
rxdeathhey hey.   i'm trying to get a connection to mssql 2008 r2 going using ubuntu 20.04 and php 7.400:53
rxdeathsqlcmd doesn't work from commandline, however i am able to telnet to the sql server.  it is running and in production on the old webserver i'm attempting to replace00:53
rxdeathi've followed most of the basic tutorials but am still getting [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Client unable to establish connection  type errors00:54
rxdeathdoes anyone have experience getting connection to mssql going on ubuntu 20.04 server?00:54
sarnoldrxdeath: are there any more details? check logs on both server and client, perhaps one of them logged something more useful01:10
sarnoldrxdeath: if there's nothing in the logs that's helpful, it might be useful to fire up wireshark or tshark or tcpdump and watch the connection live01:10
rxdeathsarnold: i'm able to connect with nc and telnet01:14
rxdeathand the server is use from the old webserver, so at most it would be a driver thing, but  know remote connections are up, etc01:14
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Intelo I cannot 'startx' on virtualbox when doing it by tty alt+ctrl+f2/3/4'. it says https://termbin.com/cmeq any clues?02:43
sarnold[    75.279] (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.02:44
sarnoldwild guess, you don't have a ~/.startxrc file to tell the server what to do02:44
Intelosarnold: checking02:45
Intelosarnold: I don't have that file in the system where tty works too.02:46
Intelosarnold: are you sure its .startxrc? don't think so02:47
sarnoldIntelo: check the startx manpage02:48
Intelosarnold: found /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc  in a working system02:51
Intelonow checking the not-working one02:51
Intelosarnold: both working and non working have identical files (I didn't go in depth though) but one difference is that the working one has xubuntu installed while the non working has xubuntu installed afterwards (it was ubuntu-server initially)02:57
Intelosarnold: what do you think how can i trace the issue here02:58
sarnoldIntelo: I'm not sure; if it were me, I'd create a ~/.xinitrc file with xterm    in it and see if that works03:00
apb1963Intelo, Did you notice this? [    74.292] (EE) open /dev/fb0: Permission denied03:56
Inteloapb1963: sarnold hm..03:59
Intelosarnold: how to make such file?04:00
Inteloapb1963: what should it be fixed with04:00
apb1963Intelo, No clue.  I find problems, not fix them :p   Try this link, they're talking about it.  Personally I have no clue.  https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/149985/startx-cannot-open-dev-fb0-permission-denied04:15
apb1963Intelo, And that ends my participation... good luck, I'm off to dinner :)04:16
apb1963Intelo, Last thing and then I'm gone.   "Asked 6 years, 8 months ago04:18
apb1963Active 6 years, 8 months ago "  So I don't know if it's still relevant but permission denied is often relevant.  Good luck!04:18
Ringtailed-Foxso, i think i royally messed up my install by accidentally installing a couple packages that are incompatible to the point that not even "sudo apt --fix-broken install" does nothing...06:20
Ringtailed-Foxi was trying to get dependencies to get avxsynth to compile, so i grabbed the deb files and tried to install them... and yeah, i think that broke everything.  please advise on how to fix06:21
Ringtailed-Foxthe command that i think broke everything was wget http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/double-conversion/libdouble-conversion1_3.1.0-3_amd64.deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libj/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo8_2.0.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libj/libjpeg8-empty/libjpeg8_8c-2ubuntu8_amd64.deb06:22
mgedmina wget can't possibly break apt, so that command must've gotten truncated on irc06:23
mgedminyou didn a dpkg -i or something, didn't you06:23
mgedminplease pastebin the output of apt --fix-broken instlal06:24
Ringtailed-Foxdoing so now06:26
mgedminahm hm, interesting06:29
mgedminsounds like a multiarch problem where you have both libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 and libjpeg-turbo8:i386 installed and you're trying to upgrade just one of them06:30
Ringtailed-Foxi didn't want the i386 version, though06:30
mgedminand the error message doesn't mention it; can we check if :i386 is even installed?06:30
mgedmincan you pastebin the output of apt policy libjpeg-turbo8:{i386,amd64}06:31
mgedminhuh, so the i386 is not installed at all?06:33
mgedminand, wait, libjpeg-turbo8 is already at the latest version?06:34
mgedminso apt succeeded despite that error?06:35
mgedminwhat happens if you run apt install --fix-broken again?06:35
Ringtailed-FoxReading package lists... Done06:37
Ringtailed-FoxBuilding dependency tree06:37
Ringtailed-FoxReading state information... Done06:37
Ringtailed-Fox0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.06:37
Ringtailed-Foxi wonder why it was tryign to install i386 packages... this is an x86_64 machine running ubuntu in WSL2... can it even *run* i386 programs/libraries?06:37
mgedminI don't think it was trying to install i38606:39
mgedminbut according to dpkg -S /usr/share/doc/libjpeg-turbo8/changelog.Debian.gz, the only two packages that share this file06:39
mgedminare libjpeg-turbo8:i386, libjpeg-turbo8:amd6406:40
