
bumblefuzzso, I'm trying to install pacakge 'libfsapfs-utils' and I'm booted on the ubuntu livedisk00:04
bumblefuzzit keeps saying that it is 'unable to locate package'00:04
bumblefuzzhowever, when I try this command on my standalone ubuntu install, it immediately locates the package and asks to install00:05
bumblefuzzso, the command is correct00:05
bumblefuzzwhy would the livedisk not be able to install libfsapfs-utils?00:05
bumblefuzzI've already run 'sudo apt update'00:06
bumblefuzzit still can't find it00:06
summonnerdoes apt-search find it?00:08
bumblefuzzit's in universe or multiverse00:09
bumblefuzzthat's what was\00:09
rfmbumblefuzz, is universe in the live CD's source.list?00:12
guivercbumblefuzz, depending what ISO/live-media you've booted they maybe enabled or disabled (universe)00:19
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iwantandroidhey guys trying to get anbox working - which sorta did, but no binder support so can't create any files and apps crash - which I'm assuming is because it can't write anything to "disk"02:01
iwantandroidon 20.04, second clean install - tried the modules now but they fail to compile (guessing the ones that are in the kernel already might be the issue)02:02
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oopsmy audacity can't record sound , when i speaking the base line are always a line02:46
blogtenhi, I need to install clang on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but I do not want it to become the default compiler or somehow mess with the official gcc 9.3.0 compiler that comes with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.  what is the best way to proceed?02:52
tomreynblogten: sudo apt update && sudo apt install clang02:56
blogtendoes doing that change cc, or gcc, or gdb, or any of the standard gcc binaries / symlinks?02:58
blogtenor, does that somehow mess with alternatives02:59
=== sauvin_ is now known as Sauvin
tomreynblogten: i think it adds new alternatives, but it won't change existing ones03:04
tomreyni.e. it won't override your choices03:04
tomreynbut hey, just give it a try, it's easy to remove and purge any package03:05
blogtentomreyn: does doing that change cc, or gcc, or gdb, or any of the standard gcc binaries / symlinks?03:07
blogtenwhat the...03:07
blogten@tomreyn: any reason to install clang rather than clang-11?  clang resolves to clang-10.03:08
tomreynblogten: it's what your ubuntu release provides by default03:09
blogtenok, done.  cc --version still says gcc.03:11
jpmhI want to include a unicode character in my PS1 promt string, how do I do it?03:11
tomreyntype it where you set the prompt03:12
jpmhtomf: I know what the code is - how do I even type it?03:13
tomreynctrl-shift-u then the code, then space03:14
jpmhtomreyn: ty so much03:26
tomreynyou're welcome03:28
Canti /join #gentoo04:09
ffwacomwhat's the canonical way to start programs on boot in ubuntu server?05:12
ffwacomI want to run a script as a certain user on boot05:12
ffwacomthey arn't configured as services (though I suppose that is possible some how?)05:12
yao_ziyuana sandisk 128GB usb stick bought in 2017, now windows 10 only recognizes it as having 32GB. why?05:16
RingtailedFoxit's only showing up as a 32GB volume?05:17
=== Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees
RingtailedFoxis a windows 10 install image on the stick?05:17
RingtailedFoxi know in Windows 10, it only lets you format partitions in FAT32 up to 32 GB... i think that's to try to encourage people to move to the better NTFS or exFAT (basically, FAT64)...05:18
RingtailedFoxthis might be relevant though: https://forums.sandisk.com/t/128-gb-flash-drive-recognized-as-32-gb-flash-drive/3379005:19
ffwacomis the correct way creating a systemd script similar to this: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/rjhDtN6P/05:19
RingtailedFoxyao_ziyuan, i hope that helps05:20
yao_ziyuanRingtailedFox: FIXED, THANKS!05:38
RingtailedFoxhow did ya fix it?05:38
yao_ziyuanRingtailedFox: it's the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool which partitioned the usb stick to 32GB (and 80GB+ unallocated space)05:38
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s10gopalwhat is the difference between --set and --set-file in setfacl? i want to make files are created with default permissions of 664 , and directories with default permissions of 77509:03
[VMGuy23]Is there anydifference in --help?09:14
