
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Is it safe to upgrde from Groovy to Hippo yet?02:36
valorieI did it with my travel lappy02:37
valorieall is well02:37
valoriehave not had time to do it with this computer yet02:37
valoriemaybe Sunday02:37
guiverc@Anarchotaoist, the Ubuntu release notes explain the reason why it wasn't opened; you can see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1333226/how-can-i-update-to-ubuntu-21-04/1333229#1333229 or https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/hirsute-hippo-release-notes/1922102:58
guivercthe bug is still marked IN PROGRESS so if you machine is one impacted; you won't reboot after upgrade..  (if you're not impacted you won't have issues)02:59
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IrcsomeBot<musxigxn> WFX07:43
IrcsomeBot<musxigxn> NFLQ07:43
IrcsomeBot<musxigxn> NELQ07:43
alkisgHmm the NELQ keys are too far apart to imagine a cat walking on the keyboard... :D07:45
IrcsomeBot<musxigxn> @alkisg, 🤣 Indeed07:51
BluesKajHi folks12:33
evert1hello, I'm trying to upgrade my 20.10 kubuntu to the new release. I followed the steps described on the website release article, but getting a 'no new release found'. Any tips how to fix this? Release-upgrades is set to 'normal'12:34
BluesKajevert1, check your package manager sources setting, set to normal rather than LTS only12:42
BluesKajthen try sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:43
evert1BluesKaj: is that not the 'prompt=normal' in '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades'?13:01
tomreynevert1: it is. note that the 20.10 -> 21.04 upgrade path is not yet supported, there's a blocking bug which can lead to systems not booting due to a grub issue in combination with EFI 1.1 'BIOSes', which will need to be fixed first of all.13:03
tomreynjust wait a week or two and try again13:03
evert1tomreyn: oh, ok, I was not aware of that, thanks13:03
tomreynyou're welcome13:03
BluesKajtomreyn, thanks for the heads up on thay bug :-)13:05
tomreynBluesKaj: you're welcome, i think it's on the release notes, too13:10
BluesKajso 21.04 is kind of dead in the water until this bug is fixed13:14
mikedkBluesKaj: what bug? still issues with i5's and i7's?13:16
BluesKajmikedk, no, quote: "<tomreyn> evert1: it is. note that the 20.10 -> 21.04 upgrade path is not yet supported, there's a blocking bug which can lead to systems not booting due to a grub issue in combination with EFI 1.1 'BIOSes', which will need to be fixed first of all."13:19
BluesKajmikedk, I meant dead in the water for 20.10 to 21.04 reales upgrades13:21
mikedkBluesKaj: oooh, so upgrade through rolling release method? That has always been an issue. an old friend from the danish Linux group tried doing rolling release method upgrading all the way from Warty back in, I think it was 2007 or 08'. At some releases he had to make a clean install. but basicly it actually worked back then.13:23
mikedkBut DID produced some minor errors, but it worked13:24
BluesKajyup, I recall having problems with the old release upgrade command so I did quite a few clean installs up until 2009 or so13:25
mikedkYes, i remember that too. Had my fare share of installs from alternate cds back then.13:26
mikedkHave an old Linux friend from the gaming community, he started with Gentoo back in the day. So he knows his way around. Had him helping me with Debian Sarge install back a bit beofre May 1st 2004. Runned that for a while untill I stumbled over Ubuntu, Been using Ubuntu and derivatives ever since.13:29
BluesKajI've been testing Kubuntu dev releases since 2010 , but I usually sed my sources list to the new dev release...it's a workaround that's worked so far13:29
mikedk:-D yeah, actually surpriced me some times that that method actually works with quite a lot of releases13:30
mikedkstarted playing around with psychocats guides back then too. actually loved the old e16 desktop13:32
VvdBerghjust did a fresh install of #kubuntu on my brand new notebook13:45
BluesKajVvdBergh, and ?13:51
VvdBerghI like it so far13:51
VvdBerghno hardware issues fortunatly13:51
VvdBerghi guess i will reduce the swappiness of the system as I run with 32 GiB of RAM and the setting is at 60 out of the box13:52
VvdBerghto bad I have Nvidia graphics otherwise I could have started a Wayland Plasma session. That just killed itself during login13:53
VvdBerghso swappiness should be fixed now.14:01
BluesKajVvdBergh, wayland isn't ready for primetime with kde/plasma no matter which gpu you have14:01
BluesKajoops, too late14:01
VvdBerghsetting swappiness to 10 via sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf and then putting it into the file with nano worked great. just did a quick reboot to check and I got it back to the setting I put it on.14:06
BluesKajVvdBergh, wayland isn't ready for primetime with kde/plasma no matter which gpu you have14:07
VvdBerghthe responsiveness of the system is better now, not that it was bad to start with but why on earth does (K)ubuntu ship with a kernel that has a swappiness setting of 60 out of the box?14:07
VvdBergh@BluesKaj but I at least want to give it a try and see how far I can get it operational for my daily stuff.14:08
