
jrgjust installed ubuntu touch on my pinephone and it is the best one i have used on it so far01:32
jrgi am trying to find a way to keep the wifi on even when the screen turns off but there doesn't seem to be a ui way to do this01:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The WiFi failing after sleep is a bug, not a design... sorry01:35
jrgah ok. i thought it was forced power saving by design01:36
jrgi do not have a sim in the pinephone yet so i was doing everything through the wifi. i just set the sleep timer to never to avoid issues. hopefully i can find soemthing so the screen doesn't burn01:37
tertl3use it03:18
tertl3omg opk bye03:18
tertl3git clone sheep 100 zzzzz03:18
ubptgbot<D4R1IN9> @Marlomprr660 [<reply to media>], 😍 resons to love ut05:32
ubptgbotM.N.A was added by: M.N.A07:30
ubptgbotfredericnoel was added by: fredericnoel09:15
ubptgbot<КАКАРОВ> Its there any working rom for mi a2 jdi?09:27
ubptgbotGood products shop was added by: Good products shop09:46
ubptgbot<Good products shop> (Photo, 1049x1049) https://irc.ubports.com/VSs8gNlk.png https://www.makedollars.in/dist/index.html#/login?code=389167509:49
ubptgbot<Danfro> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/4XP5PoGD.webp09:54
ubptgbot<Good products shop> (Photo, 666x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/HW4Qc0Ub.png https://www.makedollars.in/dist/index.html#/login?code=389167509:54
ubptgbotΠ― R was added by: Π― R10:25
ubptgbot<christos> When the device has  checked Anbox patches, does that mean that maybe anbox may work? Or are only the mentioned supported devices able to run anbox?11:35
ubptgbot<christos> I can't seem to find anything on running anbox on non supported ut11:36
ubptgbot<NotKit> I think main issue is that Anbox itself is currently unsupported and barely works11:49
ubptgbot<NotKit> otherwise it should work on most recent devices as long as you have /dev/anbox-binder11:49
ubptgbot<NotKit> [Edit] otherwise it should work on most of recent devices as long as you have /dev/anbox-binder11:50
ubptgbot<luksus42> Just wanted to say, that anbox is not working for arm64 yet, but I tested it again and meanwhile it is working. πŸ‘12:40
ubptgbot<Javacookies> 15" UT Tablet 😁12:59
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Video, 20s) https://irc.ubports.com/Al60Wk7r.mp412:59
ubptgbot<DarknessHiddenorg> @Javacookies [15" UT Tablet 😁], Wow which tablet13:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it's not πŸ˜„13:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it's powered by raspberry pi 3b on a touchscreen monitor13:07
ubptgbot<Colorsoundboy> Wow i have raspberry pi 400 with touchscreen think gone try this too.13:42
ubptgbot<Javacookies> not sure if that's supported too but try it out πŸ˜„13:51
ubptgbot<Javacookies> the 1GB RAM on RPi3 is definitely a big limitation πŸ˜…13:51
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Javacookies [it's powered by raspberry pi 3b on a touchscreen monitor], If you build a case and use batteries, its a tablet14:00
ubptgbot<Javacookies> the monitor actually has a battery, not sure if it can power the RPi14:03
jrgdoes anybody know where pine64 keeps their downloadable images?14:03
jrgi can't seem to find anything that's obvious14:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> which distro? … each distro has their own sites for the images14:11
jrgteh factory image but i believe i found it. thank you.14:24
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> @Marlomprr660 [<reply to media>], Nice setup. Ended up doing that yesterday, too!15:14
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/pvJaVyJY.png15:15
ubptgbot<Golden Monk> @marquiskurt [<reply to media>], You got vaccinated on 13-10-2019...πŸ˜‰15:18
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> American datecodes are great15:19
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> Ha, forgot my card was still up there! I got my first dose on 18 April (I think you pulled my birthday or something?)15:19
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> I'm supposed to get my second dose in a week15:19
ubptgbot<Golden Monk> gr8.. Stay safe15:20
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @marquiskurt [<reply to media>], i have done the same thing in a while sometime ago15:20
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> @UniversalSuperBox [American datecodes are great], I've come to prefer the DD/MM/YYYY approach15:20
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> @RealDanct12 [i have done the same thing in a while sometime ago], It was incredibly cool to remotely log in to my Pi, install Docker, and set up my databases project right from there. (My MacBook was charging because it drained during the night)15:23