[VMGuy23]*any difference09:14
s10gopalman says "The  --set and --set-file options set the ACL of a file or a directory.09:16
s10gopal       The previous ACL is replaced.  ACL entries for this operation must  in‐09:16
s10gopal       clude permissions." but it is very confusing09:16
[VMGuy23]Probably one of those things with multiple possible flags for one thing09:16
[VMGuy23]Or maybe --set is for dirs but --set-file is only for files09:17
s10gopalbut setfacl -d -R --set-file u::rw,g::rw,o::r /sh says no such file or directory, it works with --set flag09:21
[VMGuy23]--set-file might be one file only09:23
s10gopali want to make in a directory, files are created with 664 and directories with 775, can you please guide, how to achieve it?09:25
[VMGuy23]I don't know, someone else might be able to help09:25
[VMGuy23]Just installed Unity, how do I get the search menu working?10:18
[VMGuy23]Hevemind, fixed10:27
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catalinHello! I can't control my brightness on my laptop. I have nvidia gtx 165012:04
catalinPlease help12:04
agvantiboHello. I am having problems  upgrading.12:31
lotuspsychje!details | agvantibo12:32
ubottuagvantibo: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:32
solsTiCehi. I had an old PC for my mum runnin 20.04 (Sata SSD, 4Gb RAM). Everything was fine. Except, recently, it began to perform rather slowly.12:32
agvantiboI am typing12:32
agvantiboagvantibo@ThinkPad-X230 ~> update-manager12:32
agvantiboChecking for a new Ubuntu release12:32
agvantiboPlease install all available updates for your release before upgrading.12:32
agvantiboagvantibo@ThinkPad-X230 ~ [1]>12:32
agvantiboThis is what update-manager and do-release-upgrade tell12:33
jaiyalooks like you need to update your current release before you upgrade12:33
agvantiboEven though I've updated everything12:33
Maikagvantibo: are you trying to upgrade to 21.04?12:34
Maikit's not recommended at this point due a shim bug12:35
Maik"Release Upgrades- Upgrades from Ubuntu 20.10 to Ubuntu 21.04 are not enabled as it is possible for some systems to end up in an unbootable state if they use EFI version 1.10 - bug 1925010. 580 Release upgrades will be enabled once an updated version of shim is available which is compatible with EFI version 1.10."12:35
agvantiboIt still doesn't allow that, I want to upgrade at least to groovy12:35
ubottubug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192501012:35
agvantiboAnd yes, I do remember hearing about how this might affect some users12:36
Maikagvantibo: which version are you using now?12:36
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: 4GB is a bit low for running gnome, unless you tweak things around a bit12:36
agvantiboMaik 20.04 Focal12:37
Maiklotuspsychje: runs fine on my 4GB machine12:37
solsTiCelotuspsychje: was fine. I have even only get 3GB until recently12:37
Maik4GB RAM and up is recommended as system requirement12:38
agvantiboMaik I've removed all the side PPA's to reinstall them later, and it worked12:38
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: did it happen after updates or when did it start to occur?12:38
Maikagvantibo: i upgraded from 20.04 to 20.10 without any issues on one of my machines12:38
agvantibo"It works on my machine "12:39
solsTiCelotuspsychje: I odn't know. I am not using the pc. I think between christhmas and now12:39
agvantibohttps://i.imgur.com/DamNsIN.png SHIT, this hanged now12:40
BluesKajHi folks12:40
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: try: sudo apt install preload haveged bleachbit stacer and clean around a bit12:41
solsTiCeok. I'll try12:41
Maikagvantibo: just wait.....12:41
Maikif nothing happens try to start over again12:42
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: with stacer you can disabled unwanted systemd services, make your machine boot/run smoother12:42
solsTiCeI wonder if it's not another cpu related mitigigation for sec vul. But it's an amd cpu12:44
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: its possible new kernels influence, also worth a test to try booting a previous kernel12:46
lotuspsychjesolsTiCe: when you at your moms, please connect the support channel so volunteers can ask you logs to debug12:46
solsTiCeYes. I'll look at the logs12:48
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agvantiboMaik: Yes, everything appears to be smooth, and apt is churning out package after package. But... Let's wait until reboot13:13
