
callmepkgood morning01:42
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:49
lunaMorning desktoppers06:38
jibelGood morning all06:40
didrocksgood morning06:49
jibelsalut didrocks 06:49
didrockssalut jibel 06:56
didrockshey Nafallo 07:18
ricotzgood morning07:32
jibelHi Nafallo ricotz 07:44
seb128lut oSoMoN, jibel, didrocks 07:45
seb128hey luna, Nafallo, ricotz 07:45
seb128how are you?07:45
jibelsalut seb128, ça va et toi?07:47
seb128the spring is over though, we are back to grey cold rainy07:47
dustchromium dosnt work anymore since today... ubuntu 20.10 and is a snap i think07:58
dust[2941:2941:0429/095515.119186:FATAL:double_fork_and_exec.cc(131)] execv /snap/chromium/1570/usr/lib/chromium-browser/crashpad_handler: No such file or directory (2)07:58
didrockshey seb128, Laney 08:05
Laneyhey didrocks 08:19
Laneyhappy thursday to youuuuu08:19
lunaheya seb128 was out doing some errands but back now, i am alright08:49
marcustomlinsonmorning all08:59
jibelGood morning marcustomlinson 09:14
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oSoMoNdust, please file a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+filebug09:54
dustoSoMoN, done10:29
oSoMoNdust: thanks, I'll take a look asap10:40
oSoMoNdust, tentative fix committed, and a new snap is currently building in the edge channel11:37
dustoSoMoN, thanks a lot :)11:37
oSoMoNthank you for the bug report!11:37
dustoSoMoN, thanks to you for the very quick fix :)11:38
GunnarHjHi seb128! Considering the incident on bug #1925792, it appears to me that there is room for improvement of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed .12:00
ubot3Bug 1925792 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu Hirsute) "XKB layout variants not shown in the menu of respective language but under Others" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192579212:00
seb128GunnarHj, hey, it's a wiki so happy editing :-)12:02
seb128GunnarHj, also I'm still unsure what issue the report was having exactly, there isn't much in hirsute-proposed atm, nothing that I could see as potentially leading to a gnome-control-center segfault12:04
GunnarHjseb128: He may well have made an unrelated mistake. But apparently he installed everything after having studied that wiki page. I'll try to add something...12:12
seb128GunnarHj, the problem is often that people don't read carefully, not saying that the page can't be improved though ;-)12:22
GunnarHjseb128: I know. Not sure yet how to change it.12:28
GunnarHjseb128: Another thing: Bug #1925349 is a bit embarrassing. I'm going to edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaProcess and add a step to check whether the POT files are up-to-date for certain packages. Thinking of ubiquity and ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu at first hand. Are there other packages which should be attended to in this respect?12:28
ubot3Bug 1925349 in Ubuntu Translations "Strings are not translated in installer's welcome slideshow." [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192534912:28
seb128GunnarHj, not really, I think it's true for any package, we had bugs in the past where the dh_translations pot refresh was failing in GNOME packages, or cases where the template is missing or waiting in the import queue12:30
GunnarHjseb128: Right, but those are technical glitches. I'm talking about cases where some maintainer needs to actively update the POT in the package.12:32
seb128GunnarHj, I don't remember offhand but I will let you know or edit the wiki directly if I do12:33
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, then I mention those two packages to start with.12:33
lunaAny plan for the Impish Daily test images?13:17
seb128luna, those should be enabled back once things are ready, unsure what is missing atm though13:26
lunasounds good13:29
ricotzhey, the ongoing sync from debian is sid-only?14:01
ricotzso there should be no library transitions already?14:02
seb128that's right14:13
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:22
juliankOoh, pipewire has LDAC14:30
lunaheya hellsworth 15:03
ricotzseb128, good, thanks15:04
ricotzhey hellsworth 15:06
juliankI compiled pulseeffects 5 for pipewire and it worked easily, woohoo. now just pipewire needs to become default so I can upload pulseeffects 5.0.3 (it does not support pulseaudio anymore...)15:09
juliankMissing sampling rate switching, though. Oddly enough, it defaults to 48 kHz whereas most content is 44.1 kHz and thus has to resample everything?15:10
juliankPulseAudio could play both 44.1 kHz and 96 kHz and switch automatically :)15:11
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