
Unit193bluesabre: Will you folks stop doing releases?!  We just opened the cycle and I've already got 12 packages to update! /s00:41
Unit193(I'd say "good job, keep it up" but releases for the sake of releasing isn't needed.  But great work so far!)00:41
* guiverc thanks you all (esp. Gaƫl Bonithon as I just noted a requested feature is there!)11:58
bluesabreUnit193: maybe it's time to build a release bot to package automatically... what could possibly go wrong? >.>12:18
bluesabrejphilipz: while we did switch to ayatana indicators, we don't ship any of them by default12:19
jphilipzbluesabre: thanks12:20
bluesabreI updated all of our release-specific branches and tagged hirsute/impish where needed. I'm doing some other repo maintenance as well, but should have a 21.10 github project up sometime this weekend.12:22
bluesabreI wonder how the team feels about GitHub discussions? https://docs.github.com/en/discussions12:24

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