[02:10] heya. Is it typical to wait some time for new dist release to be available via `do-release-upgrade` ? have done a `apt update && apt-upgrade && apt dist-upgrade && do-release-upgrade` but still get "No release found" [02:11] I'm on 20.10.15 -> moving to 21.04 [02:12] Yeah, absolutely typical. [02:12] (y) [02:12] And apparently there is a major bug that should be fixed first too. [02:13] oof okay [02:16] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-April/041448.html - has the context. [02:18] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/1925010 [02:18] Launchpad bug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,In progress] [02:18] :nod: thanks [03:29] anyone having trouble with firefox on latest 20.10? (updated today) [03:30] hm... apparently an addon problem [12:13] Bonjour! [12:14] Hello! [12:14] !hi | nonodvld [12:14] nonodvld: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [12:14] Hola! === rodolfo is now known as Guest99476 [14:11] Hi everyone. I am a longtime ubuntu user and wanted to try xubuntu for better performance. I have an 8TB external hdd, and I installed gparted to format it, but it will only mount read only. I have tried fsck and no errors seemed to be returned. I tried the same process with an identical drive and the same thing happened. Any ideas? [15:01] Guest23862: It is probably formatted with a file system that is not mounted read/write by default [15:01] ups, wrong guest addressed... === giovanni is now known as Guest4159 [17:11] alo [17:11] hello [17:11] does this work? [19:56] hi there, i've been trying to get 256 color support in weechat, under tmux, in xfce4-terminal [19:57] i get an interesting output from $TERM - it says "xterm-256color: command not found" [19:57] does anyone know why it might be doing that? [20:03] oh, and $TERM in tmux results in "screen-256color-s: command not found" [20:20] spicyCebolla: you have to enter `echo $TERM`, otherwise the shell will try to execute what is inside the variable $TERM [20:21] however, with your original topic, I cannot really help. I am using the same combination (weechat, tmux, xfce4-terminal), but I already consider 16 colors too much^^ [20:21] oh is that the problem, no wonder it was hard to find answers for that pebcak [20:22] screen-256color-s looks wrong though. don't think it should have -s on the end? [20:23] does it show the same if it's just echoed [20:23] yep, screen-256color-s, not sure why [20:23] i've had this computer a long time, who knows what decisions i made in the past [20:24] spicyCebolla: set -g default-terminal 'tmux-256color' -- I got this in my '~/.tmux.conf' for that. [20:24] try doing export TERM=screen-256color and then running weechat. if that works then tmux has the wrong term type. and yes that's how you set it ^ [20:24] there is one for tmux as well [20:24] thanks y'all, i'll give that a spin [21:05] alright, i think maybe 256 colors was working all along [21:06] but for reasons i don't understand, i had weechat using only a handful of colors for irc nicks [21:06] it's set to /set weechat.color.chat_nick_colors "*045,*033,*176,*099,*209,*220,*228,*202,*105,*064,*011:234,*159,*034,*029,*040,*112,*147 [21:07] why did one particular color get a background and none of the rest? i haven't the foggiest [21:08] for i in {0..255}; do printf "\x1b[38;5;${i}mcolour${i}\n"; done [21:08] should show you the 256 colours, at least that proves the terminal works === az is now known as Guest19445