
=== ivy is now known as motherfuccer
user|88466do-release-upgrade keeps telling me  "No new release found"03:28
user|88466This is in kubuntu 20.10.I started with the apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade , no new upgrade then pkexec do-release-upgradd also said "no new release'03:29
user|88466apologies with the crappy description but PasteBin is acting out03:30
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Dragnslcruser|88466- you might need to do do-release-upgrade -d03:34
user|88466Thank you it seems to do the trick. They probably should update the instruction in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HirsuteUpgrades/Kubuntu03:36
IrcsomeBot1Faez was added by: Faez04:02
IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/MNtM7JSu/file_43508.jpg 26 second boot time on HDD. Impressive04:37
MaikDragnslcr https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/04/why-you-cant-upgrade-to-ubuntu-21-04-for-now05:27
Maikso upgrading is not advisable05:28
IrcsomeBot1<bittin1> did a backup and clean install when it released05:29
IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> and I reinstalled with BTRFS05:54
user|82973I have installed Kubuntu yesterday with Windows 7 for a dual boot on my computer. It is able to boot to Kubuntu, but not to windows. The dual boot menu shows, but when I select Windows 7, it gives me the following error messages: (1) can't find command 'parttool' (2) invalid EFI file path. Any idea on how to fix this problem to be able to boot to W06:31
user|82973indows 7? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.06:31
IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> @user|82973, you may be able to boot to windows 7 using your UEFI boot menu06:33
user|82973you direct me to any instructions on how to do that? I don't have any experience with Kubuntu. Thanks.06:40
user|82973* Can you ...06:41
alkisguser|82973: can you tell us the output of this command?             ( lsblk --fs; ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi ) | nc termbin.com 999906:41
user|82973Above is the copy of the output of the command.06:46
user|82973Sorry for taking so long, had to figure out how to do that. :)06:47
alkisguser|82973: no worries, you just needed to paste that line in a terminal,06:47
alkisgSo, I think that your windows was in bios mode, and you installed ubuntu in uefi mode06:48
alkisgDual booting needs the same mode in both OSes06:48
alkisgTo verify that, we need to look into your sda5 partition contents06:48
alkisgIf windows isn't there, it wasn't an uefi installation06:48
alkisgTo do that: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt; ls -lR /mnt | nc termbin.com 999906:48
alkisgThat "| nc termbin.com 9999" automatically puts the output of a command to termbin.com, and you're supposed to send us the URL it shows06:52
alkisgYou just need to paste the command I sent into a terminal, you don't need to do anything more06:53
alkisgOK, I was right. There's no Microsoft folder there06:53
alkisgYour Windows is installed in BIOS mode, while your Ubuntu is installed in UEFI mode06:53
alkisgWhat you did wrong was that when you pressed e.g. F12 boot from CDROM, you selected "UEFI CDROM" instead of plain "CDROM"06:54
user|82973So how can I correct this?06:54
alkisgOne way would be to reinstall Ubuntu in BIOS mode, another way involved removing grub-efi and installing grub-pc06:54
user|82973Actually, it was installed from a flash drive06:54
alkisgOK, then you shouldn't have selected "UEFI: flash drive" but "Flash drive"06:54
user|82973How do reinstall Ubuntu in BIOS mode06:55
alkisgI would be hard to write the exact instructions to replace grub-efi with grub-pc, but if you don't mind sharing your screen for a minute, I could help you with that06:56
user|82973OK. I don't mind.06:56
alkisgOK; run: sudo apt install --yes x11vnc; x11vnc -connect alkisg.ltsp.org06:56
alkisgThis shares your screen with me, like anydesk/teamviewer06:57
user|82973Sounds good.06:57
alkisguser|82973: I lost connectivity.. .can you run that command again?06:59
alkisguser|82973: here?07:09
alkisgYou still had ubiquity installed, which is the ubuntu installer, which means that your installation wasn't finished properly07:09
alkisgYou also have a "flexnet" in your disk where grub is supposed to go,07:09
alkisgso anyway I think it will be ok now, you need to do these:07:09
