[00:00] how do I choose an antivirus for ubuntu? [00:01] bumblefuzz: you don't need one [00:01] yeah, but if I'm being safe [00:01] how do I choose? [00:01] bumblefuzz: you don't need one [00:02] bumblefuzz: also, we don't give software recommendations. Especially commercial products. Feel free to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic [00:02] bumblefuzz: you don't need one but afaik clamav is basically your only choice,no? [00:03] <_Sym_> Hi, I'm having an issue with the latest version of openjdk-8 (bionic). When upgrading from 8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~18.04 to 8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~18.04, Android no longer builds. The issue is that Jack breaks with an communication error. [00:03] <_Sym_> i had to downgrade back to 282 [00:04] <_Sym_> I guess I should file a bug [00:04] _Sym_: android? which package? [00:05] <_Sym_> openjdk-8-jdk_8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~18.04_amd64.deb openjdk-8-jdk-headless_8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~18.04_amd64.deb openjdk-8-jre_8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~18.04_amd64.deb openjdk-8-jre_8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~18.04_amd64.deb [00:05] _Sym_: what does that have to do with android? [00:06] _Sym_: you've mentioned Android, Jack and openjdk [00:06] <_Sym_> when building an android rom, android uses "jack" which is a java based compiler [00:07] <_Sym_> and the latest openjdk breaks jack in the android build environment [00:07] <_Sym_> openjdk 8 [00:07] I need to install nvm, so that I can run the anchor wallet. What is the best way to install nvm? [00:07] _Sym_: the latest openjdk-8-jdk in Ubuntu 18.04 is 8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~18.04 [00:08] <_Sym_> right [00:08] <_Sym_> thats the broken one [00:08] <_Sym_> i had to go back one [00:08] _Sym_: ok, file a bug [00:08] I found these instructions, but it sounds like I need give root access to a script downloaded from raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.0/install.sh [00:08] these instructinos being: https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-install-nvm-node-version-manager-for-node-js-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/ [00:08] <_Sym_> ok [00:09] RandomGu1OnIrc: you'll have to see support from the nvm project [00:10] ok thanks [00:10] _Sym_: you might be able to get more help in #android or the like [00:10] <_Sym_> yeah ill let them know too [00:11] _Sym_: file that bug before you get too much further :) [00:11] <_Sym_> the communication error between jack and openjdk seems to be related to encryption [00:13] <_Sym_> it says, "SSL error when connecting to the Jack server. Try 'jack-diagnose'" [00:14] <_Sym_> something with ssl changed in openjdk [00:17] _Sym_: I'm pretty sure they disabled an outdated and insecure cipher recently [00:17] <_Sym_> thats it then [00:18] <_Sym_> ill prolly have to rebuild the package and reenable the cipher [00:18] _Sym_: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209658 [00:19] <_Sym_> thanks [00:22] so, I installed clamav [00:23] and clamtk says there's an update [00:23] but I can't update it [00:24] when I run 'sudo freshclam' [00:24] <_Sym_> leftyfb, that looks like an old change that affects 8u191 [00:24] I get these errors: [00:25] WARNING: Ignoring deprecated option SafeBrowsing at /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf:22 [00:25] ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process [00:25] ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log). [00:25] ERROR: initialize: libfreshclam init failed. [00:25] ERROR: Initialization error! [00:25] !paste| bumblefuzz [00:25] bumblefuzz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [00:25] bumblefuzz: remove it. You don't need it [00:29] does anyone know why clamav won't update? [00:30] bumblefuzz: first result on google when searching for the error" https://askubuntu.com/a/1292594/1151311 === Guest80223 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest50620 [00:51] I found this error in /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log [00:51] Tue Apr 27 20:11:07 2021 -> WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl: No such file or directory [00:52] bumblefuzz: did you try the link I sent you? [00:56] yeah, I didn't find that in my google search [00:56] but it works [00:56] thanks [01:01] I am out of my depth here, so please bear with me. I use ufw to set up port blocking yet when I have a docker container that is started with a published port it seems to be accessible anyway. What am I missing here? [01:03] jpmh_: https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/777 [01:03] Did I understand correctly that iostat cannot show the sum of the recorded files? [01:04] leftyfb:ty - headin t that article now [01:04] jpmh_: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-fix-the-docker-and-ufw-security-flaw/ [01:05] leftyfb:TY so much - that was exactly what I wanted - you are the greatest! [01:06] Did I understand correctly that iostat cannot show sum data of the recorded files? [01:12] need a program that shows how many are written to usb flash.For SSD have a s.m.a.r.t. [01:12] qwertuttyty: really, I think just running "iostat /dev/sda" would work [01:13] qwertuttyty: it won't show lifetime, it'll show since boot.. but that's something :) [01:26] ubuntu 21.04 stock DE/UI ; I use super-enter to spawn terminal windows, but they keep opening in the background, which is extremely annoying [01:27] I devled through the settings and gnome-tweaks, but can't find anything to change that behavior [01:27] hints appreciated [01:27] *delved === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [01:29] And where here is the sum data of all the recorded data. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QzmNzwTbBQ/ [01:31] And where here is the sum data of all the recorded data? If I have to watch for 10 hours? [01:33] mgedmin, FYI @ question for changing language of a program: in my case I needed `LANGUAGE=[...]