VvdBerghepic fail at login due to Nvidia drivers not supporting it properly is embarrassing14:08
BluesKajit's not epic, it's just the development speed is slower on kde/plasma and nvidia, since there are fewer users14:14
VvdBerghI consider something an epic fail if it fails to start when I try to start something.14:21
VvdBerghMaybe I could try switching to Nouveau driver but no idea if it would change something in the outcome14:21
VvdBerghto bad my new notebook does not have Intel or AMD graphics in it as they tend to work better with wayland. It was just to hard to get a notebook with either of them inside for graphics performance14:23
mikedkVvdBergh: nouveau driver works very good in the new releases. Or so I've heard. It works better than the closed source binary driver in 14.04. which I'm still using. I'm not gonna upgrade to something that doesnt work on a daily basis. And it hasnt been since 16.04. constantly issues on other machines since 16.04. So I'm staying on 14.04 until the newer releases can boot my i7 4core. Tried 20.04 installed fine, and worked fine,14:32
mikedkuntil the 5.9 kernel came as an update. Then ist topped booting. tried installing 20.10 installed fine, but wouldnt boot at all.14:32
VvdBergh@mikedk I do not run games on my notebook anyway so for gaming performance I would not need Nvidia drivers anyway. I only need 2d power to give me my desktop and display the applications I use (Thunderbird, Firefox, Libreoffice, Skrooge, Scribus, Chemdraw)14:34
mikedknouveau driver gives good 3d accel, actually works with games too.14:35
mikedkVvdBergh: so I can really recommend the nouveau driver.14:36
VvdBerghThe installer did the installation of the Nvidia driver without asking in 21.04. I guess I will switch the driver of and go to nouveau after a reboot. Worst case scenario I have to reactivate the Nvidia driver and reboot back to X11 session14:36
mikedkyes, no problems there, that's easy.14:37
VvdBerghI guess I first set my workflow up. I just integrated my irc instances into Thunderbird via the chat option14:40
VvdBerghI try to get all the stuff I need and want running in as few applications as possible. Now I just need to find a way to get my Twitter feed into Thunderbird as well. It was working great in Thunderbird 68, but in Thunderbird 78 the addon I used is not working.14:43
VvdBerghI either need to get myself a proper client that respects my KDE desktop settings or use the **** website of twitter that I have not visited in ages for good reason. The only thing I use twitter for is getting a few news feeds in so opening a webbrowser tab for it sucks as it will launch a shitload of trackers towards my browser in the proces.14:46
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skramer_How can I make the column width in KMail's e-mail list persistent?16:52
Acts10-13I am trying to upgrade to kubuntu 21.04 but `sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop` can not find a new version.16:59
RikMillsActs10-13: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-April/041448.html17:01
VvdBerghI guess you first installed any available upgrades in Kubuntu 20.10 before trying to upgrade?17:01
VvdBerghthen run sudo do-release-upgrade -d instead17:02
Acts10-13RikMills: -d seems to have worked. Thanks.17:02
krytarikAnd now to see if it also still boots.. >_>17:08
Acts10-13I have to set myself a pretty rigorous schedule for the next 4 months. Any opinions or thoughts on KOrganizer?17:08
Acts10-13I'd like it to give me alerts, play notifications and sounds when something comes up, etc.17:08
MaikActs10-13: it's not recommended to upgrade to 21.04 as of yet due a bug17:22
Acts10-13Maik: What sort of bug are we talking about?17:22
Acts10-13Its upgrading as I speak.17:22
Acts10-13how should I stop my upgrade then?17:23
Acts10-13Its downloading sources right now.17:24
Acts10-13just ctrl-c?17:24
Maiki don't know17:24
Acts10-13ctrl c it is17:24
Maikand -d let's you upgrade to a development version i was told so not recommended17:25
MaikVvdBergh: ^17:25
VvdBerghif you did the download only option during the upgrade and not actually install anything it is just a matter of sudo apt clean after the fact17:25
VvdBergh@Maik it forces the upgrade and when you are on 20.10 it will only bring you to 21.04 anyways17:26
Maikstill not recommended at this point though17:26
Acts10-13oof now my dependencies are broken17:29
VvdBerghrecommended or not is not the point. If someone wants to upgrade I assume someone knows the risk of an upgrade and concluded it was acceptable to that person.17:29
Acts10-13Now I can't install things like korganizer17:29
VvdBerghuse dkpg command to fix your apt settings17:29
tomreynActs10-13: your apt sources were modified, now point to the target release17:31
VvdBerghsudo dpkg --configure -a' i believe it was @Acts10-1317:31
tomreynif you wish to stay on the previous release, you will need to undo the change17:31
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> Hi ! I would like to install PNG++0.2.9 but I always get errors in kubuntu 20.04!17:33
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> How to figure out this prob17:34
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> All versions of PNG++ won't be installed17:34
