
Wild_ManBashing-om, I will post from the forums account and twitter accounts about this, it's an very important topic, You did get my email to the board about this right?02:04
Bashing-omI agree that it is an important topic - why my desire to push onto UWN - as https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposal-improving-the-membership-application-process/21686 is old reported news - We need some means to bring the topic back to the forefront.02:07
Wild_ManShe is in the other channel but is marked away, I mentioned before we can invite her to the Membership Board channel and then we can use telegram to communicate since we can use that from our cell phones but I know you do not use telegram and I believe you told me you do not use a cell phone but you can reply from the normal channel,02:07
Wild_ManBut I am good with communicate with her through email so everyone is looped in including the CC02:08
Wild_ManOh I see02:09
Bashing-omWild_Man: I do not recall a Email from you in this respect - I have been following mail from madhens.02:09
Wild_ManI emailed her and looped in the board and the CC the last time, I also post in the thread she created on the forum02:10
Wild_ManHello madhens02:13
Wild_ManI will let Bashing-om chat with you, I am dealing with my granddaughters cart accident that happen less then an hour ago02:13
tewardWild_Man: get the **** off IRC and go deal with the accident.  Sync up later since Monica's here now.02:14
teward*shoves Wild_Man out the door*02:14
Wild_Mangone teward02:14
madhensWild_Man: I am so sorry, and I hope she will be okay.02:14
teward*offlines himself for sleep*02:15
madhensBashing-om: If you're here just let me know!02:15
tewardgood night all.  and sorry to prod everyone ;)02:15
madhensIt's okay! Thanks for pinging me!02:16
tewardyup, i hate doing that sometimes but :)02:20
tewardokay, officially offline now ;)02:20
Bashing-ommadhens: Here - I an looking for some way for UWN to further promote the "Membership Application Process" .02:22
madhensHello! So, definitely link to original post: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposal-improving-the-membership-application-process/21686/1102:23
madhensAnd right now, what the Membership Council seems to really want is discussion before they take any action, and that's where they want the discussion to take place since it's both asynchronous and public.02:24
madhensBut the major story line is that we want to lower technical hurdles to membership that, especially for non-developers, don't really need to be there.02:25
Bashing-ommadhens: Thing is that the original opening has been reported - and is now old news. Within the UWN format without a new (as in rescent) posted development statement, there is not much I can see that UWN can do (??).02:27
madhensAhhh. So if you do link to the new post, even though it's closed (mostly to keep people commenting on the original proposal), that was done because the Membership Board is now considering/discussing the proposal.02:29
madhensSo it's...an update to a previous story?02:29
Bashing-ommadhens: Well yes an ongoing update - It is a community issue and I feel that UWN should do its part to promote the endeavor - just find a means to do so :D02:31
Bashing-ommadhens: Mind ya we have a deadline - I put this week's release to bed tomorrow :(02:34
madhensYip :(02:34
madhensI'm finding the original story02:35
Bashing-ommadhens: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposal-improving-the-membership-application-process/21686 ?02:36
madhensDo you have the link to the UWN issue that included it?02:36
Bashing-ommadhens: Will look it up - gimme a tic or so.02:37
madhensNo worries!02:37
Bashing-ommadhens: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue679#A.28Re.29introducing_the_Community_Team Is where we picked up on the topic.02:47
madhensI see the community team intro, but I don't see the Membership proposal link. :(02:50
madhensI'm going back to look through previous entries!02:54
Bashing-ommadhens: Right - and as UWN should do its part here I seek some means of updating to bring in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposal-improving-the-membership-application-process/21686 - I had considered that https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/revamping-the-membership-application-process/22123 - but seems a ugly way to do so :(02:57
madhensMaybe under Other Community News - linking the 'new' post with the emphasis that the Membership Council is seeking feedback from both Ubuntu Members and non-Members (especially if the current processes have discouraged you from applying) to the proposal made on whatever day Mark Johnson made the original proposal, and then with the link to the first post. They're especially looking for feedback throughout May03:01
madhensWould that be a feasible solution?03:02
Bashing-omNot really - as the posting is on Discourse - I can not demote the topic to lower down "Other Community News".03:05
Bashing-ommadhens: Best I can do presently is lead off with https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/revamping-the-membership-application-process/22123 - with a slight blurb to redirect attention to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposal-improving-the-membership-application-process/21686 . Ugly hack that will be.03:08