Ringtailed-Foxyeah, i figured as much06:40
mgedminit looks like apt somehow managed to conflict libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 with itself?  don't ask me how06:40
mgedminmaybe file a bug, if you've time06:40
mgedminso "1 not upgraded", what is that about?  apt  policy claims libjpeg-turbo8:amd64 is alread at the latest version06:40
mgedminis it still stuck in the unconfigured state because of the failure?06:41
mgedminif you run sudo dpkg --configure -a, does that resolve the situation?06:41
Ringtailed-Foxi have no idea which package is "not upgraded"06:41
Ringtailed-Foxsudo dpkg --configure -a just returns nothing06:42
Ringtailed-Foxran sudo apt-get upgrade06:42
Ringtailed-Foxsaid that libmysqlclient20:amd64 had an upgrade available06:42
Ringtailed-Foxokay... this is definitely entering bizarre territory for me. never had apt-get crap itself that hard... but i'm glad it seems to have fixed itself with your guidance, mgedmin :)06:43
mgedminwell it had help06:44
Ringtailed-Foxfrom me?  not likely.. i come from fedoraland... still getting used to ubuntu's habits :P06:44
mgedmindon't install random packages with wget + dpkg unless you enjoy cleaning up messes ;)06:44
Ringtailed-Foxoh yeah.  i agree06:44
Ringtailed-Foxmy next question is.... would following these instructions be a good idea? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42120938/exec-format-error-32-bit-executable-windows-subsystem-for-linux  you know... just in case i find a good tool but it only comes in a 32-bit package, without a 64-bit version available...06:45
mgedminwhich instructions specifically?06:47
Ringtailed-Foxsudo apt install qemu-user-static06:48
Ringtailed-Foxsudo update-binfmts --install i386 /usr/bin/qemu-i386-static --magic '\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' --mask '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfc\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf8\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'06:48
mgedmineh, I don't see how it could hurt06:48
Ringtailed-FoxYou'll need to reactivate binfmt support every time you start WSL:06:48
Ringtailed-Foxsudo service binfmt-support start06:48
Ringtailed-Foxif that's the case, i'd like it to be automatic, so i don't have to worry about forgetting something like that06:48
mgedminI don't know how WSL works; doesn't it start services on startup?  would systemctl enable binfmt-support suffice?06:49
Ringtailed-Foxrunning that as sudo works :D06:50
CQhello, how can I have everything in englishon my system, and just the number formatting and times european?07:30
CQin my regional settings I have american english as the default, and in formats I have region s en_US and the numbering etc. in de_DE, but still some applications (apt, and some programs) are coming up in German...07:31
morthttps://p.mort.coffee/F5m.png Ubuntu needs an easier way to let people choose between duplicate ubuntu software entries07:47
ariejanHi, I have a ryzen 3700X + Radeon 5600XT system, but booting the ubuntu desktop 21.04 installer panics during boot on amdgpu. I have 1 gpu, 2 monitors. I'm not sure if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1926792 is related or not. Does anyone know more about this?07:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926792 in linux-oem-5.10 (Ubuntu Focal) "Fix kernel panic at boot on dual GFX systems" [Critical,Confirmed]07:50
geirhamort: Haven't checked, but I'm guessing one of those is a snap and the other is from apt07:51
mortthe entries should probably say something about that though07:52
mort(the snap listing is also wrong, it claims to be 0.18 in the description but has version 0.19)07:52
mort(oh, and the apt listing is wrong, it claims to be proprietary and never updated)07:53
gebbionedo you know if there is a way to force sound from speakers even when the headphone jack is plugged in?08:36
mgedminyes: open sound preferences, select output device08:38
mgedmin... I think, it's been a long time since I used wired headphones on my laptop08:39
mgedminif you can't switch between headphones and speakers there, there's still a way with pactl from the command line08:39
mgedminbut pactl is a terribly inconvenient tool08:39
gebbioneswitching output device does not work for me indeed08:49
txtsdHow long does it usually take for the first LTS point release to come out?08:55
gebbionemgedmin, pulse volume shows the line output (as opposed to headphones) as unplugged even if the cable is still plugged in08:57
lotuspsychje!release | txtsd09:06
ubottutxtsd: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:06
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txtsdlotuspsychje: point release, not a full release10:34
lotuspsychjetxtsd: did you click the first wiki to see the . releases list?10:35
txtsdOh I see it now10:35
mgedmingenerally when there's a new non-LTS release, there's also a point release for the previous LTS at about the same time10:35
Maiktxtsd: the first point release of a LTS comes about 3 months after the first LTS release10:36
Maikit's in the release schedule10:36
nikolamSo, is it recommended to update from 20.10 to 21.04 yet ? (Xfce/Xubuntu desktop)12:16
nikolamHave Btrfs apt-btrfs-snapshots on package install, so I can go back)12:16
mgedminhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/1925010 is still not fixed, and 20.10 -> 21.04 release upgrades remain disabled for now12:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,In progress]12:18
nikolamthanks mgedmin12:19
BluesKajHi folks12:21
pagioshello, i did setup the default ubuntu hotspot and it takes WPA by default how can i switch it to WPA2 ?12:52
jeremy31pagios: Should be able to edit the connection to change it13:03
pagiosjeremy31, issue is windows machines refuse to connect13:05
pagiosi have wpa3 does not work with windows too13:05
jeremy31pagios: Surprised that windows refuses because of WPA13:09
TJ-pagios: you're using hostapd? check its logs13:16
pagiosTJ-, not sure what it is using13:17
pagiosnot hostapd as i dont see it in the p-s -ef13:17
TJ-pagios: hostpad is the parent (project) of wpa_supplicant13:19
pagiosTJ-, yea i do havethat process  /sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -s -O /run/wpa_supplicant13:19
TJ-pagios: are you using NetworkManager to configure the local AP, or something else?13:20
pagiosTJ-, i am using the graphical interface inside gnome, the one in the sidebar13:20
TJ-pagios: I don't use gnome so don't know what it uses13:21
pagiosso any idea?13:28
JonJHello! A couple of years ago the Ubuntu shop where you could buy stuff like hats/bags/whatever got shut down. Anyone know if Canonical is planning on bringing it back?13:34
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timvisherIs there any way to retrieve older deb files for a package that's been updated in the primary package archives? I'm specifically looking for older versions of openjdk-8-jdk.13:36
lotuspsychje!discuss | JonJ13:38
ubottuJonJ: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:38
JonJAh, okay13:39
oerhekstimvisher,  go wild on http://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/openjdk-8/13:42
oerheksno support13:42
timvisheroerheks: Obviously. :)13:44
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PeanutHi! I have an issue in 21.04 with Ethernet interface names changing every reboot, making networking quite unreliable. I've tried to configure systemd to use 'path' based names, but still end up with 'eno0/1 and eth0/1' duking it out. I've removed netplan to go back to 'interfaces', with no improvement. What are the various parts of the kernel, systemd or elsewhere that control this naming, and how could14:48
Peanutone figure out which is doing these things? I'd like to have 'stable' names like enp3s0f0.14:49
sarnoldPeanut: my guess is udev rules, there (was? is?) a file like 70-persistent-net-names or something similar that usually had macs and names in them14:51
Peanutsarnold: Thanks, but that seems to have long ago been replaced by systemd, even my few remaining 18.04 systems don't have that file any more.14:52
sarnoldbut udev is part of systemd..14:53
Walex2Peanut: You have to create that file if you want it to work...14:53
Walex2Peanut: 'systemd' has its own variant of 'udevd' but it uses the same configuration files. 'man 8 systemd-udevd'14:54
PeanutWalex2: The scheme we've had since 18.04 was names like 'enp4s0f0', which requires no further configuration or handcrafting of configuration files. Is there a way to enable that again without having to generate the old 70-persistent-net-names again?14:58
TJ-Peanut: see "man systemd.net-naming-scheme"15:02
PeanutTJ-: Going through that one now. The file /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link is the only one that seems to be in effect. Copied it to /etc/systemd, and changed 'NamePolicy' to only include 'path'. That seems to have given me fixed names again, but that file hasn't changed between 20.04 and 21.04.15:07
TJ-Peanut: that has a link to https://systemd.io/PREDICTABLE_INTERFACE_NAMES/ where it describes the algoorthim for choosing, and where it shows that eno1 form is the preferred since systemd v197 *if firmware/BIOS  provides it*15:07
TJ-Peanut: in the web-link read the section "What precisely has changed in v197?" and the list 1 - 515:08
TJ-Peanut: my guess is the newer kernel now extracts the info required by (1) and therefore it is being used15:08
Walex2Peanut: if you want totally stable naming the only way is to associated the name with a unique id like Ethernet addreess rather than hardware path, which *may change* (even if quite rarely).15:10
PeanutTJ-: Unfortunately, it seems to have brought us right back to where we started: interface names changing upon reboot. I have two on-board ports, and they randomly get eth0/eth1/eno0/eno115:10
Walex2Peanut: then you have conflicting naming schemes.15:10
PeanutWalex2: Clearly - or rather, this is a brand-new 21.04 install, so I would sayt that Ubuntu may have a conflicting naming scheme in 21.04.15:11
TJ-Peanut: have you examined the udevd logs, afte renabling debug logging15:11
Walex2Peanut: because eth0, eth1 vs. eno0, eno1, is a different problem from eno0, eno1 vs. eno3, eno4.15:12
Walex2the case of different numbers within the same naming scheme can happen if the hw paths are enumerated differently, but that cannot happen if the naming schemes changes randomly.15:12
TJ-Peanut: try adding "udev.log_priority=debug" to the kernel command line15:13
PeanutTJ-: done, rebooting15:13
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PeanutTJ-: Wowk, that generates a lot of scrolling on the console! (Logged in over IPMI at the moment, due to lack of stable networking)15:16