`; LC_ALL / LANG did not work === Guest50620 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest66658 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:00] hello, anyone know how to bring a internet to a VLAN? I created it by following this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/vlan === Namikaze_ is now known as Namikaze [02:34] my issue is solved [02:34] https://askubuntu.com/questions/80969/gnome-shell-move-windows-to-front-on-launch-no-more-is-ready-to-use-noti installed the extension from here [02:34] feel like this shouldn't have been this hard but well who cares... it's solved, finally [02:34] I may be sane again eventually === Guest66658 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest6968 === UniCode is now known as NoCode [02:57] hi [02:57] not exactly what I need, but there is no more convenient way for me with iostat than: iostat -d/dev/sda [03:02] and iostat -d 1 /dev/sda [03:10] iostat -dm /dev/sda === Guest6968 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest33656 [03:42] Hello. I'm trying to run ``aide'' on Ubuntu 21.04. It seems update-aide.conf is no longer available. Do you know if it has been renamed? [03:42] update-aide.conf is the command for regenerating the aide config files. [04:28] how do i determine which sound card chipset i have [04:30] pi0: One way ' sudo lshw -C sound ' . [04:31] nice! thank you [04:32] pi0: :D === Guest33656 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest13483 [04:43] Searching for "troublemaker": After update to Firefox 88 window content won't render (of Firefox windows only). Disabling hardware acceleration made it work again. **Q**: Where to file a bug report? Firefox? Ubuntu? graphics driver maintainer? [04:45] Hello. I'm trying to run ``aide'' on Ubuntu 21.04. It seems update-aide.conf is no longer available. Do you know if it has been renamed? === dingir_ is now known as dingir === dingir is now known as dingir_ [05:34] Why didn't 21.04 call itself Hungry Hippo? Such an opportunity lost... === Guest13483 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest8267 === Guest8267 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest73518 === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 [07:30] Please recommend a good Thinkfan GUI [07:31] Hi, when I use pxe install or mini.iso from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/mini.iso installer fails with: Loading libc6-udeb failed for unknow reasons. Abortiong. === Guest73518 is now known as CrazEd === CrazEd is now known as Guest10524 [07:56] slima, refer https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/1926223 & comment #12 [07:56] Launchpad bug 1926223 in glibc (Ubuntu) "Netboot Loading libc6-udeb failed for unknown reasons (focal) 2020-04-21" [Undecided,Confirmed] [08:08] Hi guys, anyone know if ulimit's open files is set to soft: 1024 and hard 4096 and systemd's file has configured "LimitNOFILE" to 10240 which one "wins" ? [08:08] What is the actual possible open files for that process? [08:11] toffe: 'ulimit' is not a system setting. [08:12] toffe: have you a clear impression of the effects of 'fork(2)'? [08:16] agvantibo: try asking in ##IBMThinkPad it is a fairly active channel [08:17] DarkTrick: in theory bug reports always go to Ubuntu, then it is Ubuntu's maintainers who desal with "upstream". [08:23] Walex, thank you, Ubuntu it is :) [08:25] @Walex: No, I am just investigating a problem where my software may have more open files than it is allowed. But it seems like ulimit -Sn (soft open files) is 1024 and hard is 4096. But when I cat /proc/pid/limits it says 4096 on open files. So I'm not sure if "ulimit" with 1024 is the king and blocks it as it opens up to 1021 files during the startup sequence [08:26] number of open files is found using lsof -u | wc -l [08:27] I see this rise to about 1021 then it sinks down to 800. So not sure if it is not going above 1021 because it does not neeed or because the limit is set to 1024 [08:28] you could maybe strace it and see if it's getting any ENFILE/EMFILE errors [09:36] augh one of my last xenial servers, the pain of having a vim that doesn't yet support :terminal [09:46] hi all, today I updated ubuntu to 21.04 version, but unfortunately now my x11vnc server doesn't work anymore. Any suggestions? [09:46] I know it depends on the new wayland. Is there a vnc server I can use? I tested the default vino, but I got an error while I was connecting [09:46] something like: like: RFB protocol error bad rectangle ..... exceed 1920x1080 [09:48] eugenio_: upgrade from 20.10 via commandline? [09:50] I have a problem with wifi hotsopt in ubuntu 20.4. Is is active but devices connect to it for couple seconds and disconnect. [09:52] eugenio_: It's not recommended to upgrade due a bug: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/04/why-you-cant-upgrade-to-ubuntu-21-04-for-now [09:53] omega_doom: post URL from terminal for> iwconfig | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:55] jeremy31: https://termbin.com/fdh4 [09:55] omega_doom: try> sudo iwconfig wlp0s20f3 power off [09:57] jeremy31: SET failed on device wlp0s20f3 ; Invalid argument. [09:58] omega_doom: do this and reboot> sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf [09:58] Hopefully that will keep wifi power management off [10:00] jeremy31: Is it expected with power managment on? [10:00] omega_doom: I know many devices don't work as well with power management on [10:01] jeremy31: Thanks. Rebooting. [10:02] eugenio_: gnome-remote-desktop is the only thing that works as a vnc server in wayland [10:02] vino is the old gnome thing, x11 only, unmaintained, deprecated [10:02] I think you go to gnome-control-center, Sharing, and toggle desktop sharing, and you get a vnc server [10:02] haven't actually tried it yet in 21.04 [10:03] toffe: "investigating a problem where my software may have more open files than it is allowed" You can't sensibly address that problem if you dobn't have a clear idea of 'fork' and the resulting 'inheritance'. [10:08] @Walex: Well, the problem is that we connect to other devices 800+ devices and I'm not sure how many files it uses (each tcp connection is a FD). We cannot optimize this software wise, we must increase FD. But I would like to understand if ulimit "wins" over systemd's limit. cat /proc/2938/limits says 4095 do that mean it is 4096 or can that be capped by something else again? If it means that it is 4096 the [10:08] problem is not open files but bad software optimization :D [10:09] toffe: same as 'aptitude' [10:10] toffe: b ut you still have not told me whether you have a clear idea of how 'fork' and 'inheritance' relate to that, because you talk about 'ulimit' which is a shell command. [10:15] toffe: /proc/$pid/limits shows both the soft and the hard limit; which one is 4095? [10:15] the soft limit is the important one [10:15] the app needs to call setrlimit() to raise it if it wants to use more fd's [10:16] the hard limit applies to setrlimit() system calls so apps don't raise their soft limits to infinity [10:16] mgedmin: both is 4096, so if that shows 4096 it means that it is 100% 4096? [10:16] there is nothing that can override that? I have no clear idea about