
aroonihad to install fpm packages ; and i found my sock!  yay!01:18
mybalzitchsocks are overrated01:19
aroonii'm always losing mine and misplacing them01:37
aroonimaybe sandals would be an upgrade01:37
mybalzitchsocks and sandals? gonna get yourself shot01:43
arooniwhat would have happened if i hadn't had upgraded from 16.04 => 20.0401:43
aroonilike i just finished doing today01:43
sarnoldarooni: you'd either no longer get security updates or you'd choose to subscribe to the ESM service and get some security coverage, but not as much01:44
arooniare security updates automatic?  i think i configured my unattended upgrades long ago01:46
arooniesm service?  that's news to me01:46
sarnoldwe made unattended-upgrades default to 'on' somewhere along the way, I do'nt recall exactly when, but 18.04 wouldn't surprise me01:47
arooniooooh fancy;  wonder how many $ units that is01:47
aroonia sensible default01:47
aroonifree for personal use;  ubuntu is so great01:48
lordievaderGood morning06:19
=== phunyguy is now known as phunygguy
=== phunygguy is now known as phunyguy

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