
seb128xnox, is that on purpose that we don't display ISO check status on the desktop ISO anymore?09:36
xnoxseb128:  on purpose. Everyone complained about it, so it is actually still being run, in the background, and i.e. ubuntu-bug picks it up. And it is copied into /var/log/installer.09:41
xnoxseb128:  we don't have any UI/UX inside ubiquity to say something like "your install might not work, as iso changes got detected" or some such.09:42
seb128xnox, ah, where did it got disabled?09:43
seb128I think people didn't like the fact that it was not showing you the result09:44
seb128they will not like it better than it's not showing it + now it's not telling you while it's sitting on a spinner09:44
xnoxseb128:  nothing sits on a spinner09:47
xnoxseb128:  the check is executed as a systemd job from booted iso. nothing is done in the initrd anymore.09:47
seb128xnox, it just happens in background still after the session started?09:48
xnoxseb128:  it's a systemd unit that runs in parallel to the rest of the system booting / running.09:48
seb128I see09:48
xnoxseb128:  see casper09:48
seb128right, I saw that now09:48
xnoxif the spinner takes too long to bring up the live session => it's just IO speed / machine being slow =/09:49
xnoxi'm not sure how we can improve that.09:49
seb128still a bit sad we are not using the result in ubiquity, hopefully we fix that before the next LTS09:51
xnoxseb128:  apport / ubuntu-bug use it. I never managed to get time for UX design and to implement that in ubiquity. Maybe you can find time to do that?09:53
xnoxor at least do that in the new installer?09:53
xnox/ subiquity => i'm not sure subiquity handles it right either.09:53
seb128xnox, I opened https://github.com/canonical-web-and-design/desktop-design/issues/157 , which got ignored and now needs to be reassigned because no mpt :-(09:54
seb128I will nag09:54
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sigvI know most don't care about the Importance flag on merge request bugs, and it's not required or anything --, but could someone please set "Importance: Wishlist" for me on LP: #1926120 so that it doesn't hang around with that "Undecided"?15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926120 in debmirror (Ubuntu) "Please merge debmirror 1:2.34 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192612015:29
julianku 2?15:45
sigvThank you!17:18
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