fork and inheritance [10:16] I'd say yes; my bash shows 1024 as the soft limit and 1048576 as the hard limit on ubuntu 21.04 [10:17] mgedmin: 'ulimit' and 'limits' are different things, even if related. [10:17] Then this was not the problem, just a fluke that it worked after i changed the limit of ulimit -a to show 10240 on both soft and hard [10:17] toffe: as to "fork" and "inheritance" including limits brief xplanation follows [10:18] Connection to hotspot with ubuntu still fails after couple seconds. https://termbin.com/r91s [10:18] there's also a system-wide fd limit: sysctl fs.nr_open shows 1048576 on my ubuntu 21.04 desktop [10:18] toffe: if you are not clear about "fork" and "inheritance" you cannot understand the situation [10:19] toffe: in UNIX processes have attributes, like file descriptors, the environment and limits. When a process forks to create another process, the attributes are cloned. Then the process may modify them. [10:20] The thing is that we had a problem where it could not connect to all 800 devices. Only around 600. I did add to /etc/security/limits.d/apet.conf * soft nofile 10240 (and one line for harD). Then i rebooted the software and it workd. But cat /proc/1234/limits showd 4096 both pre this change and after. The problem is after the change it actually worked. But it might just have been a fluke that another [10:20] reboot was needed [10:20] toffe: therefore the limits of a process are those cloned from its parent process, potentially modified by the process itself [10:20] toffe: what you are saying seems to me rather meaningless. [10:21] So today is the day that I'll be installing my brand new laptop. Is btrfs or zfs worth it performance wise? I really don't need the snapshots but transparent compression and bitrot protection would be nice! [10:22] toffe: '/etc/security/limits.d' applies to login processes that use 'pam_limits', and your process may not be a login process or a shall spawned one. [10:22] toffe: raising resource limits is fun! IIRC in older ubuntu releases systemd had a hardcoded 4096 resource limit for fds that got raised to 1048576 in more recent versions [10:23] toffe: 'ulimit' applies only to processed whose parent is a shell, and '/etc/security' to those whose ancestor is 'login'. neither for example applies to most processes whose ancestor is CRON or 'systemd'. [10:24] toffe: that is all you need to know to figure your issue out. [10:25] Yeah, I've figured out that limits is not the issue [10:25] :D [10:25] Thanks a lot for the detailed information [10:27] finally found which systemd man page documents LimitNOFILE -- it's systemd.exec(5) [10:27] I see that I also joined the wrong channel. The OS we use on the server for now is CentOS, we're moving it to ubuntu soon. CentOS still has crappy limits. On ubuntu there is waay higher limits by default. :D But still systemd had set it to 4096 and we never crossed over 1024 so tht is not the issue. Thanks again, I'll copy that information out and keep it here [10:27] mgedmin: yes LimitNOFILE we have increased now to 10240 just to be sure. The default of 4096 should be enought but.. you can never be too sure [10:28] jeremy31: Any idea why devices can disconnect from hotspot if power management is off? Maybe some diagnostic? [10:28] omega_doom: you could watch terminal and see if there are any hints from> tail -f /var/log/syslog [10:31] or journalctl -f [10:31] jeremy31: Thanks. There is "wlp0s20f3: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-95 retry=1" [10:39] jeremy31: Does it have any usefull information? https://termbin.com/fgqc [10:52] AP-STA-DISCONNECTED means it disconnected from the AP, doesn't say why [10:53] random observation: my Google Pixel would continuously disconnect and reconnect to an Ubiquiti AP in my office, if bluetooth is turned off on the phone [10:53] turning on bluetooth fixed it [10:53] also I've never observer it behaving that way with any other access point [10:53] .exit [10:55] Hrrm My 21.04 ubuntucinnamon now blackscreen at boot, on little asus netbook x201e [10:55] intel igpu [10:55] was working, fully updated, rebooted etc [10:55] can you get the grub boot menu and try rescue mode? [10:56] going to give it a bit longer to show anything onscreen... can't seem to ctrl+alt+f1 terminal, but it responds to ACPI cpowerbutton (cleanly shuts down) or SYsRQ s,u,b reboot [10:56] mgedmin: will try, what should i do when i get to said prompt? [10:56] I was wondering about nomodeset or otherwise [10:56] tbh I've no idea [10:56] Hello, since about a month my internet sometimes takes a pause. But only within Ubuntu, not for my mobile devices. Some minutes it works and some it does not. What could that be? I didn't change anything. [10:56] iirc rescue adds 'nomodeset' to the kernel command line [10:56] mgedmin: aah well rebooting and looking again, other systems (e.g. mint 20.1 cinnamon) on same multi-boot-system are ok [10:57] this is ubuntucinnamon 21.04 that is misbehaving, wondering what new wayland bugs to be had =) [10:57] also maybe i'm just being impatient, will see [10:57] enyc: is that cinnamon installed on top of Ubuntu? [10:58] or is it the Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix? [10:59] enyc: if the latter then it's not supported here [11:23] Maik: completely separate UbuntuCinnamonRemix 21.04 install [11:23] Maik: initial experimentation shows 'nomodeset' needed to get 21.04 gui to come up....... [11:47] I'm having a hard time to fix a broken python installation. It gives me the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings' whenever I try to do anything with python (including reinstalling it) [11:49] enyc: Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix is not a official Ubuntu Flavour as of yet, if you need support with that you need to go to their telegram, discord or irc channel: https://ubuntucinnamon.org/contact-us/ [11:50] the topic says unofficial derivates are not supported here [11:50] MadLamb: are you using a virtualenv? usually when you upgrade the system python all virtualenvs break and you start getting incomprehensible import errors from builtin modules [11:51] MadLamb: the fix is to re-create the virtualenv, or at least replace venv/bin/python* with a copy of the right intepreter from /usr/bin/ [11:53] Maik: "IRC and Discourse will be available soon." hah [11:54] 'nomodeset' seems to help , I predominanly suspect some 21.04 kernel/wayland issue rather than Desktop-Environment-Specific matter [11:59] Howdy folks [12:08] * enyc meows BluesKaj [12:19] Hi, I just installed a Ubuntu server 20.04lts and opted to get docker installed. Is there a group to add my user to so that