[00:02] apparently yes :) === ItzSwirlz_ is now known as ItzSwirlz [09:41] how often are the archive.ubuntu.com Packages.xz updated? === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [10:01] DarkTrick: I'd say complementary, not opposing. intltool is a way to extract translatable strings from, and merge translations back into, files of types that gettext doesn't support natively. [10:03] seb128: Depends; the publisher typically takes 10-20 minutes to run, but then it needs to push to the public mirrors (archive.u.c is itself a mirror) and it depends how long those take to sync; also IIRC there's some kind of throttling on the mirror sync, and also syncproxy has been having what look like maybe odd hardware issues lately (but everything after the publisher runs is out of my ... [10:03] ... hands and controlled by IS) [10:04] cjwatson, I was checking on the ddebs issue, I think the hirsute missing I saw is because the Packages.xz is outdated by almost a day [10:05] cjwatson, http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/hirsute-proposed/main/binary-amd64/ [10:05] sorry http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hirsute-proposed/main/binary-amd64/ [10:06] cjwatson, I was wondering if those were refreshed only once a day or something [10:06] seb128: certainly not [10:06] seb128: perhaps the sync is in some trouble [10:06] is than an ~IS thing to check? [10:07] Yep [10:07] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/project/trace/ has behaim as the last hop (and lots of other irrelevant stuff) timestamped 2021-04-27 17:18, which is definitely anomalous [10:07] I'm not sure this can be the whole problem with ddebs, but it won't help, indeed [10:07] cjwatson, also the missing ddebs on focal, they were there and vanished, looks like we have no log from archive_cleanup though so I'm going to add some there for next time [10:08] it's not [10:08] seb128: We likely need to work out a way to identify what's missing and put them back [10:08] cjwatson, the gtk, gdm ddebs were available and went missing, my guess is that they got cleaned up for some reason [10:08] right, I will do that [10:09] cjwatson, did we had any incident where we had maybe empty Packages index published at some point? [10:09] Not that I remember [10:09] * cjwatson pines for some more modern infra so that we can just have ddebs be a lightweight librarian frontend [10:09] k, hard to know why they were cleaned [10:09] I don't think we have enough data to figure it out [10:10] I will add some extra logging so next time we can at least find when they were removed from the log [10:10] and work on trying to restore the missing ones manually [10:10] Maybe bad error handling when fetching Packages files or something? [10:10] I will check for error paths yes [10:10] IIRC some Python HTTP libraries don't notice short reads as well as you might hope [10:11] cjwatson, bah, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hirsute-proposed/main/binary-amd64/ just updates as we were speaking [10:11] Maybe we should fetch the Release file as well so that we can check checksums [10:12] Just fetching a Packages file and YOLO is a bit horrifying [10:13] that would be better indeed [10:52] cjwatson, thank you! [13:31] cjwatson, k, so I scripted a bit, focal-updates/main is missing 390 ddebs if my script is right, it does feel like we lost the archive at some point in february and we have just been picking up things uploaded since (which would make sense if things got wipped out) [13:32] cjwatson, my guess is that for some reason we archive_cleanup() indexed_files list went empty in a run which made the script clean everything older than 30 days, I will try to make it more robust to error as discussed earlier [13:44] cjwatson, what do you think about setting .lp-threshold back to focal release date and do a run? it should give us a reimport of everything SRUed there which we lost right? [13:49] seb128: It'll take a while, but that's probably the simplest solution, yeah [13:49] cjwatson, ok, I will do that then, thanks === Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Trusty-Hirsute | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots: [14:45] I'm supposed to point you all to https://merges.ubuntu.com/ :-) [15:57] Is any core dev available to restart the following autopkgtest? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=arm64&package=seahorse-nautilus&trigger=nautilus/1%3A3.38.2-1ubuntu2 [15:58] yup [15:58] JawnSmith: done [15:59] thanks Laney! [16:03] mwhudson, hello, do you plan a golang-1.16 sync or merge? [19:18] Is any core dev available to restart the following autopkgtest? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=armhf&package=ruby-rest-client&trigger=ruby-rest-client/2.1.0-1 [19:26] JawnSmith: I can do that [19:30] thanks bdmurray! [20:18] One more: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=armhf&package=thin&trigger=thin%2F1.8.0-1 [20:25] I've done that too === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy