
qiujuntingThe current cloud-init documentation is for users, is there any documentation for developers?01:19
qiujuntingI want to know how cloud-init is started? And how do you get the metadata?01:22
qiujuntingI want to get a document about cloud-init for developer08:05
qiujuntingwho can help me?08:06
qiujuntingwhere is a document about cloud-init for developer?11:34
qiujuntingDocuments about cloud-init source code analysis?11:35
AnhVoMSFTrharper: continuing on the mount -a"15:55
AnhVoMSFTrharper: continuing on the "mount -a" discussion last week. if the user adds nfs mounts to the "mounts" (#cloud-config), given the code today, it won't work anyway on RHEL/CentOS/SUSE due to the dependency of rpcd. If we use mount -a -O no_netdev, we can document that if the user still wants to mount NFS devices, they should not annotate the mounts with netdev in #cloud-config15:57
rharperAnhVoMSFT:   sure; that's a bug ... where I left off was a suggestion to address the bug;  there are two paths;   1) upstream RHEL could look to relax the restriction as other OSes have done w.r.t rpcd  2) for legacy images, cloud-init could look to include the drop-in script which does a mount -a -O _netdev if _netdev entries in exist in fstab16:00
AnhVoMSFTrharper: for #2, my worry is that it's going to be hard to get it right. How do we know when rpcd will have run so that we can safely run mount -a -O _netdev?16:01
rharperAnhVoMSFT: cloud-config.service already runs after networking is up After=network-online.target;  so using a ExecStartPre= script means right before invoking cloud-init modules --mode=config;  it would run the script to check for _netdev entries in /etc/fstab and do a mount -a -O _netdev;16:03
rharperI suspect to be completely save, we'd want to also include an After=rpcd.service  on the RHEL distros16:03
AnhVoMSFTrharper: another option is to add a new configuration option to mounts to allow user/image builders to indicate whether they want cloud-init to mount netdev devices during "mounts"16:10
rharperwell, we already support nfs mounts, so users then need to know that if they use RHEL and nfs mounts, they have to pass some user-data config to tell cloud-init not to attempt to do nfs mounts (which may also be provided in the user-data config?)16:20
hggdhRed Hat, CentOS, and Oracle Linux are affected18:34
rharperhggdh: yeah18:56
powersjOdd_Bloke, "we aren't aware of any distros backporting cloud-init to releases which use Python 3.4," the reason we decided on 3.4 was SuSE19:26
smoser1can i get someone to ack this: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/87920:56
=== smoser1 is now known as smoser
Odd_BlokeI don't entirely trust this smoser1 imposter, but I've +1'd anyway. ;)21:01
smoserOdd_Bloke: so is that fine to land then? i just hit squash and merge ?23:34

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