TJ-Peanut: ahh, yes, well "debug"15:17
TJ-Peanut: "journalctl -b 0 -u systemd-udevd.service" when you have good access15:18
PeanutTJ-: Ok, got there (didn't take quite 5 minutes, took a quick break)15:23
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PeanutOn this boot, it seems we got eno1 and eth1. For enp3s0f0 and enp3s0f1, two posts on an on-board dual-port 10G X540-AT2. How would one find the original kernel name?15:34
vlmPeanut, did you try dmesg|grep 'X540-AT2' or else hardware name?15:37
TJ-original kernel names would be eth0 and eth115:39
Peanutvlm: Good one. I get 'eno1: renamed from eth0' (but never eth0) in dmesg, the other one seems to stay as eth1.15:39
TJ-Peanut: my guess is eth0 -> en1 then attempts eth1 -> en1 which is taken15:39
PeanutThe dmesg doesn't show the original kernel names, only when they happen to get renamed.15:39
TJ-Peanut: the udev log should show what happened during renaming, in detail15:40
PeanutTJ-: 32252 lines of detail, working through that at the moment.15:42
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
TJ-Peanut: search for "net_id" the  builtin that handles it15:45
PeanutCuriously, the 'eno1: renamed from eth0' does not seem to have a corresponding entry in the udev log at all, so that may happen before udev?15:45
TJ-Peanut: or the first instance of "eth0"15:45
PeanutThere's no instance of the string 'eth0' in the udev log, but there is in dmesg.15:45
PeanutIn dmesg, we get "ixgbe 0000:03:00.0 eno1: renamed from eth0", so I wonder if that's due to the ixgbe driver itself?15:47
TJ-Peanut: does the systemd-udevd log have entries such as "Using default interface naming scheme 'v245' "15:47
PeanutYes, v24715:48
TJ-Peanut: what does this report: "sudo udevadm test-builtin net_id /sys/class/net/eth1"15:50
Peanut'No such device' but that's because I have for now configured systemd to use the 'path' naming convention. When I do it for enp3s0f0, and for enp3s0f1, they both report 'ID_NET_NAME_ONBOARD=eno1'15:52
PeanutSo that seems to originate from the firmware.15:53
TJ-there is your problem then. because both interfaces are on the same slot15:53
PeanutThat's expected for a dual port card, innit?15:53
TJ-well it ought not; it isn't like dual/quad port adapters aren't common15:54
PeanutThese cards (and most dual/quad cards I've seen) are the same slot, but not the same function. That's why I get enp3s0f0 and enp3s0f1.15:55
PeanutTJ-: everyone - thanks very much for your help so far. I have to leave the office now (lockdown rules), back in an hour or so.15:59
=== MIF is now known as DarthMIF
TJ-Peanut: looking at the source-code for udev-builtin-net_id.c it gets the name from the system's ACPI DSDT, specifically the _DSM (device specific method)16:02
timvisherIs there some way to tell `apt-get install <pkg>=<version>` to install the package's dependencies at the correct version? I'm atteming to run `apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk=8u77-b03-3ubuntu3` and it's complaining that the wrong version of its dependencies are going to be installed but the correct versions are available if I run `apt-cache policy openjdk-8-jre`, for instance.16:09
TJ-timvisher: possibly adding --print-uris and --allow-downgrades and see what versions are revealed in the printed URIs16:16
timvisherTJ-: Thanks. I'll give that a try.16:17
timvisherTJ-: `sudo apt-get install --print-uris --allow-downgrades openjdk-8-jdk=8u162-b12-116:20
timvisherE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.` and I don't see any obvious URIs being printed. :\16:20
timvisherWhat appears to work is `apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk=8u162-b12-1 openjdk-8-jre=8u162-b12-1 openjdk-8-jdk-headless=8u162-b12-1 openjdk-8-jre-headless=8u162-b12-1` but obviously I'd like it to just select the proper version of the packages.16:21
TJ-timvisher: I think --print-uris failed because you'd previously had a failure to install16:32
timvisherTJ-: That makes sense.16:33
TJ-timvisher: as it stands apt doesn't have a way to do what you want with dependencies, but it is a valid use-case, so I reccommend opening a bug against apt.juliank has been doing a lot of improvements to apt so it may get on his radae16:35
timvisherTJ-: Neat! Thanks for helping me out. What I have isn't the worst work around. :)16:36
nualauhm a friend gave me their laptop to fix… it's _not_ ubuntu, but seemingly freezes during decryption of luks disks. any clue where to go (their distro support don't seem strong with the luks-power… happy may4 btw)16:42
TJ-nuala: try asking in ##linux16:43
j5v1might be a bit of an odd question, but does anyone know of a theme for cinnamon and an icon pack to make my desktop look like older versions of ubuntu (such as ubuntu 8 or 10)?18:05
Maikj5v1: Ubuntu Mate would have been a better option than installing cinnamon on top of Ubuntu. Ubuntu MATE is easier to let it look like Ubuntu 8.04 or 10.0418:08
shushHello, I'm looking to do `tail -f file.log | jq .` in a tmux session but scrolling in tmux is painful. Any suggestion on how I can get a tail of the log file with some good scrolling abilities?18:08
j5v1Maik, good point, may have to look into using MATE18:09
Maikj5v1: here's mine from a while ago: https://ubuntu-mate.community/uploads/default/original/3X/e/5/e5fff2e827d074bc3eccf7f809683ddbf3474283.jpeg18:09
