
=== jochensp1 is now known as jochensp
=== jochensp1 is now known as jochensp
=== bem22_ is now known as bem22
unixbsdI managed to cure ubuntu, from systemd, and all addons, and I made a devuan live also. here an example: "https://gitlab.com/openbsd98324/linux-ubuntu-groovy-standard/-/archive/master/linux-ubuntu-groovy-standard-master.zip"20:10
unixbsdI have fixed few things to make it working. Thank you unixbsd !20:11
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: 1.16 sync/merge? i guess so, is it working in debian now?21:47
keeswhy is hirsute not listed in either https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release nor wiki.ubuntu.com ?22:09
mwhudsonkees: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/mwa9ud/normal_upgrade_temporarily_disabled_for_ubuntu/ i think22:12
mwhudsona fixed shim will be along soon22:12
keeswhoa. that's quite a big hammer.22:16
keesMy debmirror keyed off of meta-release, so it wiped my hirsute mirror. :P22:17
keesI've switched to scraping https://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/22:18
keeswell, http, not https. but that's why I want an https-sane place to get distro lists from :P22:18

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