alkisg1) Reboot. It might fail to boot. In this case, press F12 to get the boot manager, and select "YOUR DISK", not "UEFI: YOUR DISK" and not "Ubuntu"07:10
alkisgThis will boot your kubuntu in bios mode07:10
alkisg2) THEN, come again at irc, we need to run `update-grub` so that it picks up windows 707:10
alkisgThen you're ready07:10
user|82973OK. That should take care of it?07:10
IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> @user|82973, also after booting up the live usb you can verify the boot mode with … `ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars`07:11
user|82973Wow. That's great. I really appreciate your help.07:11
alkisgYou're welcome07:11
alkisgri5h46h, his disk is MBR, and he's booted into uefi07:11
alkisgThe efivars are there07:11
alkisgWindows C: has bootmgr, and nothing about microsoft in the newly created efi partition07:11
IrcsomeBot1<erfan_sta> Hello guys can i load plasma from tty108:38
IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> @alkisg, oh08:38
deltaplnokwtf is this?11:04
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IrcsomeBot1<ri5h46h> @deltaplnok, ?11:18
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BluesKajHowdy all12:42
* alkisg waves12:43
n0ydHi, anyone have suggestions for a dock under wayland? I found most of them are broken. I'd like to try lavalauncher as it was built with wayland in mkind from the start, but there seems to be no packages for it except for FBSD and some distro ive  never heard of. And compiling isnt going easy13:13
n0ydI may just use the panel and modify with widgets13:14
audreyn0yd: I'm using the panel with icon-only taskbar (favorites pinned) and a few widgets. Slightly less customizable, but I've not had good experience with third-party docks either.13:16
audreyLatteDock is incredibly memory-hungry and Plank would not work properly (widgets would refuse to load).13:16
audreyI'd be interested to know too if any other good alternatives are out there, but the default KDE panel, set up as a dock, works well for me.13:17
n0ydya that sounds how i want my bottom panel to be setup, icon only13:18
n0ydhonestly, it works the best13:18
audreyOnly thing I miss are extras like zoomed icons when scrolling over them13:19
audreyI can live with that, though, especially since everything else is so well configured13:19
n0ydLatteedock under plasma and wayland is broke as hell, plank doesnt even load (unless i need a new version outside repos,cause it says its x11 only)13:19
audreyMy only gripe, visually speaking, is that Firefox menus still do not populate in GlobalMenu. So I use Falkon instead for the better KDE integration.13:20
BluesKajquicklaunch in the panel is simple and handy13:20
n0ydPfft. I got so sick of firefox under wayland, even with the fixes, i went back to chromium13:20
audreyn0yd: Depending on your system's memory capacity, third-party docks can also cause quite a bit of performance burden you would not experience with default plasma dock setup.13:21
n0ydThere is a bunch of about:config switches and such to fix ff under wayland, but i still dont like how it works13:21
audreyLatteDock was eating up something like 400MB and that is not worth it for me, even on a comparatively powerful computer.13:21
n0ydoh yes, i am very familiar with the memory hungry docks and such,  been messing with them since Beryl, remember beryl? lol13:22
audreyHeh. I remember trying to get CairoDock to work back in 10.04 LTS and the crashes every time you logged out and in.13:22
BluesKajI've been advised by some devs that wayland is still troublesome on kde/plasma...haven't tried it myself yet13:23
n0ydit was og glx-dock13:23
n0ydBluesKaj: honestly, there can be some troubles, but under 21.04 its quite good13:23
n0ydI could use daily13:23
audreyI need to test if the third party docks play better with plasma on openSUSE and slackware-current. It may just be a Kubuntu issue.13:23
audreyThough I couldn't say how without doing a deeper dive.13:24
n0ydThe biggest issue is settings app not going cleanly after applying certain stuff like themes and such. It will just crash itself, and then you restart the app and its fine13:24
n0ydwhich isnt a big deal to me13:24
audreyOh yes, I've had that trouble with themes too. You sometimes have to go in and manually edit individual appearance settings even after changing a theme.13:25
audreyI *think* that is a KDE-specific issue though as this was also happening in Slackware.13:25
audreyMinor stuff. Still though, I have to say I love KDE 5. I got back into it after a 6-7 year absence where I was using only MATE.13:26