I can run docker commands without using sudo? or is Sudo the preffered way when using docker in Ubuntu? [12:21] Ive previously used OpenSuse where I could add my user to the docker group. But I cant find any pre-made docker group on this ubuntu install. [12:23] Dear Ubuntu community, [12:23] I need help with installing web cam driver on Macbook Air 2015 [12:25] unwatchedtarget: not my area of expertise, but ... what ubuntu version/release installed? Seems the 'facetime hd' camera can need a custom driver or so..... might also be the case a newer ubuntu doesn't need custom driver. [12:26] Sylten: the 'docker' group [12:26] exists on my system [12:27] latest [12:27] Sylten: the docker.io package creates the 'docker' group in its postinst [12:27] enyc you are spot on [12:31] mgedmin: Ok, I cant find the 'docker' groupm on my install. But It might be because I opted to get it installed during serverinstall. Ah, just noticed docker is installed as a snap package. [12:32] unwatchedtarget, latest isn't very descriptive... latest LTS, latest release, what do you define as latest (which category of release do you mean, LTS only, all releases, ie. 21.04 or this months?) [12:35] mgedmin: Thanks you put me on the right track. Ive removed the snap package and installed docker.io via apt and now its there. Thanks [12:40] Hey all === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [12:47] Curious if anyone knows.. i installed Ubuntu 20.04 on windows 10, and i was wondering how to get ubuntu desktop [12:52] unwatchedtarget: 'latest' = 20.04LTS or 21.04 ?!? [12:58] ooh I didn't even realize docker could be installed as a snap, and that wouldn't bring the group with it [13:23] mgedmin, who would install docker as a deb ? thats quickly outdated after release 😛 [13:25] ogra: if ur using the docker repo then u gonna be fine. [13:25] well, most people would just apt install it from the main repo [13:26] or even though the software store app ... [13:35] Is there something called persistent ram? that does not deletes data on shutdowns? If so, isn't that better? I don't have to care about hibernation then? Does ubuntu supports it? [13:36] Hello, my system is running close to full ram. Is virtual memory found from htop reserving ram? [13:36] not entirerly sure about the difference on how VIRT and RES works [13:36] Intelo: yup, it's called a hard drive [13:37] NIKKE1, physical ram occupation is usually related to RES [13:38] Intelo: there are such main memory types, but they are more expensive and not commonly used. Also there are serious security implications on persistent memory -- for example cold-boot attacks get much more easier [13:41] ogra my uni server has 252 gigs of ram, but 136gigs are reserverd and i dont get how. Highest program using RES is 149M ... it would probably all add up to max 6gigs. If only RES counted [13:42] NIKKE1: reserved != used [13:42] leftyfb thats what im asking here [13:42] im just looking at htop [13:43] 136G/252G [13:43] NIKKE1, RES means resident, not reserved AFAIK [13:45] ogra look at image https://ibb.co/kSf37rC [13:45] how do you interpret it [13:45] i put mem % highest [13:45] Could dockers reserve memory out of visibility of htop ? [13:46] mgedmin, i have no idea [13:46] mgedmin, i dont use python [13:47] NIKKE1, first of all go to the htop settings and disable user threads ... that will make it a lot more readable ... then sort by RES, not by MEM% [13:52] ogra sort by RES: https://ibb.co/F8XBNkr [14:19] Hello, I've been experiencing system freezes that require me to hard-reboot my computer. They tend to happen 10-30 minutes into the usage of full screen graphics (Games, Video chats, CLion). I've looked through my logs and it seems that my AMD APU (Ryzen 5 3400G) isn't enjoying the memory provided to it; alas I haven't found a solution to the [14:19] freezes and come here for advice. Most Recent journalctl -k https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hKM9ZNYT9c/ [14:21] CarlosM12: Ubuntu 21.04 with Wayland? [14:22] @Maik Yes. [14:22] try switching to Xorg at the login screen and see what happens, if you haven't tried it already [14:23] I'm having a hard time to fix a broken python installation. It gives me the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings' whenever I try to do anything with python (including reinstalling it) [14:30] MadLamb show me your import [14:30] code [14:42] Is there any way to get systemd-time-wait-sync.service on 18.04? [14:43] Maik, Xorg ended up crashing quicker than Wayland. [14:43] If not, what is the easiest way to delay service start till time is actually synchronized? After systemd-timesyncd.service starts my service without synchronized time [14:45] barnex: it's part of the core20 snap. That said, it's just a systemd unit. Just create one and enable it [14:48] NIKKE1, wdym? [14:48] NIKKE1, I'm not using python and I couldnt even if I wanted. it doesnt work\ [14:50] NIKKE1, it fails on sudo apt install --reinstall python3 [14:50] NIKKE1, Fatal Python error: init_fs_encoding: failed to get the Python codec of the filesystem encoding [14:55] MadLamb, Have you tried installing python from python.org? [14:55] does anyone have any tips on how to get a machine certificate for Ubuntu from Microsoft Certificate enrollment? Trying to install the certificate so that I can join a WPA2 Enterprise SSID. [14:58] CarlosM12, no [14:58] CarlosM12, should I? [14:59] MadLamb, I recommend you try it out; you will need GCC and make since you'll be compiling from source. [14:59] CarlosM12, lol [15:03] CarlosM12, doesnt sound very resonable that I have to compile from source to fix an issue with a package that is available on the repo, but Ill try [15:03] I dont get why it fails if I am running install --reinstall [15:06] MadLamb, Good point. Have you tried installing python3.9? [15:06] MadLamb: how did you break python exactly? [15:07] leftyfb, i have no idea [15:07] CarlosM12: please stop recommending compiling python [15:07] MadLamb: what version of ubuntu? [15:07] CarlosM12, I just tried compiling python. failed on the make install [15:07] leftyfb, 20.04.2 [15:07] MadLamb: don't do that [15:07] leftyfb, too late [15:07] MadLamb: not too late, it failed on make, do not proceed [15:08] leftyfb, ok [15:08] MadLamb: sudo apt install --reinstall python3 | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:08] anyway it failed with subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '('lsb_release', '-a')' returned non-zero exit status 1. [15:09] leftyfb, https://termbin.com/g39z [15:10] MadLamb: wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python3-defaults/python3_3.8.2-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb && sudo dpkg -i python3_3.8.2-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb [15:11] leftyfb, didnt work, same error [15:12] leftyfb, Fatal Python error: init_fs_encoding: failed to get the Python codec of the filesystem encoding [15:12] leftyfb, dpkg: warning: old python3 package pre-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1 [15:13] ah [15:13] MadLamb: echo $PYTHONHOME [15:13] empty [15:13] PYTHONHOME = (not set) [15:13] PYTHONPATH = (not set) [15:14] MadLamb: see if you can create a new user and login as that user [15:19] leftyfb, I could, tried to open terminal and nothing happened [15:23] MadLamb: it will probably be quicker to just reinstall and restore from backup since you have no idea what you did to python to break it. [15:24] leftyfb, I could open nautilus and firefox [15:24] leftyfb, I was trying to install openrazer and it was failing because of some gpg signatures [15:24] leftyfb, then i tried to compile it [15:25] leftyfb, then It failed on python [15:25] leftyfb, and then I tried apt install --reinstall [15:29] MadLamb: sounds like bad things have happened and it's going to potentially take hours to find out what is broke and determine if it's fixable. Quicker to just reinstall. [15:30] leftyfb, I dont think this is an option for me :( [15:30] MadLamb: and why is that? [15:31] leftyfb, idk [15:31] MadLamb: why can't you reinstall? [15:33] leftyfb, install --reinstall should work [15:36] MadLamb: not when it's trying to use a broken python [15:40] leftyfb, yeah but i dont even use python. I dont like python. Its whatrever stuff I was installing that uses it [15:40] MadLamb: most of ubuntu uses python [15:42] hi there! just updated an amd64-based desktop to 21.04 and everything worked pretty okay apart from a few warnings and errors; however the update seems to have broken by gstreamer plugins [15:43] particularly these plugins: GstRtpSrc, GstRtpSink and GstNvH264Dec [15:46] Hello. I was here yesterday asking about how my system might have installed an Azure kernel. Of two nearly identical servers one had its kernel upgraded to the Azure one while the other did not. Doing `apt-cache madison linux-image-azure` on the machine that has the Azure kernel says that it came from us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu. This was a surprise because I thought the source of the Azure kernel was [15:46] /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list, which the other server does not have. So once again I'm wondering how one server would get the Azure kernel while the other did not. [15:47] gst-inspect-1.0 throws this ; https://i.imgur.com/tL134bJ.png [15:47] Hi there! I've just done a fresh (network) install of 21.04, but the two Ethernet interfaces keep fighting for who is eth0/eth1/eno0/eno1. How can I get back to the stable names like enp3s0f1 and the like? [15:47] I wonder what _should_ be the default installation location for ubuntu desktop's gst-plugins? I've had some problems before where I've had to set the 'GST_PLUGIN_PATH' environment variable by hand [15:49] Peanut: are you aiming to get them to work in bridged mode? [15:49] toffo: no, I'm just aiming to stop them from changing on every boot. [15:53] Peanut: ok, well, I suspect you might to have to set them up manually [15:54] toffo: Seems that way, if the installer can't do it right.. but how? The 'biosdevname' package no longer exists, and systemd should be giving us predictable networking interface names. [15:56] Peanut: ah, the usual "fix one, break two"-scenario :D [15:57] I wonder if someone can answer what's the default gstreamer plugin location in Ubuntu desktop 21.04 [15:57] I have libgstr*.so 's under /snap/kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-14 & 15 ... , /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0 ; etc . [16:00] yessiree, alright! solved the problem with ; export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/snap/kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-15-core20/14/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0 [16:00] well, except that now I'm missing plugins :D [16:25] Hey all [16:26] Does anyone know on WSL2 ubuntu 20.04.2 instance, how to be able to utilize mouse to highlight shit [16:26] its making me batty [16:28] !ubuwin | headrx [16:28] headrx: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [16:29] from one issue to another, 21.04, after update VLC fails with LAN RTSP streams. "Failed to setup RTSP session" ; nmap says port is open, VLC or other programs utilizing VLC will not open the RTSP stream :( [16:30] I've already googled up that it might have something to do with whether or not the version of VLC Player that ships with the OS has the H264 RTSP stream bells and whistles in it, probably due to it being under copyright-this that [16:30] good thing I started to troubleshoot, noticed that the update from 20.10 => 21.04 had reset all my firewall rules [16:32] nmap does say that the rtsp port on the dest is reachable [16:50] I'm getting a bug in Linux Mint, where I found an "expired" bugreport from 2016 for in the ubuntu-bugtracker, should I make a new report for it in the Mint-Bugtracker or responde to the Ubuntu one that it should be still open? [16:50] !mint | G_H [16:50] G_H: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [16:51] isn't "Ubuntu bugtracker" ubuntu related? [16:51] G_H: what version of ubuntu are you running? [16:52] G_H: Your issue is with Linux Mint which is not Ubuntu. Feel free to file bugs with linux mint, not ubuntu since you are not running Ubuntu. [16:53] is it a kernel bug G_H [16:54] Well I assume as it is "expired" that it is probably not fixed on ubuntu aswell, but I doubt that mint uses different printing drivers than ubuntu. [16:55] lotuspsychje: not sure, probably not, it is about a printing driver filling up /var/tmp (multible GB) and not cleaning it up afterwards. [16:55] G_H: feel free to install Ubuntu and triage the same bug on ubuntu. If you find the same issue on ubuntu, please file a new bug [17:03] Ey guys, someone here? [17:03] !ask | smoking-chakras [17:03] smoking-chakras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:11] OK my video card battle continues. Today I boot up my machine and blender doesn't recognize my GPU. nvidia-smi says "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running." [17:12] Can anyone tell me how to repair my nvidia video card drivers install? I ran the instructions here again but it says they are all installed: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&=Ubuntu&target_version=20.04&target_type=deb_network [17:15] hi [17:16] I have a friend that has eoan installed, but never updated to anything higher. I wanted to know what would be the best way without breaking anything. Can i upgrade directly to focal? [17:17] cruncher: Best to clean install [17:17] Maik, yes, but thats not an option [17:18] eoan was 19.10, right? [17:18] but shouldnt the repo still work anyway? [17:18] yes [17:18] no the repo's will be turned into old releases after a version goes EOL [17:19] aha [17:19] hold on [17:19] cruncher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [17:20] so i think the best would be to adapt the apt/sources.list to the old repo, update everything, then switch to focal [17:20] yep, as described in the link i gave [17:20] im used to debian, so i was wondering why the old repo doesnt work anymore :D I see now that ubuntu handles it a bit different [17:21] thank you Maik, i think that should do the trick [17:21] you're welcome :) [17:21] good luck ;) === ace_me1 is now known as ace_me === sauvin_ is now known as Sauvin [17:38] Hello, suddenly today I have /usr/lib/upower/upowerd hogging up my CPU casing spikes that end up freezing my laptop few seconds on end. I tried googling the issue - I don't have an iphone (as some stackoverflow topics suggest might be causing it) - I tried disabling upower service, killing upowerd etc with no luck, it keeps coming back. [17:38] How can I disable my laptop to go in sleep mode? [17:39] any help is appreciated, as this is causing a big headache for me. [17:41] leftyfb: hggdh ok [18:32] zen_coder: settings > power [18:33] Edit: systemctl stop upower; systemctl disable upower [19:12] does ubuntu have a netinstaller iso? [19:17] oxek: Yes, just used it today. You can find it under 'alternate downloads'. [19:17] thanks. the ubuntu.com webpage is horrible [19:18] oxek: Wait till you try the installer ;-) [19:19] looks like there's no netboot iso anymore for 20.04 [19:20] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/14510/6 [19:20] oxek: you mean the mini iso? [19:20] I don't need the mini.iso, I just need the regular netinstall iso [19:20] the one that was ~700MB [19:20] <[VMGuy23]> Quick question: I have 20.10, can I upgrade using the disk image or do I need to do it in Ubuntu? [19:20] <[VMGuy23]> to 21.04 [19:20] oxek: That's exactly the issue I've been dealing with. The mini.iso and netboot.tar.gz have been dropped by Ubuntu in favour of their own installer, alas. So now you have to serve a 1GB iso over http if you want to netinstall. [19:21] Peanut: yeah I don't want to do that [19:21] the mini.iso would work too [19:22] <[VMGuy23]> I need the answer quite quickly, have limited time [19:23] [VMGuy23]: do-release-upgrade on the box, works fine. [19:23] [VMGuy23] Peanut it's not recommended to upgrade to 21.04 yet [19:23] there's a bug [19:23] <[VMGuy23]> What is the bug [19:23] oxek: Unfortunately, the old method has been dropped, and the new version isn't quite finished, nor is its documentation. [19:24] [VMGuy23]: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/04/why-you-cant-upgrade-to-ubuntu-21-04-for-now [19:24] [VMGuy23]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-April/041448.html [19:24] [VMGuy23], Maik : Oops, wasn't aware of that, I was actually planning to do the release upgrade myself this week. [19:24] sarnold: thanks [19:25] <[VMGuy23]> I have an Acer Aspire 3 (2019) would my version of EFI work [19:25] [VMGuy23]: probably dmesg says the efi version, eg: [19:25] $ dmesg | grep -i efi [19:25] [ 0.000000] efi: EFI v2.50 by Lenovo [19:25] oxek: i was never aware of any netboot iso of 700MB in size, i only know of the netboot/mini iso: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/ [19:26] Maik: I might be confusing it with debian then [19:26] <[VMGuy23]> [ 0.000000] efi: EFI v2.70 by INSYDE Corp. [19:26] probably oxek [19:27] [VMGuy23]: probably it's fine then, iirc the bug was against efi version 1.2 or similar [19:27] <[VMGuy23]> Yeah ima do it [19:30] <[VMGuy23]> It says a secure boot problem but secure boot was disabled so I could boot after hard drive change [19:38] yo did xenial EoSS yet? [19:38] I just see "April 2021" but no date [19:38] <[VMGuy23]> You'll be sure on May 1 [19:38] <[VMGuy23]> But probably... not sure yet [19:39] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [19:39] what's the chance it'll be extended a bit because rona and all that [19:39] none [19:40] good [19:40] you can purchase extended support if you need it [19:40] flying_sausages: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-March/000266.html [19:40] slick [19:40] cheers [19:41] nah I wanna know when we'll get a ton of tickets with people wondering why their system won't update [19:41] <[VMGuy23]> tracker-extract crashed during do-release-upgrade will that affect anything [19:41] surprised it didn't happen yet [19:53] flying_sausages: ah, the *tickets* will probably not come for a long time [19:53] flying_sausages: I believe we'll leave xenial in place as-is for another five years, before removing it from the mirrors. folks might not be getting updates and not know it for ages. [19:53] why would that be? I would assume the updates start breaking immediately [19:53] ah [19:59] My server will no longer receive updates. All i get is Funnet:1 http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InReleas and simular for 2 and the [Wjaiting for heads 0%]. Any idea what is going on [19:59] Younder: try a different mirror as a test [20:00] I have had the server for several years. it uses apt-cache-ng. Had a problem last moth of the server having a wrong ip address, but that has now been resolved. [20:01] Younder: can you disable cache as a test? [20:01] leftyfb, I did disbale the cache. No joy [20:01] Younder: tried changing the mirror? [20:01] leftyfb, what mirror do you suggest? [20:02] us.archive.ubuntu.com [20:02] In /etc/apt/sources.list? [20:02] that archive responds okay to firefox [20:03] sarnold: routing [20:06] leftyfb: yeah, testing the main servers is a good test [20:06] I still suspect the caching [20:15] <[VMGuy23]> Everything's crashing at once help me [20:19] <[VMGuy23]> ca-certificates, amdgpu mesa thing, gdk-ixbuf, libvlc-bin, all crashed on login [20:19] <[VMGuy23]> there was box spam [20:20] <[VMGuy23]> why did it hapen [20:25] Ok got a sor of update of 3 packages but get error from sources.list W: Target Sources (main/source/Sources) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list:4 and /etc/apt/sources.list:5 [20:27] Fount it! works now [20:29] Kinda minimalistic, but I suppose it will do until no.archive.ubuntu.com works [20:37] hi [20:37] any good fonts you guys