Maikagvantibo: how did it go?13:17
* enyc meows13:28
enychrrm 21.04 controversies aiui13:28
enycI have asus x201e needs 'nomodeset' to get non-blackscreen on ubuntucinnamon 21.04  and even then after it sleeps, blackscreen can recur13:30
enycother devuan, mxlinux, mint-cinnamon-20.1 fine on same system13:30
Maikenyc: didn't you mention that the last time? Also as you know Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix isn't supported here in this channel since, again, it's not a official Ubuntu Flavour as of yet.13:34
Maiki told you to chat with Itzwirl about it13:34
enycMaik: well, you said  maybe ItzSwirlz can    and subsequently itzswirlz has awoken13:36
enycMaik: in any case, curious what related issues known with wider 21.04 (including supported variants)13:36
enycwhy are there stories of 'urged not to upgrade to 21.04' going on?13:36
Maikenyc: read the reales notes13:37
Maiki'm not repeating what already has been explained13:37
Maikenyc: upgrade isn't recommended due this bug in shim: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/192501013:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,In progress]13:40
BlueEagleHello. I have a Nacon Pro Compact controller, but it is not recognized by xboxdrv or xpad. I would like to try to add the vendor and device number to xpad.c and recompile the kernel module in hopes that it will "just work" with this device. I have installed the kernel sources and build-essental and located the xpad.c file, but now I do not know how to proceed.13:53
BlueEagleI have added the line { 0x3285, 0x0603, "Nacon Pro Compact", 0, XTYPE_XBOXONE }, to the list of devices as that is the vendor and product IDs, and Widows says it's an XBox One controller13:59
BlueEagleAlso this controller does have an integrated USB sound card (which Linux also does not detect), so I am afraid that I might need more than the vendor and device id to determine the correct thing in the controller that is the controller and not the sound card.14:03
BlueEagleThe lsusb -v for the device can be found here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CGHGMcHVWb/14:20
tomreynBlueEagle: 0 search results for this device on the web, that's rare.14:28
tomreyni searched for 3285:0603 specifically14:28
BlueEagletomreyn: That is also what I have found. Vendor page is here: https://www.nacongaming.com/en-GB/pro-compact-controller14:29
tomreyni'd just return it (if you can) and get one that's know to work14:29
BlueEagletomreyn: The thing is that I'm currently in a very small village, and this was the one controller they had. Also returning it and getting a new one hardly qualifies as "challenge accepted". :p14:31
BlueEagletomreyn: I guess my real question is; can I compile just one module and have it somehow replace the existing one.14:31
tomreynBlueEagle: install build-essential + kernel headers, download module source code, create / modify Makefile if needed, "make" it, insmod the .ko14:39
TJ-BlueEagle:looks like that device is using a random vendor ID; it isn't registered with the USB IF14:40
BlueEagleTJ-: So someone is skirting on the licensing fees to the USB foundation or whomever is in charge? Not surprising.14:45
BlueEagletomreyn: I tried make menuconfig and then make it, but make fails on #include <openssl/opensslv.h>14:56
TJ-BlueEagle: "sudo apt-get build-dep linux"14:56
TJ-BlueEagle: it needs the development headers for supporting packages; libssl-dev for the X509 certificate checking code14:57
BlueEagleTJ-: Woha. That was a lot of packages.14:59
last1is installing from usb 3.0 key supported ?15:09
Maiklast1: of course15:10
last1the initial purple image appears but then it drops to text mode and it says: unable to find a medium containing a live file system15:11
last1ah wait, I tried again, and now it's on checking disks15:12
BlueEaglelast1: Try Balena Etcher to write the ISO file to the USB drive.15:12
BlueEaglelast1: I had some trouble with some other USB writers previously.15:12
last1I used rufus, it worked now the second time15:13
last1but first boot it threw that error15:13
BlueEaglelast1: Good that it worked now. If at first you dont' succeed ... you fail. :)15:14
BlueEagleTJ-: Hmm. Seems that some certificates are needed or must be removed from the config: make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'debian/canonical-certs.pem', needed by 'certs/x509_certificate_list'.  Stop.15:16
