
xu-irc13wHello everyone, I have never used IRC before. Do you all read this?00:48
Bashing-omxu-irc13w: Yup - looking good :D00:52
xu-irc13wI am wondering if I could get advice on a config issue...00:54
Bashing-omxu-irc13w: Procedure is just to ask an xubuntu question - and await a response.00:55
xu-irc13wOkay cool thank you.00:56
xu-irc13wI have an old macbook air loaded with xubuntu. I would like the default behavior of the function keys to not control system stuff like volume or screen brightness. Any ideas how to accomplish this?00:57
Bashing-omxu-irc13w: See: https://askubuntu.com/questions/90513/how-do-i-change-my-keyboard-shortcuts-in-xubuntu .01:05
xu-irc13wThis didn't help, there is no keyboard shortcut for toggling the function keys.01:15
xu-irc13wI may be able to do something kinda hacky and have the volume button remap to f11 etc...01:17
Bashing-omxu-irc13w: Sorry no experience - others here can advise the better.01:18
xu-irc13wHello, this was the person earlier asking about the fn key on an apple keyboard. I found a resolution to this issue here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard under the change function key section. Now I understand a bit more... if you get the question again you could send them here.04:38
xu-irc43wJust installed xubuntu 21.04 and facing issues in configuring openconnect VPN in NetworkManager05:06
xu-irc43wit is working in 20.04 in my other laptop05:06
xu-irc43wedit settings for VPN profiles in NetworkManager GUI does not show any fields related to VPN configuration05:08
xu-irc43w network-manager-openconnect-gnome package was missing05:13
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nullray Hey guys, I just installed Xubuntu 21.04 and I noticed that some keyboard shortcuts don't work correctly, even after changing them from the appropriate settings application. I wanted to see if this is a know issue or where to report it11:47
Unit193I believe the release notes mention that may happen if xfsettingsd isn't running.11:48
nullrayIf i try to get the status of that service I get: Unit xfsettingsd.service could not be found.11:49
nullrayI tried replacing xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml with the one from Xubuntu 20.04 and I don't have the problem anymore11:49
nullrayTo be more specific, the shortcut for tiling_right (Super + Right) does not work with the default config file, even thought tiling_left works just fine11:51
nullrayIf I go to Window Manager > Keyboard and I set the tiling_right shortcut again, it works for a few minutes and then it stops working again11:51
nullrayOn the release page of 21.04 I see some mentions about changes to keyboard shortcuts so I think the issue is Xubuntu specific11:54
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Yo44Hi so i just installed xubuntu on virtual box and restarted and now it says please remove the installation media how would i do that16:34
diogenes_Yo44, in virtualbox settings.16:37
Yo44I can do that whilst the vm is running16:38
diogenes_vm settings > storage and remove ISO16:41
Yo44Thank you very much16:41
diogenes_you're welcome16:42
xubuntu70idoes this work?18:40
geniiit did18:43
Maikfly by18:55

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