
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Hi07:03
guivercnot quick enough @N0um3n0, but good try.07:04
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Is gone in a minute? Xd07:06
guiverchung around ~15 secs (almost anyway)07:12
dataschutzDear all, is the kernel inside Lubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (alternate ISO) is HWE or GA13:17
dataschutzlubuntu-18.04-alternate-amd64.iso this ISO.13:17
dataschutzdownload from  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04.5/release/lubuntu-18.04-alternate-amd64.iso13:18
guivercthe alternate ISO was created in 2018-April & was not updated, so is the original GA stack & software of 18.04 (not 18.04.5)13:18
guivercdataschutz, ^13:18
dataschutzOK thanks!13:18
dataschutzthis means the desktop ISO is with newer kernel?13:19
dataschutzthis one13:19
guivercdon't forget Lubuntu 18.04 ends support this month (yes packages in 'main' get 5 years, but you're off-topic here & many locations for flavors)13:19
guivercthat isn't the alterante ISO, that is a 18.04.5 ISO (live)13:19
dataschutzI need the newer kernel for a newer laptop...13:20
guivercif it's a newer laptop, why get an alterante ISO; that's for machines with <768MB of RAM (ie. old hardware with limited resources)13:21
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> Use lubuntu 20.04 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <dataschutz> I need the newer kernel for a newer laptop...)13:21
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> Then you should take 20.04 or 21.0413:21
dataschutzI want to use the lxde (not lx-qt)13:21
guivercLubuntu is LXQt only from next month.13:22
dataschutzyes I do understand that :-)13:22
lubot[telegram] <aptghetto> Then you should use a distro, which supports LXDE13:22
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> Then you should look in somewhere else. Debian maybe??? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> Lubuntu is LXQt only from next month.)13:22
guivercLXDE is GTK2, which is EOL.  It's only partially supported where GIMP uses the libraries in Debian/Ubuntu...13:22
dataschutzI understand13:23
dataschutzthank for your ideas.13:23
dataschutzThe main issue is that the themes in lxqt is very dark or very ugly (sorry). I will stick to lxde as long as it runs! :-)13:24
guivercyou can download & add new themes in LXQt just like you could in LXDE/GNOME/XFCE or any other desktop13:24
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> You're choice but remember if you keep lubuntu 18.04 you will be using an unsupported system (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <dataschutz> The main issue is that the themes in lxqt is very dark or very ugly (sorry). I will stick to lxde as long as it runs! :-))13:25
dataschutzOK thanks:-)  see you bye13:26
guiverchttps://www.gnome-look.org/browse/cat/446/order/latest/   (but there are other places too..)13:26
dataschutzwill look for it.13:27
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> What do we need to learn to be able to create themes for lxqt? Do you know of any tutorials on creating themes?13:44
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> Sorry, I guess this is offtopic..😬13:45
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> I have issue with shortcut for menu. If I press Super key the menu opens but when I press it again, it doesn't collapse. This is only on 21.04 (tried on both real hardware and VM). It is OK on 20.04 though.14:25
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> can you make a terminal emulator appear by pressing ctrl+alt+t?14:29
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> i just want to know wether it becomes visible or not14:29
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> Yes, Ctrl+Alt+T works. It opens Qterminal.14:34
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> ok then it appears to be a problem with the menu14:41
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> I cannot help with that14:41
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> maybe someone else?14:41
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> Is it OK on your end? I mean any of you running 21.04 currently?14:42
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> i run 21.0414:43
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> but i don't use the menu14:43
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> i use the runner (re @saivinob: Is it OK on your end? I mean any of you running 21.04 currently?)14:43
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> do you have the same with the runner?14:43
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> No. Super+R brings and collapses runner.14:43
apt-ghettosaivinob[m]: https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-globalkeys/issues/18714:58
lubot[telegram] <saivinob> apt-ghetto: thank you. No activity there since last Nov?! 😃15:02
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