BlueEagleI'll try to make clean and then make again.15:20
TJ-BlueEagle: i'd suspect that file doesn't exist; it is used by Canonical to sign the built executables. Maybe you can edit x509_certificate_list ?15:49
mrtrousersWhat is the recomended napster client for ubuntu 20? Anything i can install from command line?16:34
rembyhow does mandb get updated in ubuntu? is there an apt hook?16:42
shoober420hi frens16:43
shoober420does anyone here use apulse inplace of pulseaudio16:43
BlueEagleTJ-: I'll see if I can find it.16:47
BlueEagleTJ-: Found it16:55
DJAnonimo!info network-manager focal17:59
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.22.10-1ubuntu2.2 (focal), package size 1811 kB, installed size 7472 kB17:59
DJAnonimo!info network-manager xenial18:00
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 (xenial), package size 1911 kB, installed size 9592 kB (Only available for linux-any)18:00
alf1975[19:15] <alf1975> Any problems ? with Dalton Syndrome ???18:16
alf1975[19:15] <alf1975> experiment this script : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZW2TejBYRA45LqF59UkHO-T6nau9uidb/view?usp=sharing18:16
alf1975[19:15] <alf1975> Richard Allan18:16
alf1975[19:16] <alf1975> yes in Linux18:16
alf1975[19:16] <alf1975> Ubuntu/Kubuntu18:17
alf1975[19:16] <alf1975> it's not mine18:17
alf1975[19:16] <alf1975> but it helps a lot18:17
alf1975[19:16] <alf1975> .'.18:17
krytarik<krytarik> alf1975: Seriously, stop spamming the Ubuntu channels with nonsense like that already.18:18
cranberryHi, upon using curl it fails with curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate - using the verbose option I see what's happening, apparently at one point in the past I manually set the CAfile to use to an internal CA: * successfully set certificate verify locations: CAfile: /etc/ssl/xxx/ca.crt - I cannot find anything about removing that  - Does someone know how to18:20
cranberryreset it to use the default system ca instead of my custom one?18:20
cranberryit's only on my user account, with a different one it's not set18:20
Maikkrytarik: he's been doing that for a while now but refuses to listen when told so, time to do something about it because it's becoming a annoyance18:21
krytarikYeah, I'm afraid so too..18:24
rembycan apt install from files?18:24
rembywithout command line hacks? :P18:24
rembyI didn't see anything in the man page for apt-get18:25
krytarikUnless you consider having to do "apt install ./foo.deb" a hack, then yes. :P18:25
rembyoh my bad, I didn't clarify. I am thinking about how to install a list of packages from a file18:27
krytarikI have a hard time grasping what exactly you mean by that though..18:28
rembylike a text file that has: gcc make cmake, and I install them all by saying apt-get packages-list.txt18:30
rfmapt install `cat packagex-list.txt`18:35
alf1975green apple and orange = 101st Division, American Army18:35
alf1975they used this colors over France in 6 June 1944, for them being identifyed as amercians18:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu18:36
RingtailedFoxwhat's wrong, maik?18:37
MaikRingtailedFox: alf1975 doesn't seem to stop18:37
krytarikalf1975: Stop posting wildly off-topic stuff in here or I'm gonna have to make you stop.18:37
RingtailedFoxi see that now18:38
Maikhe's been asked kindly multiple times this month to take it offtopic or elsewhere but he won't listen18:38
MaikRingtailedFox: also in #kubuntu18:38
Maikand he keeps going on18:38
kk4ewtthey are banned already in all the #fedora channels18:38
RingtailedFoxhe's in ##windows as well but not posting there. probably out of fear of being banned18:38
RingtailedFoxmight wanna take this to #freenode to get him banned from the network18:39
Maikgood to know kk4ewt i was told he had been at it there too18:39
RingtailedFoxmaik, i'm in #freenode now18:39
kk4ewtalso want to remind everyone they do have /ignore in most clients18:40
Maikthanks RingtailedFox18:40
RingtailedFoxyou should join there as wellkl18:40
Maikkk4ewt: that never works because the majority is too curious about what the other still says18:40
apb1963I'm trying to install 20.04, it's telling me I haven't selected a mount point... I don't see where to do that.19:40
[VMGuy23]Are you using a custom partition layout?19:41
apb1963I don't know how to answer that.   I have multiple partitions already in use.  I'm selecting "install alongside".19:43