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I tried them all17:34
VvdBerghwe need more information for that to help you17:34
Acts10-13VvdBergh: Are you sure? I ran that, then I ran an upgrade, and it looks like it wants to still do an entire distribution upgrade17:35
Acts10-13yeah my sources are on hirsute.17:36
Acts10-13How do I downgrade it back to groovy?17:36
krytarik"<VvdBergh> recommended or not is not the point. If someone wants to upgrade I assume someone knows the risk of an upgrade and concluded it was acceptable to that person." - except you merely suggested using the '-d' flag, and simply assumed they know about the various kinds of risk this involves..17:37
krytarikActs10-13: You need to edit your sources by hand and simply replace all occurrences of "hirsute" back to "groovy"17:40
MaikVvdBergh: i gave a clear reason why it's not recommended to upgrade at this point and that's because of a bug as i mentioned earlier17:41
Acts10-13good to know17:41
Acts10-13and how do I check my efi version? Restart?17:41
MaikVvdBergh: if people want to be that stubborn be my guest17:42
krytarikNow now..17:42
MaikActs10-13: it was posted yesterday somewhere but i forgot about it, sorry17:44
Acts10-13Maik: mmm no problem. I'm surprised ddg doesnt have a simple solution immediate17:44
Acts10-13brb rebooting17:46
krytarikActs10-13: Running off to another channel (#ubuntu) in the middle of a conversation here to also get advice there is mildly rude btw.17:48
Acts10-13I rebooted to get the uefi version.17:49
Acts10-13It's 1.79. I don't know if uefi is the same as efi17:50
VvdBergh@krytarik I assume people who want to upgrade did their homework in advance. Yes I personally always use the -d flag to upgrade, but I only download the upgrades in graphical mode, then go to low graphics mode and do the actual installation.17:53
krytarikAssuming people have done prior research.. on IRC.. XD17:55
Acts10-13krytarik: Oh yeah, sorry. I guess that is a bit rude.17:55
VvdBergh@krytarik if it was a fresh install I would assume zero knowledge and 100% stupidity. I guess I am old school in that retrospect. Maybe it is because I use linux since 2000 and Kubuntu since 200617:55
VvdBergh@krytarik the usage of irc means people have some understanding of what they do as all the new kids on the block will not know a thing about irc or how to get on it in the first place17:57
Acts10-13VvdBergh: It also depends on the person's profession. I use IRC, I even consider myself a Software Engineer, but when it comes to system administration, I am prepetually green to the topic.17:58
krytarikVvdBergh: Except if you simply click a link on a website or open a preinstalled IRC client with a default channel set..  But let's leave it at that.17:59
VvdBerghyou mean the click and pray generation?18:00
krytarikActs10-13: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/1925010 - seems to indicate you should be fine with the EFI version you got.18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,In progress]18:02
Acts10-13krytarik: Thank you for all the effort on my behalf18:02
Acts10-13!cookie | krytarik18:03
ubottukrytarik: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:03
Acts10-13!cookies | krytarik18:03
ubottukrytarik: Cookies are delicious delicacies.18:03
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Acts10-13Hey I updated kubuntu and my icons are black squares19:29
TBotNikAll: Hello!  Hey have an apache2 problem posted out on: https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=40118#40118  I'm wanting to get it fixed 2day as actually have some time 2day!  Can aqny of you help?  Right now the only vhost working is projects.com!  Localhost and all other vhosts down!19:30
tomreynwhich kubuntu version are you running apache2 on?19:32
TBotNikAll: Hoping someone is an Apache2 guru!  Posted out on #httpd-unregistered, but no response19:32
tomreyndid you read the /topic on #httpd-unregistered ?19:33
tomreyni assume it contained hints on how to register your nicknem, so that you could access the #httpd main channel19:34
krytarikAlso it's set to +m.. >_>19:35
krytarikBut they just identified to services anyway, so could just rejoin there..19:36
Acts10-13update went fine20:09
Acts10-13I'm trying to get plasma-hud to work in Kubuntu 21.04. Has anyone got it working?20:10
Acts10-13I tried setting a custom shortcut, its running in the background, but I have had absolutely no luck making the hud come up20:10
krytarikActs10-13: #kde might be a better place for this, since the app isn't even in the Kubuntu repos, but what does "qdbus com.github.zren.PlasmaHUD /PlasmaHUD toggleHUD" return?20:47
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sloth_hello everyone, i had a quick question for anyone that can help me21:33
sloth_can you install konversation on a windows 1021:33
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simsylandhave to say loving kubuntu23:30
simsylandrunning it on a virtual machine on my windows pc it rocks :)23:30
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tomreynSimsyland_away: you should try it the other way arounnd.23:38
Simsyland_awaytrue tom maybe one day when i have a laptop to sare23:39
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