[01:30] [telegram] Hi, In UM (and perhaps other flavors(?)) 'Alt+F7' allows one to move window without having to hold down mouse-button. How can I do it in Lubuntu? I mean I can add a shortcut but what should go in command? [02:08] @saivinob, shortcuts in the manual can be read at https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/F/keyboard_shortcuts.html (change stable to lts for 20.04) ; https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.14/shortcut_keys.html for setting but sorry I don't know command [14:38] hello, on "raspberry pi" is it possible to enable ssh by crating a ssh file ? [15:34] DJAnonimo: this isn't a raspberry pi support channel, but a lubuntu one [15:35] for raspberry pi support join #raspberrypi [15:36] yea. people usually use raspbian [15:36] thats why I ask in lubuntu channel as i would like to tray lubuntu :) [15:37] *try [15:37] there's no lubuntu image for the pi [15:41] [telegram] That should not be a big problem since one can deploy it by installing lubuntu-desktop package over minimal ubuntu (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) there's no lubuntu image for the pi) [15:41] @emergencyrussia or the server image for the pi [15:43] [telegram] Yes. I didn't try it on RPI, but it works like a charm on other arm boards [15:43] [telegram] Some of them even do not require minimal ubuntu image, just debootstrap in chroot to prepare rootfs [15:58] Maik: https://releases.ubuntu-mate.org/archived/16.04/armhf/ [16:07] That's all sorts of elapsed though.. [16:11] DJAnonimo: that's Ubuntu mate and 16.04 just like 18.04 are EOL (End Of Life) And not supported anymore [16:14] Maik: no, open the link, there is xubuntu, lubuntu and mate [16:14] lubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img.xz 707MB [16:15] DJAnonimo: they are End Of Life [16:15] you can't use them anymore [16:16] End Of Life = No more updates [16:18] DJAnonimo: If you want to use a pi and Lubuntu take a look at our forum post. https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/raspberry-pi-installation/2050?u=kc2bez === lubuntu is now known as Guest10109 [16:42] Maik: interesting link [16:44] DJAnonimo: i didn't post it [16:44] but few months ago when I was setting up my "orange pi" I noticed that newer ubuntu versions took longer to boot. on orange pi I run 16.04 cause of faster boot [16:44] DJAnonimo: that has nothing to do with lubuntu support questions imho [16:45] yea [16:45] there's #lubuntu-offtopic if you like === miguel is now known as Guest20347 [19:05] update for 16.04 available till 2024, use Ubuntu Advantage. https://ubuntu.com/advantage [19:06] Except that doesn't cover the flavors which are community-maintained.. [19:07] JohnDoe_71Rus: hi, Ubuntu Developer here. LTS support for UA via ESM is only for certain core Security packages. [19:07] and only via a contract with Canonical [19:07] it does NOT mean that bugs, etc. in the specific flavors themselves UNRELATED to those core SEcurity-maintained packages and Security fixes only wil ever get addressed. [19:08] ESM (in regards to Desktops) is designed to permit temporary ongoing usage of the systems where there's no other choice, however it's not a replacement for full support, AND is not supported in the IRC chat rooms (because End of Standard Support will have passed) [19:08] There's guidance on this being released by Canonical in the upcoming weeks regarding this ^^ in more detail, but it will NOT cover Lubuntu in terms of bug fixes and ongoing support. [19:09] (and you don't get any paid support from Canonical unless you pay for things, and that is specific to security issues, not really anything more) [19:09] cc kc2bez kc2bez[m] krytarik wxl, in case someone wants to write this up in detail on the Lubuntu Discourse. [19:16] Since this a cross-flavor topic, I believe it'd better if there was a general reference though. [19:17] [telegram] krytarik: agreed, that's where Canonical's going to be coming out with something [19:17] [telegram] but in the interim, Lubuntu can still post clarifications ;) [19:23] But I'm not the person to wink at here! :P [19:24] [telegram] i'm winking at everyone :P [19:24] [telegram] 'course i could write it up too [19:24] [telegram] but right now i have bigger fish to fry [19:25] "ESM on flavors: Forget you saw anything!" XD [19:27] [telegram] lol === lucas is now known as Guest55249 === JavaBean|new|2 is now known as JavaBean === JavaBean|new|2 is now known as JavaBean