jason1234!ubuntu releases18:34
jason1234In year 2003, which Ubuntu release was available?18:34
jpmhI am NOT a docker user and do not have it on my servers.  I have a client that wats us to allow docker.  I created adocker container that was JUST Ubuntu, on a Ubuntu machine.   When I use that container on another machine with the docker daemon it can bypass file permissions because the dameon runs as the root, from what O can see.  Is this true?18:34
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lordcirthjason1234, none. The first release was 2004.18:35
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lordcirthjpmh, if the container is running in priviledged mode, it can break out. But unprivileged is the default.18:36
jpmhlordcirth:  you say "the container" - If I pull the container from another test server when running as an unpriv user how does that allow the conatiner to run priv, as it seems to? So, clearly I'm missing soething crucial here18:38
jpmhlordcirth: I would add that I literally just installed docker using apt so on both test machines it is set however the defaukt it18:38
lordcirthjpmh, I'm not very familiar with docker, but perhaps the container was configured to run priv, and that was copied. https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/userns-remap/18:39
lordcirthYou may need to create /etc/sub{g,u}id18:40
jpmhlordcirth: I'm sure that is the case. But that sure seems a problem.  If I create sucha container on MY server then go to a server that I do not have privs on and bring in that container that should notallow meto break out18:41
jpmhlordcirth: realistically it is HORRENDUS that the defaul docker setup has this hole.  Or, am I missing something?18:43
lordcirthjpmh, the default docker setup presumably does not assume an untrusted user being able to run arbitrary docker commands on the host.18:44
lordcirthHow are you allowed to spawn containers if you are not trusted?18:44
jpmhlordcirth: yes - but that BREAKS the whole *nix philosophy18:45
lordcirthjpmh, You should ask on #docker18:45
jpmhlordcirth: I lost connectin - if you suggested anything ghen please re-send18:50
TJ-jpmh: there's a difference between the permissions of docker daemon and the container itself18:50
jpmhlordcirth: so, the probem would seemtobe that if I allow a user ANY access to docker I am giving hom complete accessto the machine.  My cliet wants to be able to run a simple docker container18:51
jpmhTJ-: OK - so, the daemon is running the default way the install set it.It seems therefore that any container that is run has complee acces to the entre machine.  What am I missing?18:52
jpmhTJ-: indeed the daemon is running as the root - that's how the defaut install goes18:52
TJ-jpmh: docker-daemon is the supervisor, not the container. It takes the image, creates the container, sets the cgroup/namespace limitations, for unprivileged containers it alters the UIDs/GIDs based on subuid/subgid and starts the init process inside the container18:53
TJ-jpmh: in the same way that logind, running as root, allows you to log-in and create a user session18:54
lordcirthjpmh, If you want the client to have a container, but not any priviledges outside of it, then *you* make the container and add his ssh keys or whatever. Do not give their user permissions to manage docker.18:54
TJ-your user session has your UID/GID not root18:54
TJ-jpmh: if you want a daemonless alternative see podman and crun and friends18:55
jpmhlordcirth: the problem is  that the client is a Starbucks franchise and wans to run thecontainer that Starbucks provide.  So, making the container is not achoice18:55
TJ-jpmh: so just make the container unprivileged18:56
lordcirthjpmh, what do you mean? you download and run the container.18:56
jpmhTJ-: what I am missing here is that if I give a user acces to docker and he then choses to bring in a container that is privilged then he seems to get the priv -18:56
TJ-jpmh: you can also run the docker-daemon 'rootless'18:56
lordcirthjpmh, yes, if you give a user the ability to give orders to a daemon running as root, they have root.18:56
TJ-jpmh: you don't give the user access to docker, only to the container18:56
lordcirthLast I checked, rootless docker was a pain18:57
TJ-makes sense, if it ain't root !18:57
jpmhlordcirth: are you suggesting that I do not grant im a limited shell whth docker, bt that I just boot him right nto the container?  Actually, tat would work18:57
TJ-jmcgnh: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/18:58
jpmhTJ-: our messages crossed - YEP - that makes sense18:58
lordcirthjpmh, there is no need for them to have any shell on the host.18:58
lordcirthThey want a container, not a shell that can start containers18:58
jpmhlordcirth: YEP - that's the solution18:58
TJ-jmcgnh: think of it like operating a hotel. You operate the hotel, manage the kichen, serve the food... but you only allow your guests to sit at the table and eat what you serve them18:58
jpmhlordcirth:  and TJ- wht I do not like about this is that: 1) I did bother to test and check, and you guys helpedme gain clarity. 2) many users will not think this through and the default is HORRIBLE.  Unde *nix I shouldbe ableto give a user limited shellaccess and rely on the OS to LIMIT him19:00
