=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube === popey5 is now known as popey [13:56] cpaelzer, ddstreet, jamespage, didrocks999, sarnold: I asssume we can skip today's MIR meeting ... === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [14:28] doko: indeed [14:28] I have done the checks, since the archive is closed nothing changed [14:28] also no new bugs or updates on old cases [14:29] only "anything else to discuss" would be on the agenda [14:29] if that is relevant for any of you I'd ask you to ping the group here and we'll start a meeting for it [14:29] doko ddstreet jamespage didrocks999 sarnold ^^ [14:30] nothing for me [14:30] good morning [14:30] and good morning/afternoon :) [14:30] aha, nothing from me :) [14:31] yeah me neither [14:31] and we can assume nothing from doko as well otherwis he would not have asked [14:31] :D [14:31] so jamespage ddstreet - let us know if you have anything [14:44] o/ [14:44] nothing from me either cpaelzer [14:44] sorry previous overran [15:20] sorry nothing from me either, was distracted with my other mtg at this time === sarnold_ is now known as sarnold