madhensI am so sorry!03:15
madhensI can try to give you more of a heads up next time so we can collaborate better. Does that sound good?03:16
Bashing-ommadhens: Not all your fault - I had been aware for a few days that this would be an issue. I waited untill the last minute foping for a better solution, Lemme hacvk this up and see what we all think about what we preent to our readers,03:19
madhensNo worries! I am going to head off-ish for the night but I'll check in with you all in the morning. :)03:24
Bashing-ommadhens: UWN: Got work to do - be back soonest with how we proceed with the Revamping coverage :)03:26
madhensSounds good!03:27
Bashing-ommadhens: UWN: "Revamp" See what yall think in the hub section: http://bit.ly/vDkJyf .03:47
guivercmadhens, ubuntu_news can on request, publish certain news to the fridge (representing office fridge with news attached in tea-room); it propagates to planet.ubuntu, google.news.feed etc, so that maybe useful to get news out (beyond just UWN)04:52
guivercmadhens, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar  (delay as I had to look that up..)05:02
guivercanyone remember what change was made earlier this year; that page is now likely out-of-date & i forget the details of the change   (don't look it up; I'll try first)05:03
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Starting May 2021 @ http://coyote.works//starting-may-2021.html05:12
wildmanne39guiverc, I didn't know anything about google news, only that where we use to post to google closed down05:36
guivercnah the problem was ubuntu-news.org stopped mirroring (the fridge, fixed now); and google feed used the stopped-mirror.. all good now05:38
guivercsorry got tongue tied05:39
wildmanne39Okay, I am off to bed it has been a long day07:11
krytarikguiverc: I don't believe there was any change in how the Fridge calendar is handled - just access to it was widened and all the calendar pages updated primarily to support HTTPS.12:05
guivercI was meaning the fridge posts getting sent out via google in something I believe Nathan.Handler or someone years ago setup; it started working again the moment t0mb0 (spel) got ubuntu-news.org working again12:07
krytarikWell, I was responding to what you wrote in context of linking to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar>12:13
krytarikguiverc: Would you like to update the channel topic to replace the creepy bit.ly short URL with <https://ubottu.com/y/uwnprep> that I just created?  I was going to do it myself but just realized I don't even have ops here, while any Ubuntu Member does. :3  I could also assist in how to do it then..12:22
guivercYou for sure would need to assist me to do it... Yes I'll do it, but lack know how12:23
krytarik"/msg ChanServ topic #ubuntu-news The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam | Current UWN Prep: https://ubottu.com/y/uwnprep" - just copy-pasting this is the easiest in this case I guess.12:26
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam | Current UWN Prep: https://ubottu.com/y/uwnprep
guivercI tried & got error.. exploring what was different with what you gave (I used 't' you gave 'topic' I see)12:28
* guiverc sees now, I missed the #ubuntu-news12:29
guivercThank you krytarik ; yep that is far less scary than bit.ly12:29
madhensHey all! How is everything going?19:13
Bashing-omUWN: Issue 681 up for review - critique and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue681 :D20:29
krytarikBashing-om: I think the Torsten Franz article belongs in the Planet section rather than General News.20:39
krytarikAnd the Membership one would seem to need a little improvement in formatting wrt the provided links.20:41
krytarikI'd just bullet-point those, listing the new one first.20:43
Bashing-omkrytarik: Great - will do :D20:44
krytarikBashing-om: Or put "All interested parties are directed to the discussion thread:" under the main link and only bullet-point the latter, like you've done with the flavor 18.04 EOL item.20:46
krytarikI'd promote the latter to the Planet section though.20:47
Bashing-omSounds great to me - Things here have been hectic the last few days - my thinking is scatter brained :(20:48
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 21.10 Daily Builds Now Available to Download @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/05/ubuntu-21-10-daily-builds-download (by Joey Sneddon)20:56
Bashing-omkrytarik: "Membership Application Process" all references are in Discourse - and if we move it 'down' to the Planet section is that not a demotion ? Leave as is in the Hub section ?21:00
Bashing-omkrytarik: Oh dense me - promote "Lubuntu 18.04 LTS" :(21:02
krytarikYup. >_<21:03
Bashing-omkrytarik: Ups edits completed - guiverc: Lots of edits made on the WIKI - see what you now think and advise for changes - scatter brained me :D21:09
guivercack.  will look later..21:11
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 16.04 Hits End of Life, Users Should Upgrade Now @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/05/ubuntu-16-04-lts-end-of-life (by Joey Sneddon)22:53

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