lordcirthjpmh, by default, only root and users in the 'docker' group can manage the docker daemon.19:00
lordcirthSo the default is correct.19:01
jpmhTJ-: the hotel anaology does not work for me - if the hotel gives me access to a phone I do not expect full access to the PHONE system19:01
jpmhlordcirth: and TJ - so does this sound a reasonable solution:19:01
jpmhset up a new account on the server for the user. Set that account to start directy into his docker container and so be llimited.  And of course that user would needto be part of the group "docker"19:02
lordcirthjpmh, no. They do not need any user on the host, and certainly not one in the privileged "docker" group19:03
jpmhlordcirth: OK, than how do I allow them access to the comtainer?19:03
lordcirthjpmh, ssh, usually19:03
jpmhlordcirth: that is what I was suggesting.  Set him up with ssh access to an account that IMMEDIATELY syatys then container instead of bash19:04
lordcirthjpmh, no, they ssh into *the container*.19:04
jpmhlordcirth: so you wnat the container already running?  Right?19:05
lordcirthjpmh, yes, just have the container configured to start on host boot.19:06
jpmhlordcirth: I'm not thinking this well.  Given that the container assumes that he has shell access and that it was started as an interactive terminal, how do I set that to be ssh accessible to him19:07
jpmhit is expecting tty not an ssh connection19:07
lordcirthAh, I see.19:07
lordcirthA docker container that's only supposed to be run locally? That's... whyyyy.19:08
jpmhlordcirth: doyou seeanything wrong with my Kludge of an account that uses a startup of the container rather than bash?19:08
jpmhlordcirth: correct - itis HORRIBLE19:09
lordcirthjpmh, I guess it's ok, if you change their shell?19:09
lordcirthOr, actually, you could use sudo.19:09
lordcirthYou could give them access to use sudo for the *one* command "docker run <container>"19:10
jpmhlordcirth: the only reason I am even CONSIDERING this is thta the client has 200 coffee shops that are using my POS system and he wants to add this feature - and 200+ is a significant proprtion of my 1200_ installations19:10
jpmhlordcirth: what is the advantage to the sudo compared to just a login-shell that is the docker container?19:10
lordcirthAlternatively, give up and give them a VM19:11
lordcirthA VM with a real OS with ssh.19:11
leftyfbjpmh: look into lxd maybe?19:11
jpmhthe provider of the ontainer is assuming that the users will be using docker on their own machines, not a shared server I suspect19:11
lordcirthYou can't launch a docker container in lxd without the LXD container being priv, I think19:11
jpmhlordcirth: I don't understand your last comment19:11
leftyfbjpmh: your docker questions should really be directed at #docker btw19:12
jpmhleftyfb: what are oyu suggesting with lxd19:12
leftyfbjpmh: lxd as opposed to docker. If it's an option19:12
lordcirthjpmh, The easy solution is to create an Ubuntu virtual machine (with libvirt) and give them ssh access to that. Then you don't have to worry about permissions.19:12
lordcirthThen they can be in the docker group and start their wierd local docker container in their own sandbox.19:13
jpmhleftyfb: but will lxdrun docker containers - remember I am NOT the creator of the container?19:13
lordcirthNo, LXD is not a solution for a vendor-provided docker container19:14
jpmhlordcirth: what does that hive me that just setting their shell to the coeker container does not give me - TW, I am testing that idea as we speak and it seems clean - fast etc.  And when he exits the container he is disconneced19:14
lordcirthjpmh, Less ways for a mistake to happen. I don't know the security properties of hijacking $SHELL and trusting that to be secure.19:16
jpmhlordcirth: my understanding ofthe OS is that an ssh login starts the specified shell and when that exits the user is disconnected.  But that s a goodquestion - is  there a way past that19:18
lordcirthjpmh, try ssh -t "bash --noprofile"19:20
jpmhlordcirth: I'm missing something there19:22
lordcirthjpmh, supposedly that bypasses a modified shell19:22
lordcirthtry it as your restricted user19:23
jpmhlordcirth: I'm trying it - I can do the -t, but I do not see the -t taking a parameter YET19:24
lordcirthIt's the command, not a parameter to -t, I believe19:25
jpmhlordcirth: I trie: ssh -p 2323 test@testmachine.com - all works as exected I get my container19:26
jpmhthen I tried ssh -p 2323 -t .... - again- all as expected19:26
jpmhwhat I do notsee is how topass "what to do" to the ssh daemon on the serrver19:26
jpmhin fact, if there wa a way to do that, wouldn't that be a horriblehole tat a user with a restricted shell ocpuld just use a NON-restcited shell by specifying what to do19:27
jpmhlordcirth: what are you suggestingmy ssh command should be to do that bypass19:28
lordcirthAnd "ssh -p 2323 test@testmachine.com -t "bash --noprofile" does what?19:29
jpmhif you are just suggesting that I have the command - then no - this is NOT a bypass since the command is executed by the shell that has been created per the etc/passwd file - and it is my container, and it does not know what to do with the command19:30
jpmhlordcirth: it just brings uo the cotainer - sI would hope19:30
jpmhI think/believe that the command is apssed to the login shell, which in my case is the container19:31
jpmhif you think about it any other methd would mean that people could get past the use of rbash as a loginshell19:32