apb1963[VMGuy23], ^^^^^19:48
B0g4r7Why is systemd unmounting my disks?19:51
apb1963[VMGuy23], It shows me 2 large partitions, and I have to click on advanced partitioning tool to see the smaller one I want to use.19:52
B0g4r7I mount it, no error is given, but I find that it's not mounted.  Then when I examine the system log I find: systemd[1]: Unmounted /disks/sas03-00219:52
B0g4r7It says systemd[1]: disks-sas03\x2d002.mount: Unit is bound to inactive unit dev-disk-by\x2duuid-13887484\x2daec8\x2d46b5\x2dab29\x2d35e5bb96e9c0.device. Stopping, too.19:54
apb1963[VMGuy23], OK nvm.. I figured it out,  Thanks.19:55
B0g4r7Oh look, it's because systemd is a cunt: https://www.bentasker.co.uk/documentation/linux/480-disk-automatically-unmounts-immediately-after-mounting19:59
B0g4r7I hate you systemd.19:59
B0g4r7Thinking it knows better what should or should not be mounted.  The nerve.20:00
apb1963If I tell it to mount /dev/xxx on /home ... it's not going to overwrite anything, is it?  I am of course leaving "format" unchecked.20:02
B0g4r7Generally mounting a filesystem is a non-destructive operation.20:03
apb1963This is an installation.20:03
apb1963Installations are generally destructive if you're not extremely careful.20:04
B0g4r7If in doubt, leave it alone and modify your fstab after install.20:05
apb1963And, considering I don't have any experience with this version of the installer, I'm very nervous as it's not too intuitive.20:05
apb1963Yeah but it's going to create things in /home/apb20:05
apb1963And that's the overwriting I'm both afraid of, and may need.20:06
apb1963Hidden files perhaps,  Directories... other files  I don't know.20:06
apb1963I mean hell... it asked me if I wanted to install before I selected where I wanted it, so I had to simply pray for the best with my fingers crossed.  I got lucky.  Very unfriendly.20:08
apb1963I guess Sunday is not a good support day  I was wondering about that earlier,20:11
BlueEagleapb1963: I thought there was a set-by-step walk through of the installation process on the homepage.20:15
apb1963what is the homepage?20:18
apb1963so i just looked at the installation guide on ubuntu.com.. this situation is not covered.20:23
BlueEagleapb1963: Then I think the people in charge of the guide would greatly appreciate your suggestions for improvement.20:29
tomreynor will just go ahead and develop a replacement installer.20:31
tomreynapb1963: are you still looking for help with this?20:31
tomreynif so, post a screenshot of the partitioning screen and describe what is what / what needs to be kept.20:32
a1fahello - i am trying to run a headless ubuntu with nvidia telsa gpu. i am using lightdm with tigervnc20:58
a1fabut that combination seems to change the renderer to llvmpipe20:59
TJ-strange issue - 20.04, amd64, Firefox 88.0, but sending v78 useragent string! "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" :s20:59
a1faXorg.0.log shows no issues20:59
a1fa$ nvidia-smi  | grep X21:00
a1fa|    0   N/A  N/A     21210      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                 38MiB |21:00
a1fadriver is loaded correctly... but GLX is not working.., and I think it's because of vnc server21:00
AavarDo you know of a IRC channel for Steam on linux (specifically among us)?21:12
tomreynTJ-: FWIW, that'sd nt happening on the firefox 88.0+build2-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 package in bionic: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.021:14
tomreynAavar: i think there is #ubuntu-steam, i'm not aware of a steam specific channel. but ask alis about it21:15
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:15
Aavartomreyn: thank you :)21:15
TJ-tomreyn: this is a really weird one! noticed it first last week. Initially thought it was the UserAgent Switcher but after disabling that it still happens. No overrides in about:config either21:16
tomreyn"UserAgent Switcher" uses containers, so one tab may behave / report info differently than another21:17
tomreyntry a new profile21:17
tomreyn(or safe mode)21:17
TJ-tomreyn: also happens in --safe-mode21:18
tomreynis the extension enabled in safe mode, though?21:18
TJ-that's the point of safe mode, it disabled them21:19
tomreynhmm, interesting21:19
tomreynsorry, i mixed up safe mode vs private mode there21:19
TJ-tomreyn: good call about profile. new one it's not there21:21
