[09:11] hallyn: it did not :( [09:11] It's difficult to fix blog posts following design changes [09:11] I intend to sit down and write up current docs in sphinx at some point [09:12] In the meantime, anything specific you need that I can help with? [12:29] hello there. Is it possible to join a server (via Mosh or SSH) but actually be in a `screen` automagically? I need a fail-safe solution for long disconnects, so that I can continue my work after getting connected again. [12:32] LeMike: try "byobu-enable". byobu can be configured to use either tmux or screen I think, defaulting to tmux. [12:34] rbasak: Ah ok, so I set the user shell to byobu ? And when the user accidentially disconnects then it stays open for a day or so? I try it. Thanks :) [12:37] LeMike: it's not a shell. I think it configures your shell to launch byobu when you get a new shell, if it isn't runnign already. Or something like that. [12:37] If two people connect they see the same thing. [12:40] cpaelzer: could you please point me to the sources for UCA versions of libvirt? in particular I'm looking for the delta from 5.0.0-1ubuntu2.6~cloud1 to 5.0.0-1ubuntu2.6~cloud2.1 (stein) [12:40] hi frickler, let me try to find those for you [12:42] cpaelzer: or, possibly related, do you know of a situation where nova live-migration would log "Migration running for 0 secs, memory 100% remaining; (bytes processed=0, remaining=0, total=0)" and then go on with that for a day or more without any change? [12:45] frickler: I don't remember seeing this situation [12:46] frickler: a long long time ago I was tying to force this case artificially (for testing) [12:46] but it never got stuck at 100% [12:46] that really looks more like a bug in regard to not-started migraton or loosing an event or such [12:48] the version you refer to was created for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1915811 [12:48] Launchpad bug 1915811 in libvirt (Ubuntu Groovy) "Empty NUMA topology in machines with high number of CPUs" [Undecided, Fix Released] [12:48] but for all the delta I need a while [12:48] * cpaelzer is searching the right PPA .. [12:48] that should be bionic-stein I think [12:50] here is the staging PPA https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/ubuntu/stein-staging [12:50] and thereby this filter would give you all the past builds of it https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/ubuntu/stein-staging/+builds?build_text=libvirt&build_state=built [12:51] which leads you to the full builds at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/ubuntu/stein-staging/+build/21134685 and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/ubuntu/stein-staging/+build/20167525 [12:51] I hate apt's error reporting sometimes [12:52] E:Failed to fetch http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/focal-pgdg/InRelease 403 Forbidden [IP: 8000], E:The repository ''http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt focal-pgdg InRelease'' is not signed. [12:52] frickler: so it turns out that ~cloud2 an ~cloud2.1 wree about the same change [12:52] this means "your local squid proxy is not allowing that url" [12:52] therefore the bug (an threby the change discussed in there) is the only change between the version you asked for [12:52] but my eyes focus on the 'is not signed' and I debug my ansible's apt_key invocation for thirty minutes [12:54] cpaelzer: thanks a lot, that looks like it would not be related to my issue. I'll talk with nova folks next [12:56] frickler: there are a few bugs worth to read, I'll send a query to spare the channel too mcuh flooding [13:09] rbasak: no, i was just wondering what the state was and what the server team wasdoing these days :) [13:09] thanks. [15:08] tomreyn: you mentioned yesterday preseed is dead. What is the replacement? [15:12] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/autoinstall-generator-tool-to-help-with-creation-of-autoinstall-files-based-on-preseed/21334 [15:13] Howdy...so what's the solution to apparmor not working in Ubuntu 18.04 nor 20.04? I tried 18.04 with default 4.15 and hwe 5.4 kernel, and 20.04 with the default 5.4 kernel, which all fail, and tried 18.04 with mainline 4.19.188 which works. [15:14] audit.log doesn't show what's wrong, and what it shows is malformed (name="" or name="dev/null" (should be eg. "/dev/null" or something else probably)), so aa-logprof doesn't update the profile to work (but don't need to probably, since 4.19.188 works with the profile) [15:19] and just tried the 4.19.188 in 20.04 ...works fine too, but has some of the malformed stuff too [15:19] type=AVC msg=audit(1619536717.319:196): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/apache2" name="" pid=1665 comm="apache2" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [15:25] peetaur: you probably need to add flags=(attach_disconnected) to your apache2 profile [15:26] otherwise it has trouble with the mount namespaces used by the apache2.service (PrivateTmp=) [15:26] I tried by running apache manually without systemd and had the same issue... will that still fix it? [15:30] oh it seemed to fix it ... it works, and now I only see this: type=AVC msg=audit(1619537376.666:209): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" profile="/usr/sbin/apache2" name="/" pid=1801 comm="apache2" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [15:50] rbasak: what would you say would be the correct / most up to date information on git-ubuntu . I'm specifically interested package delta maintenance work flow [16:17] thanks for suggesting attach_disconnected btw... it seems to be the only workaround for this [16:18] smoser: https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook/blob/master/PackageMerging.md maybe [16:19] smoser: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging/GitWorkflow is the old page [16:35] rbasak: thank you. === sarnold_ is now known as sarnold === TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-