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> The inner young child in me was very pleased to say the least15:23
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> :)15:24
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> mine wasn't on ubuntu touch though15:24
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> since that predates the time i get involved into linux phones projects15:24
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] mine wasn't on ubuntu touch though, i setup arch linux rootfs on los 1615:25
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> i only use it when i'm not at home though, sshing to my desktop from there gives me joy :)15:25
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> I see. I wanted to flash UT on the first Android tablet I owned but was unable to (around the 7th grade), so I didn't really get to experience UT until a couple of months ago. If I weren't invested in the Apple ecosystem like I am today and if UT did become more mainstream in 2017, I would've definitely been more invested in the Ubunt15:27
ubptgbotu ecosystem.15:27
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> So using UT on the Nexus 7 I have really is fulfilling an unusual choldhood dream, and it's awesome15:27
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> @RealDanct12 [i only use it when i'm not at home though, sshing to my desktop from there gives …], SSH became my best friend once I learned about it.15:28
ubptgbot<Danfro> @marquiskurt [I've come to prefer the DD/MM/YYYY approach], For files it is always worth starting with the year. I generally do yyyy-mm-dd. Then they will get sorted by date.15:55
ubptgbot<marquiskurt> Mm, yeah, true, I do that for my blog post files.15:55
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD is fine by me, MM-DD-YYYY is not16:06
ubptgbot<shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Danfro [I might be missing something, but this line suggests the is only set if the valu …], Actually zero and any other value don't work. Set to 1440, which is one day. Nevertheless I get mails today.16:17
ubptgbothumbl3one was added by: humbl3one16:18
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Danfro [For files it is always worth starting with the year. I generally do yyyy-mm-dd. …], Yes, this is the only way to do it for me, as far as the files I create for my work go.16:22
ubptgbotCalff Cumpain was added by: Calff Cumpain16:35
ubptgbot<jackiemoore> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/SsrnPRdy.png I may need an intervention…17:05
ubptgbot<amyosx> Lmao17:05
ubptgbot<amyosx> UT good17:05
ubptgbot<Danfro> @shinyhairsmylifeambition [Actually zero and any other value don't work. Set to 1440, which is one day. Nev …], Bad. Sounds worth a bug report...17:06
ubptgbot<Danfro> @PhoenixLandPirate [DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD is fine by me, MM-DD-YYYY is not], πŸ‘17:06
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @jackiemoore [<reply to media>], Ut test phone starter pack: battery <20%, default apps in the dock + ut tweak tool pinned, wifi instead of dataπŸ˜…17:19
ubptgbot<jackiemoore> They are (L-R) postmarketOS Convergence Edition, Pinephone Beta and Oneplus One.17:25
ubptgbotwaimus was added by: waimus17:32
ubptgbot<shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Danfro [Bad. Sounds worth a bug report...], Where to report?17:34
ubptgbot<Danfro> @shinyhairsmylifeambition [Where to report?], Please open a bug report that the set interval seems to be not respected as it should be. The zero was more of a guess. But if you set the time to one day and still get emails, that is a bug.17:36
ubptgbot<Danfro> Unless you set it only for one account and got emails for other accounts?17:36
ubptgbot<Danfro> It's a ' per account' setting.17:37
ubptgbot<shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Danfro  β€¦ Yes, I set it on all my accounts17:57
ubptgbot<D4R1IN9> can i change dock position and is there a native night mode option or i should install redshift17:57
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Danfro [Oh, just tested myself. Seem not to work. It rather is instant refresh. 😱], Battery go brrr18:00
ubptgbot<matv1> @jackiemoore [<reply to media>], You may need a tablet18:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @D4R1IN9 [can i change dock position and is there a native night mode option or i should i …], No the compositor does not support nightmode and no the dock cannot be repositioned due to how works gestures18:08
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @D4R1IN9 [can i change dock position and is there a native night mode option or i should i …], [Edit] No the compositor does not support nightmode and no the dock cannot be repositioned due to how works gestures I.e. Swipe from the left edge reveals the dock swipe from the bottom edge for app specific actions and swipe from the right edg18:09