can recommend for xfce? Other than the default ones that are used? === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [21:16] possibly might want to check in #xubuntu [21:39] Why is Ubuntu's 20.10 gradle version 4.4.1 from the apt repository, so old and obsolete when the current gradle version is 7.0? [21:41] !latest | leagris [21:41] leagris: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [21:43] leagris: if you have questions beyond that, feel free to email pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org [21:44] Yes ubottu, but the shipped Gradle 4.4.1 is from Dec 20, 2017 that's way older than Ubuntu 20.10 [21:44] In the end Ill have to install gradle manually and remove te packaged version [21:47] leagris: the point you are missing is, Ubuntu is based on Debian. If Debian hasn't updated their package for whatever reason, neither did ubuntu. [21:48] Ubuntu used to be cutting-edge at least outside LTS releases [21:48] leagris: Ubuntu has never been known as "cutting edge". You're thinking of Fedora [21:52] leftyfb: itym arch? :) [21:53] sarnold: either one. Either way, Ubuntu has never been known to be running the latest version of anything for more than a few months. Maybe Firefox and anything from snap [21:56] Well I am on Ubuntu since Warty like 2003 or 2004. It used to be significantly ahead and more user friendly than Debian. [21:59] leagris: https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian#Don.27t_suffer_from_Shiny_New_Stuff_Syndrome [22:00] leagris: https://askubuntu.com/a/151304/1151311 [22:01] yes leftyfb this why when I installed a mail server with Debian buster, it shipped with a broken (non-functional web interface) version of rspamd [22:02] leagris: ok good luck [22:16] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XDKsWGnFrS/ https://ibb.co/DfszRwH This is so for everyone with any file system on usb flash: constantly writes to the usb flash? Windows host, Guest Mint 20.1. Files are not used with usb flash. Vmware Player. Of course, I can format it to another file system, such as exfat, and see what happens to the other file system. [22:19] why might `usermod -aG docker $USER; groups` not show docker in my groups? [22:19] why might `sudo usermod -aG docker $USER; groups` not show docker in my groups? [22:21] oh thats weird [22:21] when I do `groups $USER` I see it [22:21] and when I do `sudo su - $USER; groups` I see it [22:22] well, those have to be run as separate commands but you get the idea [22:24] ash_worksi: an already running shell usually doesn't "see" group changes for the owning user, in my experience - you will see the addition in next new shell [22:25] shadow255: yeah, I am running in gnuscreen and I didn't want to close my other window, but I did create a new window which I thought would be a "new shell" [22:25] shadow255: I guess not [22:26] ash_worksi: yeah, any new windows in screen are children to the shell, pretty sure [22:26] shadow255: I see, makes sense [22:26] thanks [22:29] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZY7kcRTGXZ/ [22:34] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZY7kcRTGXZ/ [22:34] On a dual boot system, after a Windows update I failed to be able to reboot. The boot partition appears to have been corrupted. I've been trying to use Boot Repair but have run into a problem where it is requesting that I create a 100-250mb start of disk ESP/Boot partition. [22:34] davido_: what happens when the system boots up? [22:37] I now get a BIOS based boot menu [22:38] davido_: what's your dual boot setup like? partitions, disks, etc. [22:39] Let me back up one moment... the boot repair requested that I create a 250mb boot partition. One already existed, but I re-created it. So it's not unexpected that at this point I wouldn't be able to reboot... since the boot repair was still unable to perform its duties. [22:40] Ubuntu's live image boot repair? [22:40] The setup is a single NVMe0 SSD with Ubuntu and Windows [22:40] Yes. [22:40] what kind of partitions? You had GRUB in charge of booting previously? [22:40] Yes. [22:40] what kind of partitions? [22:40] Let me boot with the live usb so I can get the partition catalog... just a moment. [22:42] My flash drive is connected to the guest permanently 10 -15 hours. [22:43] qwertuttyty: what happened? [22:44] Ubuntu is on p6, and ext4 partition. The boot partition is p1, 260mb fat32. The windows partition is p3, 128GB. [22:44] sounds pretty weird [22:44] who are you talking to? [22:44] anyway, yeah you should be able to just reinstall the boot loader / grub stuff to p1/nvme0 [22:44] davido_: you [22:45] so what's boot repair saying? [22:45] <_Sym_> I can confirm that reverting https://github.com/openjdk/jdk8u/commit/da35e89ee7b7cfe8555c9caa776434e8f3480f22#diff-d7507989bc351eb1214e7682a3236e6f41a47800f7811f1a7e52e7a16af36542 fixes the issue with building android roms [22:45] Not a problem question. read log or scroll back can? [22:46] qwertuttyty: my log has no explanation of your issue [22:46] davido_: paste the boot-repair log somewhere [22:46] sec... [22:46] ~ 20 minutes ago I wrote [22:46] qwertuttyty: uhuh... [22:47] ~ 30 min [22:47] qwertuttyty: my log has no explanation of your issue [22:47] log ubuntu server irc [22:48] Intresting. So running boot repair again so I could give you an error report apparently succeeded. However, the windows option has now disappeared from grub. [22:48] I do not remember the link to the log ubuntu irc [22:49] link (url) [22:49] davido_: that's okay, you can fix that too [22:49] qwertuttyty: I don't need a log at this time, only an explanation of the issue you are dealing with [22:49] Now I'm booted to the installed Ubuntu [22:49] good [22:50] davido_: this is probably still good info: https://askubuntu.com/questions/197868/grub-does-not-detect-windows [22:51] if log save every time, or through 24 hours. I Don't know [22:53] davido_: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here [22:54] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XDKsWGnFrS/ https://ibb.co/DfszRwH This is so for everyone with any file system on usb flash: constantly writes to the usb flash? Windows host, Guest Mint 20.1. Files are not used with usb flash. Vmware Player. Of course, I can format it to another file system, such as exfat, and see what happens to the other file system. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZY7kcRTGXZ/ https://ibb.co/JpVwZmr [22:54] https://termbin.com/hcx26 [22:57] My flash drive is connected to the guest permanently 10 -15 hours. [23:02] the flash drive is only mounted. [23:04] I sometimes see `md5 -q ...` or `md5 -s ...