
cncr04sI need help configuring a specific situation for networking on linux.02:55
cncr04sI have a switch with 16 ports, devices attached to it. I have the server being configured, with interfaces eno1 and eno2. eno1 is bridged as br0 for unrelated virtual hosts, eno1 is the WAN interface. eno2 is used for vlan2 tagged interface. I have devices on the switch, tagged on vlan id 2. I want to access ipv6 addresses that are WAN addresses, but are on a tagged port, (can not have02:55
cncr04sseperate tag for ipv4 and ipv6 addresses). I want to bridge WAN requests for these ipv6 addresses that are on vlan 2 tag, through this server. I am not sure how to proceed.02:55
mybalzitchvlans don't care about what protocol you send over them03:12
cncr04sI basically need my server to act as a switch between the two networks03:28
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
tewardcncr04s: then you need an actual switch.  Bridging requests between two WANs would otherwise need NAT at and that point your system will turn into a router not a switch.14:27
tewardif the intention is v6 traffic is out to the Internet you need NAT.14:28
tewardalternatively let your existing WAN handle v6, is there a reason it can't?14:29
cncr04steward: its one switch, half of the ports are on the default vlan tag the other half is vlan 2 tag. ipv6 hosts stuck on vlan 2 tag can't reach the WAN gateway on the default tag. The reason for a vlan 2 tag is I have impi ports on it. Some systems only have v4 others have both stacks. I have a vpn to access this network segment. But I wanted the ipmi's that have ipv6 to be accessable19:24
cncr04sfrom WAN.19:24
Soniis it evil to flip the condition of a systemd unit such that OnFailure gets executed on success instead?21:45
Soninvm figured out something better using targets23:12

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