jpmhleftyfb: lordcirth TJ - thanks for the help and patience - I'm going to confirm in the docker groupl ut I think we have a solution19:58
nualashush: more a workaround but: open a new tmux-window and have `less logfile` or `tail logfile -n99999|less` ready to use?20:19
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dob1I don't use gnome as desktop manager but just openbox.  The problem is that every ubuntu related software (store and upgrade) doesn't work while am I using openbox. any help for this?    the softwares load but when there are some administrative task to execute (like instlaling/upgrading software) it do nothing.20:35
sarnolddob1: you'll probably have to be more specific20:36
sarnolddob1: I run apt upgrade and apt install things all the time in i3 and never noticed any problems20:36
dob1sarnold, apt and apt dist-upgrade are not a problem.  it's for example the store the problem.  when I click install on a software nothing happen. imho it doesn't prompt for password authentication needed for instlalation20:38
dob1it miss that dialog, I don't know why20:38
dob1and some software are on snap packages so the only way to install them is from the store20:39
leftyfbdob1: sudo snap install <package name>20:40
leftyfbdob1: there is no package that can be installed through the "store" that you can't install using apt or snap20:40
dob1leftyfb, ok I can use this way20:41
sarnolddob1: oh, so perhaps you don't have a policykit thing installed? I wonder if there's a favourite in the openbox community20:41
dob1sarnold, I have policykit-1  and policykit-desktop-privileges20:42
sarnolddob1: 'apt-cache search policy kit agent' will show you some package names for one from kde, gnome, lxde, and ukuik20:42
sarnolddob1: any agents?20:42
dob1sarnold, no20:42
dob1which one to install?20:43
dob1I don't know what ukuik is20:43
sarnolddob1: well, it's mostly a typo, hehe, it's 'ukui' :) I also haven't got a clue what it is.20:44
sarnolddob1: I'm still not great with this keyboard, hehe20:44
dob1sarnold, no problem :)20:44
sarnolddob1: try running 'apt-get -s install lxpolkit ; apt-get -s install lxqt-policykit ; apt-get -s install mate-polkit ; apt-get install -s policykit-1-gnome ; apt-get -s install polkit-kde-agent-1'  and compare the list of packages that will be installed; perhaps one will only require four or five packages, perhaps one will require a hundred20:46
sarnolddob1: without having a clear reason to pick one or another, I'd pick the one with the fewest deps :)20:46
dob1sarnold, I give it a try thanks20:47
unloadingHi, i'm running 3955WX on an GA-WRX80-SU8-IPMI motherboard, ubuntu-server kernel 5.11. I would like to have more control over my fans because of noise issues. In the bios of this motherboard you can enable "automatic mode", or 3 modes with no knowledge of the setpoints. I do not like that.... Running sensors-detect gives me "Found `Nuvoton NCT6683D eSIO'  (but not activated)". I tried modprobe21:06
unloadingnct6683 force=1, didnt work. Also i enabled the kernel driver aspeed-pwm-tacho , but i have no idea how to interface with it. Looking for some idea's / help.21:06
tomreynunloading: you didn't mention the ubuntu release21:12
shushnuala: You're saying to use less?21:12
shushWhat does -n99999 do?21:13
shushI tried less, but I don't see the coloring and I think less will cut off text after a certain point21:14
shushIs there a way to get scrolling in tmux?21:14
leftyfbshush: https://superuser.com/a/209608    # first result on google for "tmux scroll"21:15
unloadingtomreyn: 21.0421:15
tomreynunloading: hmm, ok, i came across bug 1858369 but i guess you foudn this one already, since you say you already tried     modprobe nct6683 force=121:19
ubottubug 1858369 in lm-sensors (Ubuntu) "nct6683 not working" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185836921:19
unloadingtomreyn: yep :) dmesg returns: nct6683: EC base I/O port unconfigured21:19
tomreynunloading: maybe you need to scan more areas with sensors-detect then21:21
tomreynor just update the bios?21:22
unloadingtomreyn: i have the latest version.21:23
tomreynabout aspeed-pwm-tacho, you probably found https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/hwmon/aspeed-pwm-tacho.html ?21:23
unloadingtomreyn: yes21:23
tomreynso you should see the pwmX FSO in /sys/module/aspeed_pwm_tacho/21:24
tomreynand you should be able to echo integer values to it21:25
unloadingtomreyn: Ye thats also not the case21:25
tomreynso /sys/module/aspeed_pwm_tacho/ does not exist, or pwm* doesn't exist there, or...?21:26
unloadingtomreyn: the dir exists. But pwm* doesn't21:27
unloadingtomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jsFgZt9SyW/21:28
tomreynunloading: there's a 5.12 pre change to this module: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/da75b2245281ec28b74117f6da219405464928be21:32
tomreyni'm not sure it's relevant, though21:33
unloadingtomreyn: is there a way to use this, and not upgrading to kernel 5.12 ?21:34
unloadingtomreyn: Because i can't upgrade to 5.12 because of openzfs support.21:35
tomreynyou could rebuild the module with the patch applied to it.21:35
tomreynbut i'm not even sure that you have pwm control done by the AST 2500 on your system. are you?21:36
unloadingtomreyn: Atm its not controlled by ast2500. But i thought it could be controlled by the ast2500.21:37