TJ-so, now to hunt the prefs.js !21:21
TJ-hmmm, no clues as to where it is sourced from21:30
unixbsdI have fixed the networking of ubuntu groovy, and created a tarball, with a standard ubuntu groovy with an improved networking layer:  https://gitlab.com/openbsd98324/linux-ubuntu-groovy-standard/-/archive/master/linux-ubuntu-groovy-standard-master.zip21:51
tomreynunixbsd: this doesn'T seem to be a support Q&A topic, so please keep those 'updates' out of this channel.21:54
TJ-what the!?! unixbsd  ifupdown has been DEPRECATED for almost the entire last decade!21:54
TJ-unixbsd: please don't go sharing that around; even my first cursory inspection tells me it is a retrograde step21:55
unixbsdthe admin and the mouse click. this is console modus, only keyboard to setup the box. nice no?21:57
unixbsdTJ-: which low end networking you may recommend then? systemd?21:59
TJ-systemd-networkd or network-manager; both of those do not require a GUI and can be configured by nertplan if required22:00
unixbsdthis takes ages at boot and very much failing... unstable net.22:00
tomreyncould you two please move this discussion elsewhere?22:00
TJ-Ubuntu defaults to systemd-networkd for -server (non GUI) installs and network-manager (with network-manager-gnome*) for GUI22:01
tomreynTJ-: possibly relevant to your firefox issue https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customizing-firefox-using-autoconfig22:03
tomreynyou can configure firefox to take preferences from a given url. this feature cannt be disabled.22:03
DJAnonimo!info vi xenial22:07
ubottuPackage vi does not exist in xenial22:07
DJAnonimo!info vim xenial22:07
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.4.1689-3ubuntu1.5 (xenial), package size 1011 kB, installed size 2404 kB22:07
unixbsdelvis is vi close original22:08
unixbsdthere isnt vi in ubuntu, but vi clones22:08
unixbsdelvis is the default vi in other distros, like slackware. vim is the defualt of ubuntu. they take vim and compile it tiny. it is vim.tiny22:11
krytarikAh, funny name there!..22:13
unixbsdno songs, just text, you can type maybe better lyrics ;)22:13
krytarikI bet! XD22:13
TJ-tomreyn: unfortunately not that simple !22:14
tomreynhopefully your system is fast enough to gdb firefox.22:16
TJ-gdb isn't going to help here22:21
TJ-i thought it might be the responsive web-developer tooling that allows setting various useragents, but that only affects the responive view and doesn't include this string anyhow... confusing how/where it is coming from but I'll bet it'll be a 'duh' moment when found22:22
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_
apb1963After installing 20.04 and rebooting, I am at the grub rescue prompt. :(23:04
apb1963no such device.  unknown filesystem.23:05
tomreynapb1963: what's the hardware, how many storage devices ("disks"), did you install in legacy bios or uefi mode?23:08
apb1963asus mamaboard desktop; 3 hdd; I don't recall the bios.23:09
tomreynmaybe you booted in a different mode when you were installing than when you first booted?23:10
apb1963I didn't change anything in regard to uefi mode in the bios.23:10
tomreynis this a multi-boot setup?23:10
tomreynthis can be bug 139637923:11
ubottubug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139637923:11
apb1963I used the same device for grub as the biosgrub partition.23:12
tomreyna biosgrub partition suggests booting in (legacy) bios mode23:13
apb1963so I used /dev/sdb and biosgrub was already on /dev/sdb823:13
apb1963I don't know if that matters, but it kinda looks like grub is messed up.  I don't know if I have EFI partitions...was there something I needed to do for that?23:14
tomreynbiosgrub is the partition the second part of grub is loaded from when you're booting in bios mode. the first part is usually loaded from the first sector of the disk that's setup as the boot device in bios.23:15
tomreynso if your bios is configured to boot off this disk that's sdb, what you discussed above could have worked.23:16
apb1963I need to verify that... I was just looking at that and there's no way to map the manufacturer/drive to a filesystem w/out having it running I think.23:17
tomreynthe "efi system partition" (or multiple of it, which you normally wouldn't have), is relevant if you're booting in UEFI mode only23:17
apb1963if there's an efi part. is it labeled as such?  Or is it silent?23:18