n0ydYeah. I have been configuring themes for like 2hrs this morning. And it likes to crash the settings app when cl,icking apply, as it cant restart/apply cleanly,. Not a big deal, just reopen it, and the settings will,l be applied and all is good13:26
audreyKDE is wildly improved. :)13:26
n0ydYa ive loved kde/plasma 5 since its release a couple years ago13:27
n0ydi've messed with plenty of de/wm combos over the years, from i3 all the eay to gnome and kde. But i come back to kde as its the easiest to use for myself when I am working on lots of diffwerent evenvironments and systems. Mac, Win7-10, etc13:28
n0ydWayland has gotten considerably better in the last 6-12 months imho. Like i said, running 21.04 with wayland/plasma, and all is well for the most part13:30
audreySame. Though I use MATE on my older machines mostly for nostalgia purposes, and because KDE can still be a bit of a strain on 10 year old hardware.13:31
n0ydI will get on my knees and thank the gods, whomever they are, when X finally goes away13:31
audreyFor anything new, though, KDE is a great choice, and Kubuntu LTS releases are pretty reasonable.13:31
n0ydYes, mate is great on older machines13:31
audreyI was shocked to learn that KDE RAM usage is now within spitting distance of XFCE.13:31
n0ydThis machine is nothing special though and kde runs great. Ryzen3, 8GB of ram.13:32
audreyBack in the day, KDE was where GNOME3 is today in regards to «bloat».13:32
audreyBut they and MATE have wildly improved, while XFCE has kind of stagnated in the performance department.13:32
n0ydyes, xfce has not changed much in years. I remember when it got to how it looks now from the OG xfce 1.x and it was awesome. But that wore off long ago13:33
n0ydReminds me of when gnome was on 2.x for sooo long13:34
n0ydI find gnome way too simplistic of a ui that it just feels dumb to me now13:35
audreyMATE still *looks* the same but has undergone a lot of performance improvements under the hood.13:36
n0ydAnd plasma is coming down from that feeling off WAY too many options and settings for everythuing, to a happy medium13:36
audreyI think the GNOME2-style workflows are pretty much out of fashion these days, though.13:36
n0ydYes, but Mate is fine looking that way. imho13:36
n0ydIts use case on older machines is great13:37
n0ydWhats a good pastebin script nowadays? I dont care what service, as long as its decent13:38
BluesKajtermbin perhaps14:33
RoeyI am experiencing an issue in upgrading my laptop (it's on Disco)18:30
RoeyI am experiencing an issue in upgrading my laptop (it's on Disco).  When I do apt-get update, I get this error: https://pastebin.com/7CZN0WM518:34
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Disco was not an LTS release and neither is 21.04.  Upgrades are only supported "sequentially" for non-LTS release (i.e. 19.04 to 19.10) .  However you can upgrade from an LTS to the next LTS.19:07
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> I recommend installing 21.04 as sequentially upgrading  to 21.04 would be painfully slow even if it did work.19:08
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IrcsomeBot1<Vincentvandenbergh> @DarinMiller, It will work but the time required would be way more then you would need if you would doa fresh install. … Only thing is that upgrading can cause weird errors to occur. Especially when their is a mayor ABI/ API change in the system (looking at every Gnome release since 3.00 now).19:31
audreyBeen experiencing issues with baseline RAM usage gradually increasing throughout a session in 20.04 LTS. What's strange about this is I can't identify any obvious memory leaks, and the memory usage creeps up very slowly. I am not running any unusual background services (that don't come on a clean install).19:37
audreyI'm not sure if this is a peculiarity with how the system calculates RAM usage, or whether there actually is a slow leak somewhere.19:37
alkisgaudrey: run `free`, check the "used" column, (1) when the system has booted, or (2) a day later...19:41
IrcsomeBot1tsteven286 was added by: tsteven28619:48
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tomreynuser|46957: ever since your ip address changed, you keep on reconnecting23:12
tomreynuser|46957: actually no, there was no ip address change. you just keep reconnecting since you first joined ~ 8 hours ago.23:16

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