
daftykinstime to do it all again, Tuesday style12:03
* zxm-pi presses nose to window and waits for ups... psion day has come12:19
daftykinsoooh exciting12:26
zxm-pihaven't been this excited for a delivery since.... my last psion :-)12:27
MattJWhat Psion?!12:41
MattJ3mx, cutting edge12:42
MattJ3c was as far as I got12:42
daftykinsme too, in fact zxm-pi is motivating me to sort it out a bit - might try and get the battery12:43
daftykinshmm CR1620 seems too niche for B&Q to stock12:45
zxm-pilocal pharmacy perhaps?12:45
daftykinshrmm not sure12:47
daftykinsmagic, a hardware store off in the middle o' the rock has some12:59
zxm-pithe restoration of a psion deserves a prilgrimage :-)13:01
zxm-pii believe the chant as you walk there is 'where the flip did i leave my serial adapter'13:02
daftykinsarmed with a fully functional floppy drive, loading up PsiWin should be a breeze13:04
zxm-piand yay it was ordained that it was in the bottom of the bag you were sure it wasn't in13:05
daftykinsmy good pal is going to post me a nice RAM upgrade, so things are really shaping up for that retro PIII13:05
zxm-piup to how much ram?13:05
daftykinshe's got some super special 512MB modules that he wants me to try, but most signs online claim that's too much for a PIII 800MHz E B - so he's going to include 2 x 256MB modules as well13:06
zxm-pithat's a lot of ram for a piii13:06
zxm-piwhen i had one it was at 64mb?13:06
daftykinsi went from 128 to 256MB i believe13:06
zxm-piit was mad that my 286 was more responsive in daily use and it had only 1mb13:07
zxm-piwindows just sucked up all the cpu and ram13:07
daftykinswhat was the 286 running?13:08
daftykinsor walking ;)13:08
zxm-pidos, qbx 4-7, all console apps13:09
daftykinsdid the Psions ever behave with rechargables, or are they best with some single use alkalines?13:10
zxm-pilast time i had a psion it was 5mx and i only ever used alkalines in it. i did try nimh in palmos devices. i seem to remember sticking with alkalines eventually13:11
zxm-pimind nimh was slightly more primative back then :-)13:11
zxm-pilost twice the charge per day sitting idle compared to todays ones13:12
=== popey5 is now known as popey
daftykinsmaybe i'll try out some of the ones i have for my games console controllers and see how they behave :)13:17
daftykinsi'm always so put off buying single use batteries, seems like 99% of the places that took spent ones over here have stopped doing so now13:17
zxm-piall required here by law to accept used batteries. pesky eu :-)13:20
zxm-pithough so people hang on to things a little too long :-P https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/1120968970142715904/photo/113:24
zxm-pispotted those in a recycle box. i HAD to take a pic.13:24
zxm-pii have a psion again!13:40
zxm-pibatteries in, press on. one beep and ready to go.13:41
zxm-piall apps running 197k used, 1851 free :-)13:43
daftykinsbah, wracked with indecision over picking a Dell Outlet system for a client employee13:54
zxm-piwhich will give you least grief?13:54
daftykinsnone xD13:54
daftykinshave to get something down here and then post it up to Manchester13:55
zxm-pihere's a pencil. good luck :-)13:55
daftykins<post office> that sir is a weapon, BANNED13:55
zxm-pia rubber bendy pencil?13:56
daftykinsthey'll have to look that up in the postal handbook13:56
zxm-piis that under pencil, bendy rubber or pencil, rubber bendy. cause there's 2000 pages on pencils alone :-P13:58
daftykinslast time i took a chance on Guernsey Post to get the last laptop up to a new employee, they said they couldn't take the VAT up front so i had to just warn the employee it might get held up and the VAT expected to be paid before it was released14:00
daftykinsin the end, it made it over without a problem - ridiculous14:00
daftykinsi bet you if i tried it again it wouldn't happen that way14:00
daftykinsprobably try DHL this time, they're the ones that shipped over the mammoth rackmount Dell R820 for me :D14:02
zxm-pithey mention your name everytime the doctor pokes their hernia :-P14:02
daftykinshaha, got to the checkout - pal's employee with business card details on a call - suddenly the basket added up to £1,100 instead of £500, yet the basket showed empty14:34
daftykinshad to cache clear the browser in a hurry, log back in and start over to find a suitable machine again and get it bought14:34
