, maybe you should have considered a dual boot20:56
Maik[VMGuy23]: what windows apps do you need to run?20:58
* Maik can live without them20:58
[VMGuy23]Maik: A lot of apps won't work, one reason because it runs as admin, another because 99% of librarys are missing (also, AMD Ryzen 3 3200u (i think, how do i check) with radeon vega mobile gfx) Office just... doesnt work. Also, I do dual-boot, but prefer Ubuntu21:00
tomreyn[VMGuy23]: so... why is this system not capable of virtualization?21:01
Maikwho needs Office when there's LibreOffice on Ubuntu.....21:01
tomreynyou can check your cpu with   cat /proc/cpuinfo21:02
tomreynRAM with    free -h21:02
[VMGuy23]tomreyn: its capabale of virtualisation, but its a slow pc21:02
Maik[VMGuy23]: also with system specs i mean which CPU and how much RAM21:03
[VMGuy23]AMD Ryzen 3 3200U and 16GB ram21:03
tomreyn[VMGuy23]: whats slow about it? the cpu looks good enough. unless the system has thermal issues21:03
Maikand you have issues with a VM? i run a VM in boxes on a old i5 CPU with 4GB RAM21:04
tomreyn16 gb ram is certainly fine for virtualization if you can spare 2 or 4 for the windows vm running office21:04
Maiki can't really call your pc a low spec one21:05
tomreynif you forgot the windows license key bound to the system mainboard    sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM21:06
[VMGuy23]I have 10sec bootup on a month old install of ubuntu and GRUB takes 5-10sec to show21:06
Maikespecially with a CPU that's clocked at 2.6 - 3.5GHz21:06
tomreyn[VMGuy23]: boot time is one thing, but once the system is up, what's slow about it?21:06
[VMGuy23]tomreyn: I often wait 5-10seconds waiting for GNOME to load, on a  frozen screen21:07
tomreynokay, that'S weird. but whats the problem with running vms?21:08
[VMGuy23]tomreyn: Slow. Low FPS. Generally bad performance.21:08
Maikprobably a GPU driver issue21:08
tomreynmaybe that's really thermal issues. you should check the system log21:08
Maikgotta love AMD and nVidia... i prefer Intel, less issues21:09
tomreynif you have a dedicated nvidia graphics chipset in addition to the integrated amd graphics, and have not disabled the nvidia unit then this might be the source of latencies.21:10
[VMGuy23]Maik: yeah I recently failed to install amdgpu-pro because im on 20.10 and its for 20.04 so now I'm stuck with llvm (as it says in Settings/About) instad of what it used to say, AMD Raven221:10
Maik[VMGuy23]: but keep in mind that this channel isn't really meant for support21:10
[VMGuy23]Maik: I know, #ubuntu isnt responding though21:10
Maikyou know the drill after asking, be patient21:11
Maiksame people that are in #ubuntu are also here and in other channels21:11
Maikat least the majority is21:12

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