
DragnslcrJust upgraded from 20.04 to 21.04, and I've lost the option to use HDMI output for audio. Anyone else run into this problem?00:03
DragnslcrSo I've found the Profile setting in pavucontrol. Looks like the setting was removed from System Settings.00:08
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> (Photo, 588x588) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/qi5AJcv2/file_43468.jpg HDMI audio working fine here after the upgrade:00:35
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Can you see the HDMI (usually digital) audio in alsamixer? (In alsamixer, hit the f2 key and review the cards and devices lists.)00:38
DragnslcrYeah, I got it working again. The option was removed from System Settings, so it took me some time searching online for where it got moved to.00:52
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Very  good. Glad to hear it working.00:52
DragnslcrWith how often I've had to manually change the audio profile, it would be nice if it was easier to get to00:54
DragnslcrMaybe the automatic detection/switching has gotten better since 20.04 anyway, so I won't need to manually change it as often00:54
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Auto audio switching has been pretty rock solid for me in 21.04 (I had to remove pipewire in 20.10 as it seemed to interfere with my BT headset).00:59
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Notice the 2 configuration buttons (hamburger and settings icons) next to the "pin" icon in the above Audio Volume image? They will quickly open the 2 different audio configuration menus for the plasma desktop.01:05
Guest48081Good morning06:16
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IrcsomeBot1<bittin1> morning07:20
wujiehow are you07:32
IrcsomeBot1<chrobv> I have the best Kubuntu setup ever😎πŸ”₯08:09
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IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> @chrobv, show09:02
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BluesKajHowdy all12:33
IrcsomeBot1<bittin1> hey12:44
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sharpninjaIs it possible to upgrade my kubuntu system (Linux ninja-kubuntu 5.8.0-51-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 14 16:02:45 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) to Ubuntu 21?13:23
BluesKajsharpninja, which is your current release?13:30
lordievadersharpninja: What is the output of `lsb_release -a`?13:30
sharpninjaUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/9d433a4eedb494db6af823c75347965a/pasted.txt13:31
lordievaderWhat have you tried to upgrade?13:32
sharpninjaI haven't.  I just want to make sure it's safe to do so.  I don't see anything on the kubuntu website.13:34
lordievaderBluesKaj: Have you seen many upgrade issues come by the past couple of days?13:36
BluesKajhi lordievader, no I haven't seen any complaints about upgrading to 21.0413:37
lordievadersharpninja: Do you have ppa's enabled and are you fully up to date?13:38
BluesKajI've been testing 21.04 for a while and it's probably the most stable version testing-wise yet.13:38
sharpninjaYes,fully up to date.  Which PPAs?13:40
BluesKajdisable the ppas first13:40
sharpninjahow do I do that?13:41
sharpninjaComment them out in the sources file?13:41
BluesKajin /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:43
sharpninjawould it be easiest to rename /etc/apt/sources.list.d and the place an empty folder at /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:43
BluesKajremove them13:43
sharpninjaOK, moved them to a folder in home13:48
lordievaderThen it should be relatively risk free, not entirely risk free, but low anyways.14:01
BluesKajthey won't apply to your new upgraded sources.list so it's best to delete the ppas, ppas are temporary until a new kernel version is released then they can break your system14:01
BluesKaji know that from personal experience :/14:02
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ri5h46hhello everybody14:59
leaftypehi ri5h46h15:00
ri5h46hi installed kubuntu with btrfs today with space_cache, noatime, compress=zstd, discard=async options on a ssd and the performance is on par with ext415:02
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