ubptgbote to switch apps18:09
ubptgbot<D4R1IN9> @Fuseteam [No the compositor does not support nightmode and no the dock cannot be repositio …], got it tq for responding18:18
ubptgbot<Danfro> @D4R1IN9 [can i change dock position and is there a native night mode option or i should i …], And there is a dark theme "suru dark". There are several apps in the store to change the theme like UT Tweak Tools, indicator dark mode or ThemeSwitch.18:26
ubptgbot<Danfro> @shinyhairsmylifeambition [Where to report?], Dekkos repo: https://gitlab.com/dekkan/dekko/-/issues18:27
ubptgbot<D4R1IN9> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/uAd9ZJma.webp18:27
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Fuseteam [Battery go brrr], What did YOU do? 😊18:38
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Danfro [What did YOU do? 😊], me? well my android batter went brrr cause i have like 3 apps syncing with nextcloud now :P18:39
ubptgbot<Danfro> Haha, oversyncbatteryfailure. 😁18:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> XD18:45
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> kinda makes me think some sync service that applications could hook into would be nice18:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> or evolution sync is supposed to be just that πŸ˜‚18:46
ubptgbot<Danfro> At least for quite some services.18:47
ubptgbot<Danfro> Nextcloud in general does allow most others.18:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> eh?19:43
ubptgbotThiago Mello was added by: Thiago Mello20:47
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> Anyone recently tested OnePlus 5 and anbox? Reading that page https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/cheeseburger/ it isn't working. I'm definitely going to test Ubuntu Touch on my cheeseburger (again), after it arrives in the installer :)20:49
ubptgbotJean-Marc was added by: Jean-Marc21:07
ubptgbot<vince1171> @nfsprodriver [Anyone recently tested OnePlus 5 and anbox? Reading that page https://devices.ub …], I can confirm anbox doesn't work on op5 for now21:08
ubptgbot<Flohack> @nfsprodriver [Anyone recently tested OnePlus 5 and anbox? Reading that page https://devices.ub …], We have to apply kernel patches yet21:08
ubptgbot<nanu_c> As easy as some days of work πŸ˜‰21:09
ubptgbot<vince1171> @Flohack [We have to apply kernel patches yet], I've made some test on my device and currently it loop-crash21:09
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> Ah okay thanks. So I'll convert my N5 to a lineage I think. Thanks for your replies 😁21:11
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> I hope I get active in Ubports again soon, but I had so many different projects...21:13
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Javacookies this might interest you https://github.com/ubports/docs.ubports.com/pull/377/files21:18
tertl3i feel like ubports is slow moving since it supports a lot of phones21:38
tertl3compared to fedora or manjaro on the pinephone only21:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> @tertl3 [i feel like ubports is slow moving since it supports a lot of phones], Well we are slow moving because we have a much bigger codebase than they have21:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> Also, we are slow moving because before the Pinephone there were only Android phones. Should we have stopped that, and throw all our users off board?21:42
ubptgbot<klaartje_b> You are moving at exactly the speed that you are moving at. Just another version of "it'll be ready when it's ready." … It's fine! ❀️21:45
ubptgbot<Flohack> Yes exactly ^^21:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> Also, if ppl think we are moving slow how about donating into our accounts :P21:46
ubptgbot<NotKit> just to be fair, PinePhone is an interesting device from experimental standpoint, but I think current Android-based devices are still closer to something for daily use and that's where efforts are focused21:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i mean tertl3 isn't wrong, we are moving slowing because support a wider range of devices. and there's nothing wrong with that :3 (not that they said there's anything wrong with that)22:11
ubptgbot<klaartje_b> It's a good reason why development isn't faster than it is. For the record, as a casual user (TM) I don't experience it as slow.22:13
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> same22:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> tho tbf it is slower on the pinephone due to a number of other reasons as well, but its getting there22:14

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