
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
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Eickmeyertjaalton: Since you never commented on bug 1925685 but instead marked Focal and Bionic as "Won't Fix", am I accurate in adding linux-hwe-5.8 to the bug since that's really what we need fixed from an OEM standpoint?18:26
ubot5bug 1925685 in linux-hwe-5.8 (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] Patch for flicker and glitching on certain hardware, intel framebuffer," [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192568518:26
EickmeyerI mean, am I accurate in your rationalle for the "Won't Fix" status?18:26
Eickmeyer(we are really nervous about this bug since we're losing money daily on it)18:27
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jeremy31Eickmeyer: you might need to create your own PPA/repo for you customers and build your own kernel packages21:23
Eickmeyerjeremy31: We have our own repo but would rather not maintain our own kernel. At that point, it's not really Kubuntu anymore.21:24
EickmeyerAnd, therefore, negates the "Kubuntu Focus" branding.21:26
jeremy31Eickmeyer: dkms package feasable?21:27
Eickmeyerjeremy31: Nope, it's an intel framebuffer.21:27
tjaaltonEickmeyer: it's enough to have groovy there21:27
jeremy31built in the kernel?21:28
Eickmeyertjaalton: The LTS is what needs to be supported. We can't ship Groovy or Hirsute. We target enterprise.21:28
tjaaltonEickmeyer: the hwe kernel is backported from groovy21:29
EickmeyerWe tested this on 12 different systems from manufacturers.21:29
Eickmeyertjaalton: Ok, fair.21:29
Eickmeyertjaalton: With my community council hat on though, we need to explain in the bug report why whenever we mark things as "Won't Fix", otherwise it's offputting.21:31
tjaaltona new sru cycle starts in two weeks, so assuming khfeng (or someone) sends the commit to thw list within the next week, it should get in proposed roughly two weeksnä from now21:33
tjaaltonwell you said it's needed in 5.821:34
tjaaltonwhy file it for bionic and focal then21:34
Eickmeyertjaalton: Because we tested in Bionic with the 5.0+ kernel and found the same issue.21:38
tjaaltonbut 'linux' in bionic is 4.15 iirc21:39
EickmeyerJust trying to cover all bases.21:39
Eickmeyertjaalton: Yeah, which is why I filed it against hwe as well.21:39
tjaaltonanyway, anyone can send commits to be included, just follow the documentation as to how21:42
Eickmeyertjaalton: Ok, sounds good. Really that patch is what is needed. It applies flawlessly to 5.8.21:42
tjaaltoni get it21:42

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