zxm-pithe fun of online shopping.14:35
daftykinsooh yes14:35
zxm-pihere's the 20 things you've looked at and thought you'd cleared out of your basket :-)14:43
daftykinsyikes the broken pieces of hinge just fell out from one side of my 3c14:47
daftykinsstill turns on though, i'll go and pick up that battery and look for a magic eraser then i'll be in business14:50
daftykinscan i ask what you had to pay to snag yours? wondering if it was less than i got quoted to put a new case on mine14:51
zxm-pithis one https://www.psionex.co.uk/en/product/pda/series3/models/s3mx-2mb.html14:53
zxm-pieuros 280 plus vat plus delivery14:53
daftykinsthey wanted £135 and then spoke of VAT, hrmm14:54
daftykinssame company in fact14:54
zxm-pii think there is another company doing sales and repairs but i can't find their details right now14:55
daftykinsi always wanted to check out a 5 because they look so darn sexy14:55
zxm-piwas techno lusting at listings there for last few years :-)14:55
daftykinsyeah i think you're right, i may've dropped an email and not received a reply iirc14:55
daftykinsok bbs, magical mystery tour time14:56
daftykins'bout time i hopped on the bike in the sun!14:56
zxm-pii had a 5mx. great machine. but the keyboard was missing a little magic the 3 has. the base of the 5 is flat and the keyoard slides out and hangs over the base. using it on sofa or bed it made the unit bob when you typed as lower row keys pressed down14:56
daftykinsforgot to take my bike lock though, so couldn't try other places for the magic eraser :( true schoolboy error15:55
daftykinson arriving at the battery place, some school lads were very taken by my bike so i answered a few questions before heading inside xD15:56
daftykinsthat cell is working fine, only complains about the main batteries at power on now :D (none inside)15:57
daftykinstime to brave the wrecked hinges to pop some in15:57
zxm-pimust dig out my broken 3a 512k and send for repairs.16:02
daftykinsi think maybe i will ask RMC's Neil on youtube if he's got any interest in doing a segment on Psion, then maybe pursue the repair and loan it his way for fun16:05
daftykinsgotta love the way this set of rechargables are dead to a console controller but to the Psion it just says they're a bit on the low side ;)16:06
zxm-pipsion is the rolls royce of mobile devices. they just worked16:06
zxm-pia ridiculous amount of functionality in a tiny case16:06
daftykinstoo right16:08
daftykinshttps://i.imgur.com/JpT8yuO.jpg - here she is16:12
daftykinsleft hinge now AWOL16:12
zxm-pishiny... https://i.imgur.com/6DCPT1C.jpg16:19
daftykinsooh all your apps are still bold so that means loaded iirc, i reclaimed some mem by exiting all - Psion key + shift + A16:24
daftykinsmine did the same on its' first power on16:24
daftykinsmust be a sort of primed-for-launch mode to impress you with application launch speed16:24
zxm-piit's amazing how muscle memory helps you remember the shortcuts. just another reason to always use keyboards16:25
zxm-pifrom pressing on to beep was ~2-3 seconds with all apps started16:25
zxm-piwill have to see if it means less battery life as it's running much faster. used to get about 40hours of 2 duracell aa's16:26
zxm-piwell if the post office can't find it :-P16:27
daftykinsthis is rockist16:28
zxm-piyou'll need to build a doomsday device to make everyone aware of guernsey's location :-P16:37
zxm-pipsion controlled to render it immune to hacking of course16:37
zxm-pisend 12 beelion dollars and a pack of energizers 2025s...16:38
daftykinsthere we go, dropped Neil an email so we'll see if he fancies covering Psions16:53
* daftykins nudges diddledan gently17:45
daftykinsyay he replied to my email \o/19:19
daftykinszxm-pi_: had a couple of rounds of Patience, aww yeah :D20:39
zxm-pi_i do remember playing patience a lot on earlier psions. not sure it'll replace sodoku or boggle or snake on nokia 3310 java phone20:42
zxm-pi_still miss sim city, reptoids or submarine on palmos.20:43
zxm-pi_but my main game these days is shattered pixel dungeon on android20:43
zxm-pi_and on kaios gems is the one to beat. such a catchy tune20:44
zxm-pi_so so many mobile oses :-)20:51
zxm-pi_symbian, sharp zaurus linux20:51

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