[00:28] So I tried Gnome 3 with x11. Still the same lag issues. Now in MATE and it's not as bad, but I still can't watch youtube videos without lagging. Tried different nvidia drivers. Still lag. [00:28] Not sure what else to do [00:29] NoCode: Is ram the bottle neck ? As gnome needs 4 Gigs. [00:29] I have 16 gigs, and I'm also on a SSD [00:30] NoCode: Well - so much for that thought then. [00:30] What kernel should I try? [00:31] NoCode do other video sites work without lag? Like Vimeo, or standard MP4 links? Could be a codec although a long shot. [00:34] Okay. I just did something that absolutely flabbergasted me. I had my fancy mic plugged in. I removed it. Now I guess with the driver not in use? it works. [00:36] NoCode: Wow :( A drver issue for the mic ? [00:36] Shure MV7. [00:37] Using USB. [00:37] I need to boot into Gnome Flashback to see if this works now. [00:37] I'm in MATE. [01:17] so, when are you going to be able to remove default folders in nautilus? [01:18] the ones on the left side [01:23] congrats on 21.04 [01:23] ubuntu is still alive and fresh [01:23] Yeah was definitely my mic that was the issue. [01:23] Now there is no lag. Everything works well. [01:24] Freaking heck, that was weird. [01:24] NoCode: oh wow! [01:24] NoCode: not at all what I expected [01:24] NoCode: how'd you come to suspect the mic? [01:24] So I am using it via XLR. [01:24] Because it's a USB interface too. [01:24] So something was conflicting. [01:24] Now I don't have fancy lights and stuff to turn it down. [01:25] Does Gnome-Flashback not have an audio icon? :D [01:26] * NoCode shakes his head. === zbenjamin is now known as Guest96209 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:20] am i on? [02:21] we see you OpenMail [02:21] hi [02:21] ah ello [02:21] hi my audio output is displaying as Dummy and there is no audio [02:22] i just rebooted the pc and it poof, no audio [02:22] superleaf1995: often times running pavucontrol is enough to figure out what's going on [02:23] pavucontrol dosent show anything of use [02:23] just [02:23] "Dummy output" [02:23] you could try restarting pulseaudio? [02:23] the old turn it off and on again trick [02:24] i ran `pulseaudio -k` and `pulseaudio --start` did not work [02:24] neither rebooting [02:24] wehich i just did and that is why i came here :p [02:26] pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload? [02:26] nope :( [02:28] i have intel hd audio ofc, both jack and pc speakers do not work [02:34] ok so i removed all pulseaudio and alsa config and removed/purged alsa and pulseaudio [02:34] and now the ahrdware slider is bacccc [02:34] sorry im probably the most useless person you could of ended up speaking to. i saw someone saying reinstall alsa-card-profiles and restarting pulseaudio solved the issue [02:34] ahh nothign like a good purge === PonyGone is now known as PonyHungOver [03:06] Hi us xubuntu but like dolphin (the split feature and overall style). If I install dolhpine, I fear it will install kde stuff too (which I don't want as it makes my system heavy). Any suggestions? [03:10] I can't confirm the CL of my ram by software. I am doubtful that it is in 2 variants. 15CL and 16CL. https://www.memorybenchmark.net/ram.php?ram=Crucial+Technology+BL16G32C16U4R.M16FE1+16GB&id=14498 vs https://www.crucial.com/memory/ddr4/bl16g32c16u4r [03:42] Updated firefox to 88 today and now window contents are not redrawn. Known issue? [03:42] (xubuntu 20.10) [05:24] unixbsd leftyfb after getting sick of not good hibernate support. I plan to use virtualbox for my work. At least I could save the things open (the state) to disk. The cost would be that the host OS would just run for nothing. What do you think, is it wise? [06:27] Hi [06:30] I created my own live usb stick with debootstrap. The stick works fine an the systems I have testet it. But now I wan't to include as many drivers as possible. I already Included drivers fro the MAC Book Pro. [06:30] Is there maybe a package for all the other drivers? How does the Ubuntu Live CD do this? [06:30] hi, I see that ubuntu is moving from apt to snap, is that right? [06:30] things that I used to do like sudo apt install tmux is now "sudo snap install tmux --classic" [06:31] --classic is required [06:31] for applications, yes; not for core system packages [06:31] tmux is still an apt package in 21.04? [06:31] maybe there's an alternative version provided as a snap? [06:32] snaps are a nice way of getting newer versions of applications on older distribution releases [06:32] oh I see [06:32] tmux is in snap in 20.04 [06:32] it's possible some canonical person packaged tmux for their personal convenience so they could get a newer version on an older distro [06:32] oh it helps older version like 20.04, I see [06:33] now for some packages -- notably chromium-browser -- canonical stopped providing .deb packages and switched to snaps [06:33] not just tmux, it's like, everything.. [06:33] but these are rare [06:33] I tried apt on multiple things, all is moved to snap [06:33] that's a gross exaggeration [06:34] lol [06:34] maybe 20.04 is like that [06:35] other than chromium, lxd and snapcraft I don't think there are any other transitional apt packages that install snaps in their .postinst [06:35] ah, snap-store is one other foundational snap package [06:36] (but I don't think it has a transitional apt package; there's gnome-software but it's different) [06:36] hmm interesting, === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [06:41] ah okay, not everything is snap, I see [06:42] repackaging everything into a snap would be a lot of work! [06:42] aha, yeah. most are still in apt [06:43] some are in both [06:43] I imagine eventually you'll get most software in apt (inherited from Debian), plus alternative (newer) versions in snaps [06:44] yes, that sounds about right === NeverLoads2 is now known as NeverLoads === mateen1 is now known as mateen [09:05] hello [09:06] I have a folder "bin" in my $HOME folder and I want to add all applications inside that to my ubuntu application launcher [09:06] how can I do that? [09:08] ok I installed `alacarte` and added a menu item over that [09:08] that worked [09:32] I want to install a low latency kernel that does get updated. I can use linux-image-lowlatency or a specific kernel i.e. linux-image-5.4.0-72-lowlatency. which should I use? [09:32] yup, all you need is .desktop files somewhere like ~/.local/share/applications, and alacarte is an app for creating/editing .desktop files [09:32] HaJones: if you want updates, install the versionless one, it'll always pull in the latest versioned one [09:32] mgedmin, thanks [09:33] in fact there should be a more high level one called "linux-lowlatency" that makes sure yu also have the headers (so dkms module builds work) [09:35] ogra, should this work: sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency linux-headers-lowlatency ? [09:36] only "sudo apt install linux-lowlatency" [09:36] it will pull in the rest (it is a metapackage) [09:37] HaJones: trying to solve a bug or whats your purpose? [09:37] lotuspsychje,following a tutorial about audio. [09:40] ogra, after that to make grub recognize the kernel? sudo update-grub ? [09:41] should not be needed ... the package should do all it needs automatically [09:41] just reboot [09:42] does it by standard become the default kernel or do I have to change settings in grub? [09:42] HaJones: the newest kernel is the default usually