[13:58] [telegram] I decided to turn my huge frustration into something that could be seen by others: I made a commemorative thread on Twitter. [13:58] [telegram] I've been doing really badly these last few days trying to do things that might be worth it, but I feel like I'm losing the desire to do a lot of things. This quarantine + the current situation made me lose hope of a lot little by little. I sent the audio yesterday to the other group, just talking about this issue, although it is not accessible to everyone. [14:04] [telegram] If people don't care, how do they want someone to care about them if they don't show the same? [14:10] [telegram] @alera_on you are posting in the ubuntu testers group ;) [14:10] [telegram] so it's irrelevant [14:11] [telegram] and it shows on IRC [14:11] [telegram] Understand.. [20:03] [telegram] Is anyone else having issues doing direct downloads of Ubuntu? I just tried 20.04 LTS and it keeps failing on me. Ubuntu Budgie as well. But Ubuntu Mate torrent came down in under 2 minutes. [20:05] [telegram] Ubuntu Budgie torrent just finished in 1:31 [21:45] [telegram] you can find all the torrents here [21:45] [telegram] https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index [23:03] [telegram] Hello [23:26] [telegram] hi @Delphik. which distro are you testing today? [23:26] [telegram] i mean flavor. oops [23:28] [telegram] none at the moment, a little busy rn with finals, but should be playing around with the new kubuntu and ubuntu server for the pi soon [23:32] [telegram] sweet. finals for which grade? [23:38] [telegram] college computer science course [23:42] [telegram] been doing classes part time so finals for calc and assembler programming