
zurnHi everyone, I'm finding my ubuntu studio is behaving weirdly: when I log in it launches QasMixer and firefox, none of the windows have minimize/restore/close buttons on them (i.e. missing the top bar), I don't have a desktop background, and my cursor is a black X....... any clues what might be going on here? This is happening after not using the19:01
zurnmachine for three weeks or so.... using Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS19:01
corrinado[m]Have you checked the dmesg logs? Sounds like something went wrong with xorg.19:59
zurnI've typed dmesg into terminal, can't find anything that says xorg unfortunately20:08
corrinado[m]No other warnings?20:55
OvenWerkszurn: that sounds like the window manager has failed21:38
zurnOvenWerks: that sounds familiar... I think I encountered this problem before but seem to have misplaced my documentation - any suggestions how to restore it?21:40
OvenWerkszurn: I think for 20.04 you would have xfce so there should be a directory called ~/.config/xfce4/21:41
OvenWerksyou shold be able to mv .config/xfce4 .config/xfce4.back21:42
OvenWerksand then log in and that directory will be recreated.21:42
OvenWerkszurn: so at the login screen, without logging in. press ctrl/alt/F221:43
OvenWerksthis should dump you to a terminal21:43
OvenWerkslogin there and run the above command21:43
OvenWerksanother directory that may need to be removed would be .cache21:44
OvenWerksbut try .config/xfce4 first21:44
OvenWerkszurn: maybe for any of these things...21:45
OvenWerkscheck to make sure your drive is not full with df -h21:45
OvenWerkslook for the line with / at the end21:46
zurnTried "mv .config/xfce4 .config/xfce4.back"... but how do I log back in from the terminal screen?21:50
zurnalso, my drive is at 95%, with 5.7G available21:51
OvenWerkszurn: I think 95% is ok.21:51
zurnalso, when I type "rm .cache" it says "cannot remove '.cache': it is a directory21:52
OvenWerkszurn:  ctrl/alt/F7 (or F1 I can't remember)21:52
zurnGreat... I'm back in, but it didn't do the trick. The look of xfce has changed a bit but still missing the top bar on all the windows21:53
zurnAlso, this might be an indicator of something: when I open "Window Manager" in the GUI it doesn't actually open, just the spinning wheel forever21:54
OvenWerkscan you start anything? like a terminal?21:56
OvenWerkszurn: not sure where to go... may make sure dbus is running22:06
OvenWerkszurn: ps x |grep dbus22:07
zurnya I'm not sure either.... I might just take this as an incentive to get rid of my dual boot system22:12
zurnrunning ps x|greb dbus gives some output, but nothing to indicate that it's not running22:12
OvenWerkszurn maybe ask on #xunbutu22:13
zurnwill do, g2g for now... thanks a lot as always!22:13
OvenWerksmy dbus knowledge22:13

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