
a1faUnsupported GL renderer (llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.0, 256 bits)).00:52
kjykjtyukjyhow to access  the pc whitout the login menu08:38
diogenes_kjykjtyukjy, alt+ctrl+f108:46
diogenes_username password then run: startxfce408:47
xu-irc6wsomeone can help me with xubuntu OS version ?13:50
xu-irc6wok so as always in linux not to many people want to help u !!13:54
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
=== luke is now known as Guest78181
xu-irc57wQuestion. Can I install xubuntu on ubuntu?19:56
Maikgotta love the impatient ones20:00
fernandobassoThe force is not string with these ones.22:04
=== tripelb is now known as lollypop
=== lollypop is now known as lollymom
=== lollymom is now known as tripleb
=== tripleb is now known as tripelb

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