
KrausHello! I have a question about which package is pulseaudio-module-jack a dependency of? Is it not part of pulseaudio?19:34
Kraus(Focal repository)19:34
RikMillsKraus: ubuntustudio-audio-core recommends it. ubuntustudio-controls depends on it19:39
KrausRikMills: Thanks! How can I find this out on my own in the future?19:40
KrausOh shoot, he left.19:41
RikMillsKraus: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ykJzNYZxcP/19:41
KrausSomeone in #ubuntu just told me apt-cache rdepends pulseaudio-module-jack19:42
RikMillswell, that is ok on an installed system. I was using the more general thing from ubuntu-dev-tools19:42
KrausWait a minute.. how come RikMills isn't showing up in the member list?19:42
RikMillsuh, what?19:43
RikMillswhat list?19:43
KrausIn this channel 23 users, it's showing.. but it's going to m msalvatore to sil2100 .. no one starting with R19:43
RikMillsNo idea. My IRC client shows me ;)19:44
KrausOne sec, this is weird, because I'm not seeing any operators in here either. Let me rejoin19:44
KrausWhoah, now it's 58 members.. what the heck19:44
* RikMills shrugs19:45
KrausMynocks must be chewing on the power cables again.19:45
KrausRikMills: So, reverse-depends is a better tool ya think?19:46
RikMillsbetter in general for development purposes, as it queries the deps on the ubuntuwire for any release you like, not just your installed system19:48
KrausHere's what's interesting. reverse-depends isn't showing me the other programs that apt-cache rdepends pulseaudio-module-jack was showing: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BMcsMZGDfb/19:48
KrausWhat's even more interesting is neither of these are listing qjackctl.19:49
KrausHmmmm... I think qjackctl isn't part of ubuntu's repositories.19:49
KrausI think that's strictly kxstudio.19:49
RikMillsthere is no package named cadence-tools in focal19:50
KrausNo, wait..19:50
Kraussudo apt show qjackctl shows it's part of universe/sound19:50
KrausRikMills: That's correct, cadence is part of the kxstudio repo19:51
KrausBut apt-cache rdepends is showing it to me, probably because I have kxstudio's repo added to my source list.19:51
RikMillsyes, reverse-depends command is just for the ubuntu archive19:52
RikMillsIt is a development tool, as we are in MOTU ;)19:52
RikMillsas you asked in here, my assumption was based on that19:54
RikMillsif you want to query your own local setup, the other apt commands are more pertinent19:55
KrausGotcha. But what's concerning me is neither of these tools are listing qjackctl as a program with pulseaudio-module-jack as a dependency. It's a vital dependency, because it's what carries the /usr/lib/pulse-13.99.1/modules/module-jackdbus-detect.so which auto-spawns sinks and sources from pulse to jack.19:55
RikMillsIt is not listed as one: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/qjackctl19:56
RikMillsIf you think that is wrong, please file a bug19:56
KrausShould I ask the qjackctl devs first perhaps?19:57
RikMillsKraus: I no not much about jack. I would suggest asking the ubuntu-studio devs. they use it day to day19:58
KrausWhat's weird is, I don't recall ever manually installing pulseaudio-module-jack19:58
KrausYeah, they use it, but they aren't the only game in town.19:58
KrausThey're having lots of their own issues that I don't wanna deal with, frankly :P19:59
RikMillsThat is as much as I can say19:59
KrausNo worries, thanks.19:59
KrausRikMills: #lad is saying this is a pulseaudio problem that pulseaudio-module-jack is not included with debian's pulseaudio package.20:17
=== Rh0nda is now known as Rhonda
Kraus<falktx> pulseaudio is wrong yes .. <falktx> I dont see a single good reason why pulseaudio-module-jack needs to be a split package20:17
KrausSo yeah, how do I file a bug report like you suggested?20:17
KrausAh, I think I found it. But, should this be an ubuntu bug report, or a debian bug report20:24

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