
jo-erlendTrying to setup a website on Ubuntu 20.04LTS. It used to be so easy, but now I can't even understand where to begin. I've installed the lamp-server task. In the past, it used to configure users and passwords, but it doesn't anymore. The Ubuntu help doesn't mention it at all and obviously searching leads to old info. Any hints?01:15
mybalzitchapache runs as a specific user, put your stuff in /var/www/html/ chown it to that user, bam, website01:19
jo-erlendmybalzitch, that's a great bam as long as you don't need a database, which I do. I am not able to find out how to set a root user password.01:20
mybalzitchwhy are you giving root a password01:21
jo-erlendYou understand I'm talking about the mysql root user?01:21
mybalzitchyou understand thats the first result on google01:22
jo-erlendYes, but it's 8 years old and it doesn't work.01:23
mybalzitchLast Validated onMay 12, 202001:23
mybalzitchyou ran sudo mysql_secure_installation ?01:24
jo-erlendNo, I told you that I installed the lamp-server task on Ubuntu 20.04LTS.01:24
mybalzitchand those instructions are for 20.0401:25
mybalzitchfor a mysql database server01:25
mybalzitchexcept everyone uses mariadb now, since oracle are jerks01:26
CodeMouse92SOME of us still use MySQL still...01:26
CodeMouse92Mainly because it's what the software we use requires.01:26
jo-erlendIf this is a necessary step, I don't understand why Ubuntu help doesn't mention it at all.01:28
mybalzitch It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL.01:28
jo-erlendI mean, it's not easy to guess that you must run "sudo mysql_secure_installation" after having installed MySQL.01:29
leftyfbjo-erlend: either way, mysql/mariadb both do not set a password for root and disable setting a password for root by default. This has been the case for multiple years now. Is there any particular reason you need to set a root password for mysql?01:29
jo-erlendleftyfb, probably only that I haven't used it in many years.01:31
leftyfbjo-erlend: setting up a public web server isn't meant to be a guessing game. You're meant to know what you're doing and/or learn to research current technologies and best practices. Otherwise, you'll just be contributing to the spam/bots/malware that is ravaging the internet at large01:32
leftyfbjo-erlend: Is there any particular reason you need to set a root password for mysql?01:33
jo-erlendleftyfb, well, I'm going to use phpmyadmin and I thought it would be useful for it to be allowed to do stuff.01:34
leftyfbjo-erlend: don't01:34
jo-erlendDon't what?01:34
leftyfbjo-erlend: don't poke more holes in your system with phpmyadmin. Learn to use the mysql client01:35
jo-erlendwhy should that be necessary for an offline system that only I will ever have access to?01:36
leftyfbjo-erlend: this machine won't be connected to the internet at all?01:36
leftyfbjo-erlend: then how will you receive security updates?01:37
leftyfband bug fixes01:37
jo-erlendFrom my mirror.01:37
leftyfbjo-erlend: https://www.tecmint.com/disable-root-login-access-to-phpmyadmin/01:37
jo-erlendI'm really just experimenting, because I haven't done any of these things in years and many things have changed.01:38
leftyfbjo-erlend: lxd would be great for this then. Keeping it on the default network01:40
jo-erlendYes, but my qemu+kvm setup is good enough.01:41
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