tomreynhmm i don't remember exactly. it does have the GPT partition type for ESP assigned to it.23:19
apb1963Is there anything I can do from grub rescue mode or is there no reason to not reboot?23:19
apb1963I don't recall any GPT labels... or UEFI labels on the partitions.23:19
tomreynyou can run "ls" to see which storage devices grub sees23:20
apb1963which is utterly useless info to me.23:20
tomreynjust one disk, hmm, but you said you had multiple23:20
tomreynmaybe your mainboard is prevent it from seeing them. i remember this occurs sometimes, but don't remember how to fix it. certianly something in the bios.23:21
apb1963My BIOS is funky.  I was playing with it earlier specifically the boot order.  That's why I want to take another look, but only once we're done with grub rescue23:21
tomreynif grub can't see your boot device, there's nothing else you can get done there now.23:22
apb1963well that's just it... which device is hd0?23:22
apb1963which disk?23:22
apb1963no way to know23:22
tomreynpress tab twice23:22
tomreynls <tab> <tab>23:22
apb1963I think tab/file completion is part of the shell.  No results.23:23
tomreynmaybe:  ls (hd0)<tab><tab>23:24
apb1963same results... nothing23:24
tomreynls (hd0)<enter>23:25
apb1963Filesystem is unknown23:25
tomreynand just    ls<enter>   only outputs "(hd0)", nothing else?23:25
apb1963followed by the grub rescue prompt correct23:26
tomreynright so the bios is preventing grub from seeing your disks23:26
apb1963so if we're done with grub rescue, I'll reboot and move the disks around in the boot order.23:27
tomreynyes, you're done there, i think23:27
apb1963All it gives me are manf. and models so it's all guesswork23:27
tomreynis this 20.04.0 or a newer release?23:28
apb1963I snarfed it the other day so...23:28
apb1963newer I guess.23:29
tomreynby starting at https://ubuntu.com ?23:29
apb1963errrmmm...I searched and clicked a link... I think so, but don't remember for sure.23:29
tomreynthe latest 20.04 installer would be, and the .iso file you downloaded would have said so.,23:30
apb1963I can check the usb stick23:30
tomreynnot strictly needed for now, i was just wondering whether maybe you ran into a known bug that was since fixed.23:32
tomreynoh ok :)23:32
tomreynso thats the latest, good.23:32
tomreyni think that if you'll search the web for your specific mainboard model and "grub" or the specific error message you got when grub dropped to the CLI, you'll find instructions to solve this.23:33
tomreynyou'll probably need to reconfigure somehting in the bios setup utility which is not the boot order23:34
apb1963yeah, I'll poke around in the bios... thx!23:34
tomreyndisabling secure boot would be good for starters, but from what i understand you were booting in legacy bios mode, so that option would not exist.23:34
apb1963ugh... how do I get out of grub rescue?23:35
apb1963that'll do it... exit, quit ctrl-d  not so much23:35
tomreyni think you can also type "reboot"23:36
apb1963no I tried that one too.  lol23:37
apb1963Also q and x23:37
tomreyni just did, but on a uefi system. it worked there.23:37
apb1963argh... missed the reboot,23:37
apb1963it's an ASRock Version: 970M Pro3 P1.623:41
apb1963would you like to know the microcode update?  Now's the time.23:41
tomreynnot really ;-)23:42
apb1963It was handy :)23:42
tomreynthats an AM3 board?!23:42
tomreynand it's the latest bios available23:43
apb1963so, I guess it's UEFI since this is the UEFI setup utiity I'm looking at.23:43
apb1963are you asking or did you already check?23:43
tomreyni checked. "32Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with GUI support"23:44
apb1963So now I will mess with boot order23:45
tomreynjust unplug the usb connected storage. does it boot then?23:46
apb1963This is a funky bios.  2 disk were disabled...23:48
tomreynprobably an early uefi bios, those can be23:50
apb1963It's an AMI bios... that's all that need be said.  lol23:51
apb1963Each time from the grub rescue menu I have to hold the power button to get it to reboot23:53
apb1963Found the disk23:55
apb1963It's booting23:55
apb1963though I don't know what yet23:55
tomreynit'll be windows then ;=23:56
apb1963Welcome to Emergency Mode23:57
tomreynmaybe that's due to your changes to boot order. did you make any?23:59
apb1963I had to to get it to boot23:59
tomreynso unplugging the usb connected storage wasn't sufficient to do that?23:59

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