tomreynif that's switchable it's most certainly switchable in bios21:38
unloadingtomreyn: Well in bios there is only the option to switch fancontrol to automatic. Nothing more is given, just automatic mode. Or manual, than you can set 3 setpoints for low,medium,high fan rpm.21:40
tomreynand there are no fan control options in the bmc, i assume?21:41
unloadingtomreyn: Yes21:41
tomreynthen i wouldn't expect the fans tto be controlled by the ast2500 on this system21:42
tomreynmaybe the folks in ##hardware would know better, though21:42
unloadingtomreyn: k maybe i can ask there21:42
unloadingtomreyn: thanks for helping me21:43
tomreyni'd also check lm-sensors for updates after the version you have now21:43
tomreyni.e. check git commits, maybe there's something about the nct6683 that was only added recently21:44
tomreynor just get the latest sensors-detect first of all21:45
unloadingtomreyn: k21:45
jjbuggleDepends: grub2-common (>= 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.31) but 2.04-1ubuntu26.11 is to be installed  <------ how do I resolve that properly?21:46
stemidhey I'm expanding an LVM on an ubuntu 18.04 server and for some reason it was created on a logical partition, on an extended partition. never seen this setup before. https://bpa.st/XHVA here's how it looks. the start sector is slightly different on the extended partition but the logical one with the LVM signature is the same. so I guess that's fine right?21:46
stemidfdisk did find the LVM signature and kept it.21:47
tomreynjjbuggle: which ubuntu release is this? you seem to be mixing packages from different releases21:49
jjbuggletomreyn: I'm on xubuntu 20.04, an upgrade from 18.04.  Clean install of 18.04, with 10+ year old /home.    That's it21:50
tomreynjjbuggle: how did you upgrade?21:50
jjbuggletomreyn: hmmm, I don't remember.  But I usually follow the release notes instructions.  Probably used the graphical upgrade tool.  I think I did do that21:51
jjbuggleI think the only funny thing I did, was flip a setting, whatever, that made it do the upgrade when the release came out, rather than waiting for the point release which is when LTS usually upgrades21:52
tomreynjjbuggle: if running this seems safe to you, please do:  sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1; sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog21:52
tomreynjjbuggle: so you did an unsupported upgrade, i see.21:53
jjbuggleI mean, unsupported, but, still following the official release notes, so....21:54
tomreynif the above commands seem scary, try running those that seem safe one by one, and report both the full command you ran, and it's full output, incl. watrnings / errors, on a pastebin21:55
jjbuggleit did seem scary, but I looked through it.21:56
tomreynstemid: your paste says "Before delete/create" and "After", but you're not telling what you changed exactly.21:57
tomreynjjbuggle: what does this report?    apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'21:58
tomreyn(on a pastebin)21:58
jjbuggledamn, I have to run actually.  my current work around was to just uncheck the grub stuff21:58
stemidtomreyn: nevermind, it worked. and also there were fs errors so had to run fsck -yf which is probably why the fs was remounted as ro in the first place. solved now.22:00
jjbuggletomreyn: fwiw: https://termbin.com/q3gf22:00
jjbuggleok, I really have to go.  Thanks for your help!22:01
tomreynyou're welcome22:02
tomreynstemid: the partitioning tool you used there seems to have moved the start of the extended area to the front, which could be fine, since it does not overlap with the regular / primary partition area. it also seems to have extended the extended area to towards the end. it also increased the extended partion which contains your LVM PV, but did not move this partition within the extended area, so that you now have a bit of slack space at the22:08
tomreynbeginning of the xtended area.22:08
tomreyn(but so little it probably won't do harm)22:08
tomreynstemid: whether or not the LVM PV was also grown can't be told based on the output you provided so far.22:09
tomreyn("sudo pvs" could tell)22:09
stemidwell it did grow. it's solvd now.22:24
stemidI just wasn't used to the setup of having a logical partition in an extended one. and the start sector changing made me concerned.22:24
stemidand the paste was pretty clear, it goes from one size to another.22:24
Deano59in debian, you install zram-tools but in ubuntu you install zram-config - debian is under /etc/default/zram-tools but I can't find it under ubuntu?22:42
Deano59brb, gonna google.22:43
sarnoldDeano59: they're both in universe, why prefer one over the other?22:43
Deano59thanks sarnold, forgot about universe. :)22:47
ash_worksisarnold: another happy customer22:48
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nualashush: "and I think less will cut off text after a certain point" i dont think i have experienced this. do you mean horizontally? have you tried cursor left and right keys?23:09
nualatbh: i think tmux cuts of scrollback (or terminal emulator, can't tell) point is: given enough noise in between i cant scroll further back up. less is more and trusty tool to examine even bigger files... since... way before i head about it ^^;23:11
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