=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru === alexander is now known as Guest4675 [08:36] . [12:27] [telegram] For the Lubuntu developers in here [12:27] [telegram] friday I upgraded to Lubuntu 21.04 [12:27] [telegram] I'm so happy with the new kernel [12:27] [telegram] I can read the speed of the case fans, I can read the cpu temp and I can use nvtop without the gpu drivers being uninstalled [12:27] [telegram] the icons are better [12:27] [telegram] thank you so much for all the work! [14:21] [telegram] +1👍🏼 (re @Michaël: For the Lubuntu developers in here [14:21] [telegram] friday I upgraded to Lubuntu 21.04 [14:21] [telegram] I'm so happy with the new kernel [14:21] [telegram] I can read the speed of the case fans, I can read the cpu temp and I can use nvtop without the gpu drivers being uninstalled [14:21] [telegram] the icons are better [14:21] [telegram] thank you so much for all the work!) [15:39] These are good reports to hear, thanks for the feedback and glad things are working better. [15:47] Multi-line quoting, huh.. :3 [16:54] g