` ... where does that command come from? can I get it from one of the official repos? [23:04] ash_worksi: Is that md5 or md5sum? [23:05] I wonder if I'm losing the SSD. [23:06] davido_: that Windows' update immediately preceding the event, on its own, is the cause, is a much simpler explanation [23:07] but if you're worried about data and don't have backups yet, do that first [23:07] True. But I'm also finding that I can't boot to the Ubuntu partition that I was using prior to that update. It'll boot to an old install (the 67gb partition) but not the working one (306gb partition) [23:08] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZY7kcRTGXZ/ [23:08] But you're right about the simplist explanation. [23:08] Also, I do keep backups, so I'm ok there. [23:08] CodeMouse92: just `md5` [23:08] davido_: mmm [23:08] davido_: is this a laptop? [23:08] yes [23:08] x1 carbon 6th gen [23:09] Ah, I see it. It's here: https://www.fourmilab.ch/md5/ [23:09] But, no, I don't see this anywhere in the Ubuntu universe repos [23:09] davido_: hummm, was there a bios/uefi update? [23:09] Incidentally...md5sum should basically do the same thing, I'd think, or at least close [23:10] No. [23:10] I would have done that separately, and didn't. [23:10] weird [23:10] I keep the thing in Ubuntu like 95% of the time. Once in awhile I boot to Windows so that I can connect my Garmin Edge cycling GPS to update it. [23:11] just popping in to say "fuck you" to any of those present responsible for breaking filesystem access from Chromium [23:11] not much in the idle writes ( if writes). ~ 1 mb per hour. [23:11] I'll attempt to boot to my working Ubuntu install and report the message... [23:11] davido_: I'd use a VM for that [23:12] That may be where I end up. I was avoiding disrupting the factory-installed Windows as long as I could get away with it. [23:12] 1MB [23:12] davido_: well, might be academic at this point, yeah, but [23:13] davido_: if it has a rescue partition, you can just back that up 1:1 and will still be able to factory restore it later if you choose [23:13] Attempting to boot to the working Ubuntu partition to see what error I get. [23:14] if it has a windows rescue partition, that is (re: windows factory-installed) [23:14] You are in emergency mode...... [23:16] Well, I guess my project tonight will be to boot to the partition that does work, mount any other partitions and back them up (in addition to my normal backups, just in case), and wipe clean / start over without dual boot. [23:17] Humor or not humor: if bad alignment is done in f2fs, then after a while there will be a hole in the usb flash drive [23:18] as for recovery, I don't see that option anymore in grub [23:18] davido_: think it'll be pretty darn easy by comparison, virtualization [23:19] davido_: well there's either a partition with a recovery/install image for Windows, or there isn't [23:19] There is that partition. Booting to it, I don't know about. [23:19] you don't need to now, just back it up and you can later if you ever want to [23:19] oh, got it. [23:20] just dd it to a file [23:20] So... this is now OT: Will I be able to use my old windows key to activate it within a VM? [23:20] you can backup the partition layout too if you want, although I hope that wouldn't matter to the restore image [23:20] davido_: there are ways you can do that, yeah [23:20] what version of Windows is it? [23:20] some version of 10 [23:21] mmm, finding the license key or whatever in the FS that isn't running =) [23:21] sounds boring indeed [23:22] Well, I still have the box but I'm not sure if they include that inside these days. [23:22] https://www.google.com/search?q=how+find+windows+product+key+from+filesystem =) [23:23] I mean it'll be somewhere on the FS, but that's not something I've done before [23:23] yeah, it's fine. Thanks for your help though. [23:23] you can also migrate an on-metal Windows installation [23:23] to a VM [23:23] but it'd probably be easier if it were working already [23:24] so I don't know, I guess worst case scenario you could try and boot that recovery partition, then it'd be easier to get the key, but I think you can probably find it on the FS with less effort, most likely, just a guess [23:24] I'm not sure I actually care that much about somthing that I use only once in awhile, and spend most of my time using it being a slave to its updates. :) [23:26] honestly [23:26] Microsoft does provide timebombed VM images you can use, IIRC [23:26] and it's really easy to automate their use on GNU/Linux [23:26] Yeah, I've used those on other systems. [23:27] I've backed up so many Windows systems, pretty much never put them back =P [23:27] and I could even do a full install in virtualbox, and just not activate it. It would pester me but that's about the end of it. [23:27] https://ibb.co/tQMsCpY https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q5ryFKQCJj/ [23:28] davido_: here you go, 'chntpw': https://superuser.com/questions/307889/how-to-get-windows-7-cd-key-from-command-prompt-or-linux-live-disk [23:29] although it says 7 [23:29] https://ibb.co/tQMsCpY not f2fs, exfat [23:29] win10 still apparently supported by the app === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto [23:30] exfat Samsung [23:31] thank you [23:31] This is not a problem with the file system or exfat driver. This is such a bad usb flash drive [23:32] ok, heading out. thanks again. [23:32] later on [23:34] qwertuttyty: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999 [23:40] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w3YZhYZqFp/ [23:41] !mint | qwertuttyty [23:41] qwertuttyty: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [23:41] kerenel 5.12.... rc [23:42] qwertuttyty: please /join #linuxmint-help for support [23:44] qwertuttyty: better yet, I'll even go the extra step for you: ircs://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-help [23:45] maybe a Debian? debian -> ubuntu, mint. I'm pretty sure the same thing will happen in ubuntu but I haven't checked [23:46] qwertuttyty: we cannot support Debian or Mint here. Please seek support from Debian or Mint IRC channels. Not here. [23:46] installed ubuntu-mate [23:47] and installed ubuntu-mate [23:49] qwertuttyty: are you running Ubuntu Mate right now? Do you have an issue with it? If so, please tell us what version by running: ( cat /etc/os-release ; echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP )| nc termbin.com 9999 [23:50] for me it is not a problem to duplicate on irc mint [23:50] qwertuttyty: ok, good luck [23:57] And I think it will be the same in ubuntu. [23:58] qwertuttyty: let us know if you are running ubuntu and have an issue with ubuntu